zz Alaska's Energy Desk


The Cost of Cold: Staying Warm in Sitka

Richard Parmelee warms his house with vegetable oil, donated by a local Chinese restaurant and McDonalds. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: The spring equinox doesn’t mark the start of spring

The sun is directly over the equator, giving equal amounts of daylight and darkness around the world. Listen now

Feds approve $1.7M to buy out homes in Newtok

A state official said the grant program is crucial because the erosion in Newtok and other Alaska villages does not qualify for traditional disaster relief. Listen now

State wants to stop billing homeowners for tech support after spills

On average, getting technical support from employees in the state’s Division of Spill Prevention and Response can cost between $100-$150 an hour. Listen now

The Cost of Cold: Keeping warm in Unalaska

For The Cost of Cold, we profile Unalaska resident Travis Swangel, who heats his small home on the island with a Toyo stove. Listen now

New analysis adds to picture of how belugas are impacted by sea ice loss

Researchers have published a new paper that adds a little more to what we know about how beluga whales are navigating their changing habitat. Listen now

Feds to drop new habitat rules, ending state’s legal challenge

The Trump administration has agreed to rewrite rules that would have made it easier for the government to designate areas as "critical habitat" for endangered species. Listen now

The Cost of Cold: When the only option is diesel

There are a lot of heating options. Electricity, natural gas, wood, coal... even french fry oil. But in much of rural Alaska, and even some cities, the primary heating source is diesel. Listen now

This halibut hook is an innovation for the past, present and future

Few people still use the hand-carved halibut hook. But there’s a push to make sure the tradition sticks around. Listen now

State puts out list of companies that got $75 million in cashable tax credits last year

These cash-for-credits recipients used to be kept confidential, but a law passed in 2016 now requires that the state report them. Listen now

Salmon initiative clears another hurdle

The Yes for Salmon initiative reports it received close to 42,000 signatures, significantly more than required. But a vote on the issue isn’t guaranteed. Listen now

Iñupiat leadership organizations contemplate a “unified voice”

“I definitely think it’s possible to have a unified voice but it’s never going to be truly unified unless all entities that were invited to the table take advantage of it,” Utqiaġvik Mayor Fannie Suvlu said. Listen now

Walker hopeful plan to pay off oil tax credit debt with bonds will pass this session

What the state owes in tax credit payouts varies wildly from year to year. By paying off the tax credit debt with bonds, the repayment rate would theoretically become predictable. Listen now

No environmental impact from 22,000-gallon heating oil spill in Savoonga

The spill reportedly happened inside of a lined container, surrounded by a chain-link fence and barbed wire. A state inspector is on the way to the community.

The trans-Alaska pipeline fights off 22 million cyber attacks. Daily.

Energy infrastructure is a tempting target for hackers, and the trans-Alaska pipeline is no exception. Alyeska, which operates the pipeline, now ranks cyberattacks as one of its top three risks. Listen now

Lawmakers might have more control over the Permanent Fund than they think

One senator’s lawsuit over PFDs changed the way the Permanent Fund managers can use investment earnings. Listen now

Japanese tsunami litters North American shores with 10 times the trash

Scientists estimate following the 2011 tsunami in Japan there were at least 10 times as much debris washing ashore than ever measured. Listen now

State gets timeline for federal environmental review of Alaska LNG project

The state-led LNG export project still needs customers and financing to build $45 billion mega-project. Listen now

Trump administration sued over Pacific walrus

The Center for Biological Diversity filed the lawsuit because the Pacific walrus wasn't granted an Endangered Species Act listing. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: A winter of warm temps and decent snow

For climatological winter, Alaska was about seven degrees above normal. Listen now