Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

In Sitka, a teacher wants her classroom to know who’s responsible for climate change

Some school districts don’t elaborate on the causes of climate change, while others make it clear: Humans are largely to blame. This week, we’re going inside two Alaska classrooms to learn how teachers and students are navigating these difficult conversations.

Murkowski cool to Dunleavy cuts

Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the state has big budget decisions to make, decisions she made clear are not up to her. But she expressed reservations about several cuts Gov. Mike Dunleavy has proposed.

Tourism, courts, pensions, oil tax credits: Where Alaska Gov. Dunleavy wants to spend more cash

Dunleavy is proposing to increase spending on a handful of projects and programs. They represent some of the governor's core priorities, like public safety and criminal justice, along with non-negotiable obligations, like the system that pays pensions to retired teachers and other public employees.

House committees organize, five weeks after session began

The powerful House Finance Committee will have eight Republicans — including four from each caucus — two Democrats and one independent.

Dunleavy seeks to scuttle Ocean Rangers cruise ship monitors

Voters in Alaska approved a 2006 ballot measure that put independent environmental watchdogs on cruise ships. But Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s administration is looking to scrap the program.

U.S. Army Corps releases Pebble Mine’s draft EIS

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' release of Pebble Mine's draft environmental impact statement is a major step in the federal permitting process.

Alaska chief justice calls for computer security upgrade

In his State of the Judiciary address, Chief Justice Joel Bolger said an incident in Nome shows the state needs to do more to prevent privacy breaches.

ASRC, after backing Dunleavy’s campaign, blasts his oil tax redistribution plan

ASRC president and CEO Rex Rock Sr. said: “Trying to balance a state budget on the backs of the Iñupiat people across the Arctic Slope is a wrongsided attack on our region.”

Why a wilderness lodge in the middle of nowhere became a magnet for mushers

Along one of the most remote stretches of the state's road system is a wilderness lodge that's become thoroughly popular with elite dog-mushers.

Sullivan: Trump’s emergency wall money ‘probably legal’

Sen. Dan Sullivan says President Trump probably can rely on his emergency declaration to divert military construction money to the southern border. "I've been supportive of the president's request for robust funding for barriers, fences, the wall ... however you want to describe it." Sullivan said, though he is concerned that money for Alaska projects could be diverted.

Alaska ferries freeze autumn ticket sales amid uncertain future

The Alaska Marine Highway System has stopped selling tickets past September. That’s in anticipation to deep cuts that could be fatal to the state ferry network.

Can Bethel afford the costs of climate change?

Alaska's temperatures are warming twice as fast as the global average, and rural Alaska is taking the brunt of the impacts. The costs from dealing with climate change are starting to become more visible in Bethel, a hub town for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

Rep. Young seeks legal path for CBD

Congressman Don Young is the only Republican to join a group of House Democrats on a letter seeking legal status for cannabidiol, a popular and non-intoxicating additive known as CBD.

Alaska GOP Gov. Dunleavy disbands state climate response team

Alaska Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy has formally disbanded the task force formed by his predecessor to guide the state's response to global warming.

Proposed Medicaid cut raises concern for health centers, hospitals

Gov. Michael Dunleavy has proposed a $249 million cut to Alaska's Medicaid program, one of the most expensive parts of the state budget. Health care providers say cuts could mean services for Alaskans will look “dramatically different than they do today.”

US Senate sidelines “Born-Alive” bill

The stage was set for a divisive vote related to late-term abortion, and one open question was how Sen. Lisa Murkowski would vote.

Plan to eliminate Power Cost Equalization Fund meets resistance

State senators are pushing back against Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s plan to eliminate a fund that’s intended to equalize the cost of supplying power to rural Alaska. Senators spoke about it in a Finance Committee meeting Monday.

Gov. Dunleavy opens door to megaprojects with order

Gov. Mike Dunleavy rescinded seven administrative orders last week enacted by his predecessor, Bill Walker. They include an order that halted state spending on six infrastructure projects.
Capitol Steps

Native Vietnam vets get another chance to claim 160 acres

Congress passed a sweeping public lands bill that includes a provision allowing Alaska Native veterans of the Vietnam War era apply for land allotments. Critics worry about a land grab.

As Dunleavy defends budget, nonpartisan analyst questions whether it was designed ‘to create chaos’

While lawmakers have been hearing a lot of criticism of the budget, Gov. Michael Dunleavy said he heard good things in a visit to Mat-Su Borough and Anchorage last weekend.