
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Consolidating ASD schools under consideration, but not likely to save money in short term

The Anchorage School Board wants the district administration to look at how consolidating schools could help close the district’s anticipated $22 million budget gap. Preliminary data shows it may hurt more than help in the short term.

Military recruiters banned from Anchorage Schools

Military recruiters are no longer welcome at Anchorage schools. Superintendent Ed Graff made the decision after the Anchorage Press published allegations that an Army National Guard recruiter had sex with and made sexual advances toward high school JROTC cadets.

With Millions Pumped into U.S. Senate Race, Voters Near Their Limit

About $46 million has been spent so far to convince Alaskans to either vote for Sen. Mark Begich or challenger Dan Sullivan. One clear effect: Voter annoyance is rampant. Download Audio

As Field Season Ends, Gasline Becomes Focal Point In Gubernatorial Race

Just about every major gubernatorial candidate since Jay Hammond has made advancing a gasline part of their platform. This election is no different. With early field work being done on a project, Republican Gov. Sean Parnell and unaffiliated candidate Bill Walker are sparring over who can negotiate the best deal and who can close it.

Parnell Meets With Guard Members

Gov. Sean Parnell met with Alaska National Guard members Sunday amid ongoing criticism about the administration’s response to allegations of sexual assault and other misconduct within the Guard. Download Audio

Elders and Youth Conference Kicks Off In Anchorage

The 30th annual Elders and Youth conference began Monday in Anchorage. The conference is held each year at the beginning of the same week as the Alaska Federation of Natives convention. The gathering is an opportunity for youth to discuss an array of issues relevant to Alaska Natives with support from their elders. Download Audio

Malaspina Crew Helps In Canada Rescue Effort

The crew of the Alaska Marine Highway System ferry Malaspina participated in a weekend rescue effort in Canadian waters. Download Audio

Small Southeast Community Becomes New Alaska City

A small community in southeast Alaska is the state’s newest city. A state commissioner signed incorporation documents last week for Edna Bay, which has a population of 49. Download Audio

Deadline Approaches For Fairbanks Air Plan

The clock is ticking toward the deadline for a plan for getting Fairbanks into compliance with federal air quality standards. The state hasn’t given up on getting the fine particulate pollution plan in by a Dec. 31 Environmental Protection Agency deadline. Download Audio

Attack Ads…With A Twist

It seems to be fairly universal that everyone is growing weary of the constant barrage of attack ads. To help us lighten the mood a bit as we race to the November 4th finish line, KSKA’s Dave Waldron found a way to bring levity to the attack. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: October 20, 2014

Parnell Meets With Guard Members; Gubernatorial Candidates Spar Over Gasline; Elders and Youth Conference Kicks Off In Anchorage; Malaspina Crew Helps In Canada Rescue Effort; Small Southeast Community Becomes New Alaska City; Deadline Approaches For Fairbanks Air Plan; Many Voters Irked At Deluge Of Negative Campaign Ads; Attack Ads…With A Twist Download Audio

Dunleavy Faces Independent Challenger in Senate E Race

Political newcomer Warren Keogh, non-affiliated, is challenging incumbent Republican Michael Dunleavy for the Senate E seat in the November general election. Two candidates both live in the Matanuska Valley - other than that, they have little in common. Download Audio

KSKA’s Signal: The Journey of FM Radio

A lot of us start our mornings with KSKA… in the house, in the car. Have you ever wondered how that signal gets to you? Welcome to the wonderful world of FM radio. Let’s take a little trip behind the scenes to see how KSKA's signal gets from us, to you. Listen now:
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Supreme Court denies stay; same-sex marriages can continue in Alaska

Same-sex marriages are legal again in Alaska. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the state a stay, which would have halted the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples until the 9th Circuit Court heard the state's appeal early next year. The governor's office is continuing with the appeal. Download Audio

State Disputes ANWR Boundaries

The state of Alaska has launched the opening salvo in a border dispute with the federal government over the western edge of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. At stake is a 20 thousand acre wedge of land that the federal government counts as part of ANWR. But in a letter to the BLM today, the state asserts the government has mapped ANWR incorrectly. The state says the wedge of land between the Canning and the Staines River is actually outside the refuge, according to a 1960 legal description of the refuge border. Download Audio

Air Quality Settlement Requires Review Of Particulate Pollution Plans

A legal settlement between an environmental organization and the federal government requires review of plans for dealing with new sources of fine particulate pollution in Los Angeles California and Fairbanks. Download Audio

Container Ship Adrift Off British Columbia Coast

A container ship on its way from Washington to Russia lost power overnight and is drifting Friday off the north coast of British Columbia. Download Audio

Les Mis brings local touch to global production

Les Miserables opens in Anchorage Friday. The Broadway musical has been produced around the world since 1985, but this production has local twists. Download Audio

Historic Weapons Ousted From Sitka Airport

Saturday is the anniversary of the Purchase of Alaska. And in Sitka, the site of the historic sale, locals make it known from the moment visitors step off the plane. This usually goes over well, but sometimes creates confusion. Download Audio

UA Hopes Survey Will Reveal True Scope Of Sexual Assault Problem On Campus

If you’re a student, faculty or staff member of the University of Alaska, you may receive a survey in your email this month asking questions about sexual assault on campus. The survey follows campus visits by federal investigators looking into how the college handles sexual assault complaints and violations. Download Audio