Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Dunleavy fires head of state oil and gas watchdog agency

In a letter sent Tuesday, the governor informed Hollis French he is "immediately" being removed from his position as chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Fairbanks City Council passes contentious non-discrimination ordinance

Fairbanks now has a law that prohibits discrimination in businesses, rentals and employment. The City Council passed a non-discrimination ordinance Monday after two hours of public hearing and weeks of work sessions.

Dunleavy defends budget in wide-ranging interview

In this interview with Alaska Public Media and KTOO’s Andrew Kitchenman, Alaska Gov. Michael Dunleavy weighs in on reactions to his proposed budget.
An aerial view of green farmland with a mountainous backdrop.

As Dunleavy’s budget looms, two Alaskans see diverging futures for Mat-Su

Alaskans on both sides of the budget debate weigh in on the proposal to dramatically cut state spending to pay full Permanent Fund dividends.

Trump’s emergency declaration splits Alaska delegation

A close vote is expected when the Senate decides whether to reverse President Trump’s declaration of an emergency to build a wall on the southern border. The Alaska delegation is split on the question.
A photograph of homes and a big blue sky.

North Slope village tribal government sues over ConocoPhillips’ drilling plans

Along with five environmental groups, the Native Village of Nuiqsut is challenging the Bureau of Land Management's approval of ConocoPhillips' exploratory drilling plans this winter in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

In speech to JBER troops, Trump praises Alaska, military and Dunleavy

Returning to Washington D.C. from peace talks in Vietnam, the president gave a 20-minute speech, his first in-person address in Alaska.

Dividend paybacks meet opposition in public testimony

While a majority spoke out against Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s legislation to pay back permanent fund dividend cuts from the last three years, others said PFDs should never have been cut in the first place.

Senate bill prods EPA on PFAS contamination

PFAS have been discovered in more than a dozen Alaska communities, particularly in water wells. A U.S. Senate bill aims to make PFAS-contaminated sites eligible for Superfund cleanup.

At Anchorage hearing, Alaskans protest Dunleavy budget proposal, advocate for income tax

More than four dozen people testified against Gov. Mike Dunleavy's budget proposal at a March 2 Anchorage Caucus meeting, with many asking lawmakers to consider tapping into new revenue sources to fund state services.
A woman is dressed in a parka and winter hat with her hand up.

‘Incredibly competitive’ as mushers begin 47th running of the Iditarod

The 47th running of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is underway. 52 dog teams sped out of Willow Sunday afternoon for the 1000-mile race to Nome. 

Proposed initiative would move Legislature to Anchorage

Attempts to move Alaska’s capital historically have failed due at least in part to the cost. There has been only one previous initiative to move just the Legislature — to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough in 2002. It failed by a two-to-one margin.

Search team investigates potential piece of missing Guardian Flight plane

According to a Guardian Flight Facebook post, a search team recently located a large object in Frederick Sound that they think could be part of the missing aircraft.

State says BP must prove more Prudhoe Bay wells aren’t at risk of ‘catastrophic failure’

In a recent order, the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, a state oil and gas watchdog agency, said BP "has no evidence that permafrost subsidence will not result in sudden catastrophic failure" at other Prudhoe Bay wells.

Von Imhof to Anchorage School Board: Dunleavy ‘budget bomb’ unlikely, but expect cuts

Anchorage Republican Senator Natasha von Imhof told the Anchorage School Board Monday night that districts should expect less funding next year, but not at the level proposed by Governor Mike Dunleavy.

Regulators: Top Dunleavy administration official can’t conceal consulting firm’s clients

Staff at the Alaska Public Offices Commission this week said Mary Ann Pruitt, Dunleavy's contract communications director, is required to disclose the clients of PS Strategies, an advertising and political consulting firm she owns.

Dunleavy announces Alaska National Guard deployment along Mexico border

The deployment is a response to President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on the southern U.S. border last month.

Murkowski explains why she’ll vote to cancel Trump’s emergency

"One can be for border security ... and at the same time question whether the administration has overreached in using the National Emergencies Act in the way that it has,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski said on the Senate floor.

EPA report shows increased chemical releases at Red Dog Mine, state pushes back

"Eighty six percent of all release quantities of TRI chemicals reported from region 10 are from the Red Dog Mine," says Alexandra Dunn, the EPA's Assistant Administrator for Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.

Alaskans split on Dunleavy PFD repayment plan

The March 6 public hearing before the Senate State Affairs Committee stretched for more than two hours, with testimony split almost evenly between Alaskans opposed