Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Murkowski irked at tariffs, and Trump team

President Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs aren't good for Alaska, Sen. Murkowski said. She's frustrated with the on-again/off-again policy announcements, and with EPA Administrator Pruitt. Listen now

Interior asking public not ‘if’, but ‘how’ to allow drilling in ANWR

At the meeting, officials said the Trump administration must move forward with oil lease sales in ANWR. About 100 protesters gathered outside. Listen now

Native Corporations ask to start looking for oil in ANWR

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation have submitted a 3-D seismic exploration plan for the Coastal Plain, or the 1002 area. Listen now

ANWR coastal plain oil, gas lease plan draws heated opposition in Fairbanks

About 250 people turned out Tuesday at a meeting in Fairbanks to offer comments on a federal plan to launch an oil and gas leasing program in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

Alaska’s China trade mission wraps up with no big gasline news

Gov. Walker and the delegation met with Sinopec, the state-owned oil and gas company that could be a partner for the gasline. But the company's president said there was a lot more work to be done on the project than originally imagined. Listen now

Lt. Gov. Mallott views growth in energy sector as Alaska’s future

Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott sees a future for renewable energy in Alaska. Listen now

Trident works to bring wild Alaska seafood direct to Chinese consumers

Welbourn and a few others from Trident joined Alaska Gov. Bill Walker’s 10-day trade mission to China. The whole idea was to deepen trade ties between the two countries and Trident is on board with that mission. Listen now

Veterans from Kotzebue have war stories archived online

From World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars and both Gulf Wars, more than 70,000 veterans have served in the armed forces. Now, more of their stories can be heard online. Listen now

Bill would increase health care price transparency for Alaskans

The measure, modeled on similar rules enacted in Anchorage last year, could make it easier for Alaskans to know how much they’re going to pay out of pocket for healthcare. Listen now

Pebble Mine loses funding from First Quantum Minerals

A major business deal has fallen through for the proposed Pebble Mine. A Canadian mining company, First Quantum Minerals, will no longer back the controversial project. Listen now

EPA administrator Pruitt pledges to combat PFAS groundwater contamination

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt has pledged action to address PFAS ground water contamination. Listen now

Appeal challenges Alaska’s exclusion of village residents from juries

The Alaska Court of Appeals heard arguments Thursday in a case that could have huge implications for how Alaska village residents are included -- or excluded -- as jurors in trials. Listen now

Social media records brought in for evidence as alleged Grunwald murder accomplice stands trial

The Palmer trial of Erick Almandinger is in its second week. Almandinger is one of several teenagers who are accused of murdering 16-year-old David Grunwald in 2016. Listen now

Photos: China Trade Mission

Alaska's Energy Desk's Rashah McChesney is in China covering Governor Walker's Opportunity Alaska: China Trade & Investment Mission 2018.

State-run raffle could be new way to fund schools

Each Alaskan adult would be able to donate $100 increments to the raffle, when they apply for their PFD. Each $100 would count as one entry. And once per year, four winners would be drawn. Listen now

Alaska jail sued over alleged mistreatment of Muslim inmates

In a complaint, the Council on American-Islamic Relations claims prisoners in an Anchorage jail are being denied their constitutional rights on observation of Ramadan. Listen now

This man hopes to bring the gavel down on ANWR drilling

If Democrats take control of the U.S. House, the fate of some of Alaska’s biggest resource priorities could rest with an Arizona congressman most Alaskans have never heard of. Listen now

Alaska mission to China kicks off with ceremony, trade talks…and speed dating

The short meetings were a chance for Alaska businesses to introduce themselves directly to what they hope will be a giant market of new customers. Listen now

Urged by Alaska veterans, Sullivan supports cannabis research at VA

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan is co-sponsoring a bill that calls on the Department of Veterans Affairs to look into the "efficacy and safety" of cannabis in the treatment of veterans diagnosed with "chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder" and other conditions. Listen now

Additional federal gun charges brought on man charged with 2016 killing of Fairbanks policeman

A man already facing a murder charge in state court for shooting a Fairbanks Police officer, has been additionally charged with federal crimes. Listen now