
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Scientists Search For Reason Of Cook Inlet Beluga Decline

Scientists studying Cook Inlet Belugas have watched the dramatic decline of their numbers from 1,300 in the 1970s to only 300 now. Biologists, state and federal officials, commercial fishermen and oil and gas developers all speculate about why the belugas haven't rebounded after they were put on the endangered species list in 2008. But there are no concrete answers.

Sequester Will Likely Affect Military Spending In Alaska

Unless Congress creates and agrees to a viable plan to reduce trillions of dollars from the deficit, the federal government will face massive cuts January second. The cuts, known as the sequester, will slash $1.2 trillion from federal agencies.

Officials Ask For Patience In Storm Clean Up

The aftermath of Tuesday’ windstorm in Anchorage is evident all over city streets and backyards. Tree services are working overtime to deal with emergency situations first, such as trees on housetops, or tangled in power lines, before they tackle less dangerous downed trees. Many city residents are still waiting for the chipper to arrive, but state and city officials are advising them to be patient.

US, Russia Work To Preserve Natural, Cultural Heritage of Beringia

When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in Vladivostok this weekend for APEC—the Asia-Pacific Economic Coöperation summit—she’ll have an agenda focused on a rising China, a troubled Syria, and issues with Iran.

Brown Bear Bites Teenage Tourist Near Sitka

An 18-year-old Vancouver, BC, resident suffered minor injuries after being attacked by a brown bear sow on a popular trail near Sitka.

Downtown Flagpole Snaps During Storm, Reveals Time Capsule

A very special flagpole snapped during the big storm in downtown Anchorage Tuesday night. The 110-foot Sitka spruce log pole was sent up to the citizens of Anchorage from the city of Ketchikan in 1999, according to a plaque found at the veteran's memorial on the Delaney park strip where it stood. The wind sheered the pole at the base.

Parnell Keeps Text Messages Secret

Governor Parnell’s staff is standing by a decision not to preserve or make public any information sent as text messages – from one cell phone to another. The practice was revealed a month ago in a story done by the Anchorage Daily News in which a former Parnell employee charged that text messages were used to avoid public disclosure of what might otherwise be available for scrutiny.

Thousands Remain Without Power Following Tuesday Wind Storm

Thursday morning thousands of people in Anchorage and the surrounding areas woke up to a second day without power, after Tuesday's major windstorm.

Grant Takes Over Atka, Nikolski Flights

Grant Aviation’s new flight service to Atka and Nikolski got off to a smooth start on Monday. The airline is taking over the routes from PenAir, which served the communities for more than a decade.

Thousands of Anchorage Residents Without Power

Last night Anchorage residents experienced extremely high winds resulting in tree loss and structural damage to homes, but the distribution was erratic.

Cost Will Play Major Part in Beluga Recovery Plan Success

Because the Cook Inlet whales are listed as Endangered, the Endangered Species Act mandates that critical habitat be identified and a recovery plan must be developed

Most Outlying Areas Avoid Much Storm Damage

Most of the areas surrounding Anchorage seem to have avoided serious damage from last night’s wind storm. Matanuska Susitna Borough deputy emergency services director Casey Cook says the Borough got “some wind and rain” but not much else. Seward, Girdwood and Whittier also fared relatively well.

500 Delta Homes Still Without Power

About 500 homes in the Delta Junction area were still without power this afternoon, more than 18 hours after high winds gusting to 76 miles per hour pounded the area Tuesday night.

School Cancellation Causes Students To Miss Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Lecture

Because of Tuesday night’s windstorm in Anchorage, hundreds of middle and high school students in the city missed the opportunity to hear Justice Sandra Day O’Connor speak Wednesday. The retired Supreme Court Justice is in town to talk about her life and promote a civics education program she established. iCivics offers games that teach students how the court system and other branches of government work.

Coast Guard Recovers Drifting Weather Buoy

This time, it’s the story of the buoy that didn’t get away. The US Coast Guard Cutter Maple retrieved the Cape Edgecumbe weather buoy last week, after the errant instrument spent six days adrift in the Gulf of Alaska. The buoy was only about 10 miles off station, dutifully transmitting weather and ocean conditions as it slowly cruised north and west in the balmiest seas of the summer.

ML&P Customers Wait for Power

Anchorage Municipal Light & Power is having trouble restoring power to some customers after the storm that pounded Southcentral with 80 to 100 mile per hour winds Tuesday night. ML&P officials say they're working as fast as they can, but some residents might not get power back on for a day or two.

Government Eyeing Down Fiscal Crisis, $1.2 Trillion in Cuts

The country is staring down a fiscal crisis come January 2nd. If Congress fails to act, a combination of more than $1.2 trillion in federal spending cuts, and the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts will likely send the economy into recession. That duo of tax increases and spending cuts has been dubbed the fiscal cliff; an ominous name for a serious situation.

Anchorage Residents Endure, Recover From Wind Storm

The powerful windstorm that hit Anchorage last night took down trees across the city and caused extensive damage to some homes and cars.

Crews Work To Clear Anchorage Roads

State and municipal transportation crews are working to clear roadways after last night's storm. State department of Transportation spokesman Jeremy Woodrow says all road crew workers have been pulled off regular maintenance and are out with chainsaws clearing downed and leaning trees in the Anchorage area. Storm-preparedness links and contact information:

Storm Rips Through Anchorage

A massive storm is raking much of the state. The storm front brought high winds that broke and uprooted trees and knocked out power in a number of places in the Southcentral part of the state. In Anchorage the schools and University of Alaska Anchorage were closed and as morning arrived many intersections had no traffic signals. The roar of backup generators could be heard at hospitals and many other places. Signs and fences were ripped up.