
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Fred Meyer recalls three hamburger products

Fred Meyer grocery and department stores have removed some of its ground beef products in Alaska and several other states. The action was...

Legislators wonder who gets the gas first

One of the unsettled issues over the legislature’s decision on whether to grant a license for developing a North Slope gas line is whether...

Wind energy comes to Bethel

Bethel is getting wind energy. After half a decade of tests and feasibility studies, the city secured funding to build one wind turbine. The...

Tight funding and energy costs limit NOAA Bering Sea research

Increased fuel costs and reduced federal funding are limiting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s fisheries research in the Bering Sea and may—in...

Permafrost conferenence opens at UAF this week

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is hosting an international conference on permafrost this week.  Hundreds of researchers and land managers are in town to...

Low income home building in the Mat Su

In a rural subdivision dotted with cottonwoods and willows on the outskirts of Wasilla, a four bedroom home is nearly complete. On the surface,...

Dungeness crab season off to a fast start in Southeast

Southeast’s commercial Dungeness crab fishery is off to a strong start and the fleet will have another month and half for this summer’s season....

Haines swimmer hopes to go to Beijing

A graduate of Haines High school is preparing to compete in the Olympic swimming trials at the end of the week in Nebraska. Genny...

A son's tribute to his parents produces park sculpture

Photo by Kristin Spack, KSKA - Anchorage As of yesterday afternoon, Anchorage has a new sculpture gracing a downtown park. The "Flight of the...

Near-fatal bear attack in Anchorage prompts outcry, discussion

An Anchorage teenager was scheduled for more surgery today to treat extensive wounds from a bear attack in the city's Bicentennial Park this weekend....

Lawsuit filed to protect Beluga population

Trustees for Alaska filed a lawsuit today in Washington, DC over the delay in moving forward with an Endangered Species Act listing for the...

Fairbanks extends energy emergency funding and research

The Fairbanks Borough Assembly has extended emergency funding aimed at solving the local energy crisis. The emergency ordinance, originally passed last month, was scheduled...

Kodiak hosts meeting for Exxon 'Valdez' claimant education

The first of several meetings with plaintiffs in the aftermath of last week's Supreme Court decision in the Exxon Valdez oil spill punitive damages...

Denali opens $10 million revamped visitor's center

Denali National Park has opened a new earth-friendly version of the Eielson Visitor Center. The facility at mile 66 of the Park Road replaces...

Alaskan orchestra plays musical bars behind bars

There's an orchestra in Eagle River quite literally unlike any other in the world. They're grown women, and perform music at a mostly amateur...

Alaska joins U.S. as 49th State — 50 years ago today

It's one of the classic, sepia-tinted images of Alaska history: smiling Alaskans holding up newspapers bearing the large, bold headline "WE'RE IN" That moment...

US Supreme Court will take up Kensington Mine evironmental case

Oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court could take place as early as  January on the Kensington Gold Mine’s tailings plan. The high court...

Alaska senators look for tax break for commercial fishermen

Commercial fishermen around the country would receive a tax credit to help cover high fuel prices under legislation introduced this week by Alaska’s senators....

Governor Palin's visit to Homer dominated by Exxon Valdez ruling

The Governor went to Homer yesterday for a bill signing, and arrived in a community still reeling from this week's Supreme Court Exxon Valdez...