
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Tlingit weavers reconnect with goat hair

For Tlingits, the art of weaving goat wool into their ceremonial blankets, robes, and tunics have long been a way to connect to spirit...

Sitka goes green – literally

Bicycle-friendly Sitka is gearing up to become garden friendly. The 2008 Sitka Health Summit – which last year made bicycle-friendliness a priority – has...

Softball in Kodiak hits a rough patch

Every Sunday, softball enthusiasts meet up at Baranof Field in Kodiak for a pick-up game. But with interest waning, the future of the sport...

State Supreme Court gives thumbs up to the Clean Water Initiative

Voters will have the final word on an initiative that would set water standards for the mining industry in the state.  The State Supreme...

Poking around a Navy spy ship

Juneau residents got a chance this week to board a Navy spy ship. The Ocean Survey Vessel “Bold” is parked at the Coast Guard...

Board of Game to use means testing for Tier 2 subsistence permits

A Superior court decision has cleared the way for the state Board of Game to use income as part of the criteria used for...

Creepy-crawly workers tops in their field

A business in Kodiak uses a unique method to prepare hunters’ big game trophies. The company, which has 50-thousand workers, would be the island’s...

US House voted to continue cold-weather training for Alaska Coast Guard

Alaska-based Coast Guardsmen will continue to receive cold-weather survival training under a bill passed this spring by the US House of Representatives. The bill...

What it takes to conquer Mount Marathon

Alaska's top trail runners are gearing up for one of the toughest challenges of the season: the Mount Marathon race in Seward. The course...

Valley home project demands participants pick up hammers

The eight nearly completed houses on the outskirts of Wasilla look like most subdivision construction sites. But there's a difference. This home...

Wildfire threatens Anchorage

Fire crews in Anchorage are battling a wild fire that broke out today in a wooded area south of Tudor road. The blaze...

Adak running dangerously low on fuel

The city of Adak is running out of fuel to run their electrical generators.  Adak City Manager Steven Hines says this morning they had...

Ted Stevens and Sarah Palin join forces on energy plan

Senator Ted Stevens had a joint news conference with Governor Sarah Palin today to promote the energy plan put forward by Republicans in Congress,...

Mark Begich trots out his own energy plan

Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich is hoping to be Steven's democratic opponent in the general election. And he has his own national energy plan. Much...

Fred Meyer pulls suspect beef off its shelves

Fred Meyer stores in Alaska have pulled certain packages of ground beef from their shelves as a precaution after cases of E Coli in...

Pilot error led to deadly crash in downtown Sitka

A deadly plane crash in downtown Sitka almost a year ago was the result of pilot error. The National Transportation Safety Board yesterday released...

Citizens' groups sue cruise ship companies

Two citizen’s groups will sue a number of cruise ship companies for failing to comply with the state’s Cruise Ship Law, passed by voter...

Copper River reds continue weak run

The sockeye return on the Copper River continues to come in weaker than forecast.  That’s shut down commercial fishing on the Delta near Cordova,...

Kodiak non-profit takes on ocean garbage problem

A constant flow of ocean garbage washes up on beaches worldwide. In Alaska, the trash fouls coastlines and interferes with wildlife habitat. A non-profit in...

IFA decides not to cut service

The Inter-Island Ferry Authority will plug a million-dollar hole by seeking additional funds, not cutting service.  The authority’s board of directors decided yesterday to...