Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Young OK with special counsel, rues ‘media hype’

Alaska Congress Don Young says it's fine with him that the Justice Department appointed a special counsel to investigate Russia's role in the 2016 election. "This is all media hype," Young said. Listen now

Legislature approves all but one of Walker’s cabinet picks

The Alaska Legislature approved 101 of Governor Bill Walker’s appointments yesterday – and voted down one. The only rejection was of Fairbanks resident Drew Phoenix. Listen now

After stern state letter and a loss, lone Anchorage pot club closes

From the beginning there were disputes over the Pot Luck Event's legality. The final straw was a cease-and-desist order from state regulators, and the passing of the club's founder, just days apart. Listen now

Sullivan calls for White House ‘discipline’; Murkowski mulls special prosecutor

Both of Alaska's U.S. senators say they're concerned by reports that President Trump shared classified intelligence with top Russian officials in the Oval Office. Sen. Sullivan said it would help if the president stops the morning Tweets and focuses on the goals that got him elected. Listen now

Sullivan discusses broad spectrum of topics with statewide listeners on Talk of Alaska

Republican Senator Dan Sullivan spoke on Talk of Alaska Tuesday morning about a broad range of topics, from national news stories in the headlines to regional issues facing the state. Listen now

Senate sends oil tax credit overhaul back to the House

With the end of session looming, Alaska’s Senate passed its version of an oil tax credit reform bill on Monday. Listen now

Less sea ice means shorter hunting season for polar bears and scientists

Scientists travel into the Arctic every year to study polar bears. It helps them estimate the population. But this year, they had to cut that research short. Melting sea ice is making the task a lot more difficult. Listen now

In first townhall in Interior Alaska, crowd engages with Sullivan

Senator Dan Sullivan said he’s looking forward to being briefed on the firing of FBI Chief James Comey this week. Sullivan said the Assistant Attorney General will talk with the entire Senate. Sullivan’s remarks were made at his first Town Hall meeting in interior Alaska Friday. Listen now

Time pressure makes special session likely

The Alaska Legislature is scheduled to end its session Wednesday, under a deadline set by the Alaska Constitution. But that doesn’t mean its work is over. Listen now

DJs discuss the sound of the Arctic at NxN festival

On the tail of the Arctic Council meeting in Fairbanks last week, the Anchorage Museum hosted a multi-day series of events focused on the high north, including artists, academics and policy-makers. Listen now

Alaska tourism rates at an all-time high last summer

According to a report from the Alaska Tourism Industry Association, the state had 1,857,500 visitors last summer -- that reflects a four percent increase since the previous year and the highest amount on record. Listen now

Senate votes down state income tax

The Senate voted against a state income tax Friday. Listen now

Sockeye fire verdict: Not guilty

The trial of Greg Imig and Amy Dewitt, accused of the 2015 Willow area wildfire known as the Sockeye fire came to a dramatic conclusion today. The married couple were found not guilty on all counts. Listen now

State gasline corporation raises specter of eminent domain

The rumor mill in the Kenai Peninsula community of Nikiski is up and running again after the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) mailed letters to landowners last week. Listen now

AK: Feeding the hungry Susitna Valley residents

The Upper Susitna Food Pantry, with locations in Talkeetna and Trapper Creek, provides food assistance to hundreds of Susitna Valley residents. While many volunteers work together to help in that process, there is one person without whom the pantry could not function as it does. Listen now

More than 200 Anchorage teachers to receive layoff notices

Amid uncertainty over state funding, the Anchorage School District is preparing to lay off hundreds of teachers. Two hundred non-tenured teachers will be notified by the end of the school year. Listen now

EPA settles with Pebble, clears permitting path for mine

The EPA has announced a new process that could let the Pebble Partnership develop a controversial mine at the headwaters of Bristol Bay, if its permits are granted. Listen now

Alaska’s income tax fight is only latest skirmish in decades-long conflict

The Senate plans to vote Friday on a House proposal to bring an income tax to Alaska. Senate majority leaders oppose the tax, and it will likely go down in defeat. But this isn’t the first time Alaska has debated this tax — and it may not be the last. Listen now

Tillerson gets earful on climate change from Arctic governments

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson got an earful from governments around the Arctic today — on the topic of climate change. Listen now
correctional complex

Lawyer arrested, charged with smuggling drugs to jailed client

An Anchorage attorney and her client are charged with smuggling drugs into jail. Listen now