Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

a highway

Glenn Highway reopens after 37 vehicles crash on Knik River bridges, injuring 13

Troopers say the series of collisions in poor visibility began at about 10:30 a.m. Thursday. According to medics, none of the injuries were life-threatening.

British Kayakers Arrive in Unalaska

A British kayak team that’s trekking along the Aleutian Islands reached Unalaska Sunday night. KUCB’s Annie Ropeik was part of a group that paddled out to greet them. Download Audio
Photo of Kotzebue. (Photo by Neal Herbert/National Park Service, Alaska Region)

Kotzebue police sergeant resigns after racist Facebook comments

Former Sgt. David "Mike" Cox's Facebook comments were made about Black murder suspects in South Carolina, according to local police.
two people work on construction

There’s never been such a severe shortage of homes in the U.S. Here’s why.

Home prices rose nearly 20% last year, in large part because the U.S. is several million homes short of demand. Builders say the pandemic is partly to blame, but the problem goes deeper than that.

2013 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Checks Will Be $900

The 2013 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend will be $900, according to acting Revenue Commissioner Angela Rodell.
A smiling white woman with brown hair faces the camera.

Pandemic makes Alaska Bar exam too risky, new law grads say

Law school graduates are petitioning for safer alternatives to gathering indoors for a two-day test.
a small vial sits on a table

Biden orders tough new vaccination rules for federal workers

President Joe Biden on Thursday announced sweeping new pandemic requirements aimed at boosting vaccination rates for millions of federal workers and contractors as he lamented the “American tragedy” of rising-yet-preventable deaths among the unvaccinated.

Legislature wrestles with rural Alaska fuel crisis

Emmonak’s state senator Donny Olson is predicting quick legislative action to help people meet the high cost of fuel in rural Alaska.   But that...
People stand with signs that spell impeach. white dome of capitol visible behind them

Impeachment: Young votes no, and Alaska’s senators aren’t likely to vote against Trump, either

Alaska Congressman Don Young, like all House Republicans, voted against impeaching President Trump today, and both of Alaska’s U.S. senators appear likely to vote against removing the president from office.

Election Commission Digs Into Ballot Mess

The Election Commission for the Municipality of Anchorage will hold a final public meeting today (Monday) to interview people who were unable to...

Nome Hospital named a “shovel ready” project

A new hospital in Nome will be one of the first "shovel ready" projects to benefit from the stimulus package. Senator Begich made the...

Alaska-based soldier and Florida-based wife admit to marrying for military benefits and US citizenship

Jacob Twork and Eddy Carolina Cruz both signed plea deals filed in federal court Tuesday in which they admitted to one felony count each of conspiracy to commit marriage fraud.
A hearing room with a bunch of people

Here’s what you need to know about the Legislature’s stalled budget process

The Alaska legislative special session ended on Friday without an agreement to avoid a state government shutdown on July 1. Gov. Mike Dunleavy called the Legislature back into a new special session to start on Wednesday, June 23, with the goal of reaching agreement.

New NOAA study confirms predictions of massive sea ice losses this century

A new report takes a closer look at the models the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used to measure the loss of sea...

Gov. Palin Continues Last Tour of State

Gov. Sarah Palin is touring the state in her final days in office. In the last few weeks, she's visited Kotzebue and Fairbanks to...
cattle in a field

‘We’ve seen this before’: After cow mutilation, Delta Junction ranchers put up $2,500 reward

Tangy Bates and her husband have been operating their farm and ranch in Delta Junction for about six years, and she’s never heard about any cattle mutilations in the area during that time. 

Korhing trial set to go to the jury

Both sides have officially rested their cases in the corruption trial of former state lawmaker Vic Kohring, and the case will now go to...

Alaska regulators approve first license for a legal marijuana business

Alaska regulators have approved the state's first license for a legal marijuana business. Download Audio

Investigators Able to Move Most Wreckage from Meklung Hills

Adam Kane, KDLG – Dillingham The National Transportation Safety Board is continuing its investigation into the crash that killed Senator Stevens and four others...