
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

With new lawsuit, Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s administration escalates budget feud with legislators

“When there is a dispute between branches of government, we need the courts to step in,” Attorney General Treg Taylor said in a prepared statement.

Walker, Mallott Sworn Into Office

It was a celebratory tone in Juneau today during the inauguration ceremony for Governor Bill Walker and Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott. Download Audio

No reprieve for Pete Kott

A judge has denied the request of Pete Kott to push back the date he will have to report to federal prison. The convicted...

Fort Richardson soldier dies in accident in Iraq

The family of an Army sergeant from Connecticut says he died accidentally in Iraq this week after getting pinned between two vehicles that were...

Community gives input on Anchorage plan to end homelessness

The municipality is developing a new community plan to end homelessness in Anchorage. During a listening session held Wednesday evening, about 20 people gathered to discuss possible solutions to the decades old problem, including involving more local government and making services more efficient. Download Audio

WCA gets $600,000 to upgrade native homes in Wrangell

A Wrangell tribe has received federal money to upgrade things like heating, plumbing and roofing for houses and trailers in Wrangell. It’s accepting applications from Native homeowners through the end of next month. Listen now

Praying to see POTUS, even just a glimpse

Anchorage residents get one last look at President Obama, fulfilling years long wishes and family prayers. Download Audio

Few Options For Alaskans On Affordable Care Act Marketplace

Only two health insurers have applied to be part of Alaska's federally run health insurance marketplace. The marketplaces are required under the Affordable Care Act and will allow individuals and small groups to compare health plans and qualify for subsidies to help pay for them.

Some Peppers Sold In Alaska Recalled Due To Salmonella Concerns

Some Jalapeno Peppers likely shipped to Alaska have been recalled because of potential contamination with salmonella. So far no cases of the disease have been reported here.
Two women sit in front of a TV set and a man is in view on a TV monitor.

Bering Sea Storm Recovery: How to get Aid | Alaska Insight

As arctic coastal communities scramble to repair what was lost during last month's Bering Sea storm, Alaska Insight discusses the scope of the storm and resources available for survivors.

49 Voices: Erik Boltman of Anchorage

This week we're hearing from Erik Boltman from Anchorage. Boltman moved to Alaska after serving in the Air Force and participated in the Valdez Fly-in. Listen now

Lockheed Martin And Alaska Aerospace Announce Partnership

Lockheed Martin has chosen the Kodiak Launch Complex for West coast launches of its proposed Athena III rocket. Friday’s announcement comes as lawmakers in Juneau are debating the merits of funding Alaska Aerospace, which operates the Kodiak launch facility.

Climate Change Shifting Southern Fish North

Alaska fishermen have noticed southern species moving into northern waters in recent years. Now research by American and Canadian fisheries biologists shows climate change is causing the same situation in the Pacific Northwest.

Anchorage Police net nearly $300,000 for Internet crimes enforcement

The Anchorage Police Department has just received a nearly $300,000 federal grant to use for investigations into Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC). Len Anderson, KSKA...
a woman in a white sweater

Palin and Tshibaka are on track to lose but hint at election battles ahead

Both Trump-endorsed candidates are making vague accusations of malfeasance, despite no evidence of election fraud.

Saddled with problems, new F-35 fighter jets can’t get enough spare parts

A new government report is flagging more problems with the new generation of fighter jets scheduled to come to Alaska in the next few years.

Bethel passes anti-discrimination law

Bethel City Council has passed laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity for city employees and contracted workers. Download Audio

LISTEN: As the Arctic climate warms, the growing season lengthens. Will rural Alaska become more agricultural?

As winter approaches, farmers and gardeners make plans for spring crops. Climate change effects on the growing season in Alaska means new opportunities and challenges for the future. Will residents, even in the arctic, be able to grow enough food for their winter use?

Ask a Climatologist: April flips the warm switch in Alaska

After a cold winter, the month of April turned warmer than normal across the state. Listen now

RUNNING: Audio from Wed, Aug 20

Thanks to everyone that tuned in for our Alaska Primary edition of RUNNING on Wednesday night. For those that missed the broadcast or would...