
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

State spending on schools aiming for $100/student-year increase

The House Majority is holding on to a bill that would change the way the state's public schools are funded until members can come...

State Asks Court for More Time on Adoption Case

The state on Monday asked the Alaska Supreme Court for more time in a case involving the adoption of a Yup’ik child, a case that tribes say will determine how the Indian Child Welfare Act, or ICWA, will be implemented in Alaska, and show whether Governor Bill Walker is serious about campaign pledges he made to work cooperatively with tribes.

Birchwood fatal plane crash

Birchwood light plane crash results in one fatality.

State Prosecutors Target Range of Child Sex Abuse Offenses in Round of Convictions

Four cases ended Friday with convictions for three men, part of the state's efforts to go after more offenders for a wider range of abuses.

State’s National Parks Close Due To Shutdown

The shutdown of much of the federal government has closed National Parks. In Interior and Northern Alaska, that means just a few staff remaining on to carry out essential work. Download Audio

Wood Bison Arrive on the Kuskokwim

North America’s largest land animal has made it to the Kuskokwim. Most of the wood bison released in early April are still in the area around Shageluk, but one group of twenty-five broke off to explore southward and have scattered over an 80-mile area. One of the larger groups can be seen in the area around Holy Cross while one lone wanderer was seen in the area between Aniak and Kalskag.

Governor would not veto legislative session move to Anchorage

The Governor's comments came in a news conference this afternoon – just after the House State Affairs Committee held a two-hour hearing on legislation...

Empty Westside seat attracts three hopefuls

With Anchorage Assembly member Dan Sullivan having served the maximum allowed three consecutive terms, his West Anchorage seat becomes open. Today we look...
a rescue

Taiwan is hit by its strongest earthquake in nearly 25 years

At least nine people died in the 7.4 magnitude quake, which collapsed buildings and created a tsunami that washed ashore in southern Japan.

Recent Fatalities Fraw Crowd to Highway Gathering

Photo by Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage The number of deaths this year on the Seward Highway between Potter Marsh to Girdwood produced a standing...

Shell’s Fennica Sets Sail for Alaska

Police disbanded the protest late this afternoon, and the Fennica set sail for Alaska. But not before a federal judge found Greenpeace in contempt for blocking the path of an Arctic-bound drilling vessel. Download Audio

UA Regents defer consideration of Haines timber sale plan

The University of Alaska Board of Regents is delaying a decision on whether to approve the plan for a Chilkat Valley timber sale. Listen now

Talk of Alaska: The 2023 wildfire season

People without an idea of where they would sleep, stay safe, cook or have access to bathroom facilities or running water, were made to leave the Sullivan Arena. Many of them will have no choice but to camp in area parks in the city. Why did the Sullivan close and what is the plan to address the needs of those who are without housing before next winter? We’ll talk with city leaders to find out on this Talk of Alaska.

Senior Agriculture Official Touring Southeast Alaska

A senior official with the U.S. Department of Agriculture is touring Southeast Alaska this week. KRBD’s Deanna Garrison sat down with the Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and the Environment during his visit to Ketchikan on Monday.

Republican Talerico falls one vote short of becoming House speaker

The vote was the latest action in a stalemate that’s preventing Alaska’s House of Representatives from beginning work this session.

Anchorage economy fairly stable in the midst of national recession

In 2009, many describing the Anchorage economy embraced one comment over all others, "Flat is good." Seeking a year-end appraisal of the Anchorage's...

Land Trust For Alaska Tribes Is A Popular Concept

At a wide ranging press conference during day three of the NCAI gathering in Anchorage today, BIA Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin Washburn said the concept of taking land into trust for Alaska tribes is a popular one. Download Audio
An Alaska native teen with a black mask getting vaccinated

Alaska health officials: Kids 12 to 15 are on cusp of vaccine eligibility

Health experts shared the information with school officials and administrators as they prepare for the end of the school year.

Raptor Center Releases Eagles

The Alaska Raptor Center released four eagles last weekend – three juveniles and an adult. Releasing four at a time is fairly rare....

Bering storm skips Unalaska, topples Atka playground

The storm that meteorologists warned could be bigger than 2014's Typhoon Nuri turned out to be less severe than predicted. At least in Unalaska.