Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Budget glitch could leave ferries without funding

One Southeast senator said that the possibility that the Alaska Marine Highway System could shut down this spring is an intentional attempt to damage the ferries. Listen now

‘Vote no’: Left takes to TV and sky to reach Murkowski

Advocates are cranking up the pressure on Sen. Murkowski to vote against the latest health care repeal. A Palmer conservative urging a "yes" vote calls Murkowski "untouchable." Listen now

Interior official says Trump administration has the ‘guts’ to allow oil exploration in ANWR

A top Interior Department official said kick-starting oil development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, is a priority for the Trump administration. Listen now

Walker administration appoints climate adviser, promises new policy “soon”

Nikoosh Carlo began work this month in a newly created position: senior adviser for climate. Listen now

Murkowski could swing Senate for latest ACA repeal

Defenders of the Obama health care law are applying as much pressure as they can to get Sen. Murkowski to vote no on the latest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. All eyes were on her at the Capitol Tuesday. Listen now

Transgender troops: Sullivan says let them serve

The U.S. Senate passed an annual Defense bill Monday night that includes icebreakers and more missile interceptors, which Sen. Dan Sullivan championed. The bill does nothing to block President Trump’s effort to ban transgender people from the military, a ban Sullivan opposes. Listen now
people talk to staffers in windows at the PFD office

PFD announcement fanfare is gone as dividends are cut in half

If the state budget didn’t lower Alaska Permanent Fund dividends this year, they would have been among the highest in state history, at more than $2,300. Instead, they will be $1,100, deposited or mailed on Oct. 5. Listen now

Seismic work in ANWR: Can they do that?

The Interior Department is trying to let industry into the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to conduct seismic exploration on the coastal plain. Is that legal? Listen now

What can Kodiak teach the world about renewable energy? A lot.

It's a model with lessons for remote communities from the Arctic to the equator - and for cities on the big grids of the Lower 48, from New York to Houston. Listen now

Walker to add crime bill to October special session

A rise in crime in Alaska has led Gov. Bill Walker to seek a bill in the special session next month that would allow more jail time for some thefts and other crimes. Listen now

AK: At Katmai’s Brooks Camp, tourists and bears mingle mostly carefree

NPS has recorded only three bear-related incidents dating to 1950 at its most famous viewing spot. Park rangers attribute that to good orientation, supervision, accountability of food and gear, and abundant supply of Bristol Bay sockeye. Listen now

With some sci-fi tech, Kodiak has almost 100 percent renewable power

It's like a dance, or an orchestra: Each piece of the grid watches the rest and responds second by second, millisecond by millisecond. Listen now

Fire marshal: Butte fire that claimed the lives of five girls was “cooking related”

The Alaska Fire Marshal’s Office has determined the fire that claimed the lives of five girls in the Mat-Su Valley Butte area last week was accidental and “cooking-related.” Listen now

For third year in a row, Alaska seabirds wash up dead

For the third year in a row, seabirds are washing up dead along the coastline in Alaska. Hundreds of birds have been discovered along a stretch of the Bering Sea, on the Pribilof Islands and as far north as Deering.Listen now

Beneath political firestorm on Arctic Ocean drilling, two projects make steady progress

Yes, Shell's multi-billion dollar effort to find oil in federal Arctic waters is a thing of the past. And yes, the Obama administration then took several steps to cut back on drilling in Arctic waters -- actions the Trump administration is now working to undo. But there is movement to get oil out of federally-owned parts of the Arctic Ocean. Listen now

Lawmaker seeks audit of village public safety officers

A state lawmaker, who is concerned that the Village Public Safety Officer program isn't spending money efficiently, wants the program audited.

Seeking investment, Alaska goes open source with oil & gas data

Alaska’s Oil and Gas division is releasing valuable oil exploration data from leases on the North Slope and Cook Inlet. Listen now

Judge approves sale of Alaska Dispatch News to Binkley family

A bankruptcy court judge today approved the sale of Alaska Dispatch News, the state's largest newspaper from Alice Rogoff to the Binkley family of Fairbanks. The judge still needs to sign the official paperwork on the deal, which is set to close on Friday. Listen now

As demand for opioid remedy skyrockets, police train for overdose treatment with Naloxone

Naloxone -- a medication that rapidly reverses the effects of an opioid overdose -- has long been used by emergency medics, but now it's being deployed to police departments and non-profits at the front line of the state's opioid crisis. Even with millions of new federal dollars being spent, the demand in outpacing the supply. Listen now

New EPA vetting adds uncertainty for Alaska grants worth millions

The EPA is reportedly funneling all grant money through a single political appointee in the nation's capital. Grants to Alaska were allegedly blocked for two weeks, starting the day Sen. Murkowski voted against a health care bill. Listen now