Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Alaska Monitoring Tsunami Potential

The Associated Press - Anchorage Officials at the Alaska emergency coordination center are monitoring the tsunami situation after the earthquake in Chile. Alaska Department of...

White House Wooing Murkowski

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is among the Republicans the White House is trying to work with and mollify over a pending financial regulatory...

Parnell Vetoes Bill Separating Oil and Gas Taxes

Governor Sean Parnell on Thursday vetoed the bill that would have separated oil taxes from natural gas taxes.   It was originally proposed...

Alaskans Visit Communities Affected by the Gulf Oil Spill

Photo courtesy of Rosemary Ahtuangaruak.  Earl Kingik picks up oil from the beach. A group of Alaska Natives fighting oil and gas drilling off Alaska’s...

Alaska’s Senators Split Their Votes on Financial Reform

Alaska’s Senators split their votes last night on a financial reform bill that passed 59 to 39.  Democrats largely supported it, and all but...

Gubernatorial Candidates Weigh in on Offshore Drilling Debate

The candidates on the trail during this year’s gubernatorial races are beginning to hear from voters about the BP Oil spill in the Gulf...

Governor Vetoes $336 Million From State Budget

Governor Sean Parnell announced his approval of the State Operating and Capital Budget for FY 2011 – cutting a total of $336 million. Cut from...

Parnell Finishes FY 2011 Budgets

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Governor Parnell put the finishing touches on this year’s budgets on Thursday by vetoing $336 million from next fiscal year’s...

Governor Vetoes Denali Kid Care Expansion

Annie Feidt and Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Governor Sean Parnell announced today he’s vetoing an expansion for Denali Kid Care. The program provides health...

UAA’s Ulmer Chosen for Oil Spill Commission

University of Alaska, Anchorage, Chancellor Fran Ulmer has been tapped by the White House to serve on the just -formed National Commission on the Deepwater...

Senate Looks to Rewrite Education Act

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC US Senators say the Bush-era “No Child Left Behind” education law failed Alaska Natives and Native Americans.  The Senate...

Palin to Return Legal Defense Fund Donations

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Former Governor Sarah Palin has agreed to return all of the donations to her legal defense fund that were paid...

Senators Debate Climate Change, Energy Legislation With President

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Both of Alaska’s Senators attended a White House meeting Tuesday on climate change and energy legislation.  They were among...

Dahlstrom Resigns from Parnell Administration

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Former Eagle River representative Nancy Dahlstrom has resigned from her new job with the Parnell Administration.  Parnell says he...

Center’s Pregnant Sea Lion Had Cancer

Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage Preliminary necropsy results on the pregnant sea lion that died at the Alaska SeaLife Center last month show she...

Miller Campaign to Receive Help From Tea Party Group

Associated Press Joe Miller has ended the quarter with nearly $125,000, a fraction of the nearly $2.4 million that Senator Lisa Murkowski had...

Tea Party Express Comes to Anchorage

Story and Photo Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Top officials with the Tea Party Express were in Anchorage on Monday to begin campaigning for...

Multiple Bids During TransCanada Pipeline Open Season

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Anchorage TransCanada Pipeline says there were multiple bids submitted by buy cheap kamagra potential users of a gas pipeline from...

Oil Spill Bill Gets Shelved

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Alaska’s Democratic Senator Mark Begich’s decision to vote “no” on his party’s oil spill bill contributed to the...

Elena Kagan Confirmed into US Supreme Court Justice Seat

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Alaska’s senators are split on the next United States Supreme Court Justice. Elena Kagan won confirmation on Thursday by...