
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Study: Climate Change Hurting Salmon Habitat

Scientists know climate change is altering rain and snowfall patterns in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. A new study details how that could affect salmon and suggests what can be done. Download Audio

10 Years On, Selendang Ayu Spill’s Legacy Still Evolving

This week marks 10 years since the bulk carrier Selendang Ayu ran aground off Unalaska Island. The ship lost power and broke in half against the shore, spilling oil and its soybean cargo, and leaving six crew members dead. Download Audio

AK: Maps

If you want to find a rare book or unusual map in Juneau, there’s only one place to go - Dee Longenbaugh’s shop. Longenbaugh is the owner of The Observatory: a rare book shop, used bookstore, and treasure trove all in one. You can find everything from local cookbooks about how to prepare halibut to maps of the Great White North. Download Audio

300 Villages: Kluti Kaah

This week we're heading to the Native Villages of Kluti Kaah in Cooper Center Alaska. Mark Johns lives in Kluti Kaah. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: December 12, 2014

U.S. Senate Considers $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill; Sealaska Lands Bill Passes Congress; SAGA to Cease AmeriCorps Program, Hopes Another Org Will Save It; University of Alaska Regents Approve Tobacco Ban; Butler to Return as Alaska's Top Doctor; Study: Climate Change Hurting Salmon Habitat; 10 Years On, Selendang Ayu Spill's Legacy Still Evolving; AK: Maps; 300 Villages: Kluti Kaah Download Audio

Akeela House celebrates 40 years of successful sobriety treatments

The Akeela House in Anchorage turned 40 this year. It's one of Anchorage's oldest substance use treatment facilities. Now it has programs in communities and prisons across the state. Former clients say it still delivers a message of hope. Download Audio

Invasive Species in a Human Modified World

These days agencies in charge of public lands and wildlife are trying to consider the whole eco-system in their management decisions, and how natural diversity can be harmed by invasive species. But it turns out that eco-systems sometimes have ideas of their own. APRN: Tuesday, 12/16 at 10:00am Download Audio

Anchorage Capital Budget Seeking $350 Million for Port Expansion

Facing lean capital expenditures from the Legislature, the City of Anchorage is hoping a multi-year funding commitment can avoid future increases in overdue upgrades to port infrastructure.

ASD Charter Schools Need Facilities; School Board Considering Proposal

Charter schools in Anchorage are struggling with a facilities problem. The schools are part of the Anchorage School District, but they have to find and pay for their own buildings. And it's really hard to find empty schools or pay to build new ones. Now the Anchorage School Board is discussing a potential solution. Download Audio

Outgoing Senator Mark Begich Bids Farewell On Senate Floor

Mark Begich said goodbye on the floor of the U.S. Senate on Thursday. His six years in office end with this Congress. Download Audio

Senior Care Center Key to Development Plan

A long-range plan to develop borough-owned land in Ketchikan’s Ward Lake-Revilla Road area is inching forward, albeit with hesitation on the part of the Borough Assembly. Download Audio

Arctic Expedition Uncovers Previously Undiscovered, Ancient Mollusk Specimens

During a 2010 expedition in the Beaufort Sea's deep, Arctic waters off Alaska's northern coast, scientists discovered what turned out to be a previously-unknown, ancient type of mollusk. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: December 11, 2014

With Lower Oil Prices, State Expecting Major Deficits; Port Funding Tops Anchorage Mayor's Budget Wish List; Outgoing Senator Mark Begich Bids Farewell On Senate Floor; Anchorage School Board Discusses Charter Schools’ Facility Issues; Senior Care Center Key to Development Plan; Arctic Expedition Uncovers Previously Undiscovered, Ancient Mollusk Specimens; Former NBA Coach Leads Haines Girls’ Basketball Download Audio

Former NBA Coach Leads Haines Girls’ Basketball

Haines School now has a physical education teacher and high school girls’ basketball coach who trained an NBA team for 20 years. Download Audio

Anchorage Massage Parlor Owner Charged With Felony Sex Trafficking

Counts come after a four-year investigation by FBI, IRS, U.S. Attorney's Office, APD and State Department of Law looking into promotion of prostitution.

With Lower Oil Prices, State Expecting Major Deficits

When lawmakers passed their budget this spring, they planned for a gap of $1.4 billion. The deficit for that same budget has now ballooned to $3.5 billion because of low oil prices. Download Audio

Police: Felon Killed Prosecutor in Jealous Rage

Police in the country's northernmost community say a convicted felon shot and killed a state assistant prosecutor in a jealous rage over a woman. Download Audio

Congress Gives Fishermen 3-Year Reprieve from EPA Regs

The U.S. Senate and House on Wednesday passed a Coast Guard bill that includes a three-year moratorium on vessel discharge regulations for boats 79 feet and smaller. Both Alaska Senators spoke in favor of it. Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, argued from the Senate floor for a permanent fix but she says other lawmakers insisted on a temporary moratorium. Download Audio

New Report Questions Susitna-Watana Economics; AEA Responds

A new fiscal analysis of the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project questions the Alaska Energy Authority's estimates regarding how much the 735-foot tall dam would cost the State of Alaska, if built. Download Audio

Walker To Begin Reviewing Candidates For National Guard Post

Walker says he will be reviewing candidates for the adjutant general position next week and that a decision should be made shortly after. Download Audio