zz Alaska's Energy Desk


New map shows the potential future of permafrost on the North Slope

"We hope that this tool will be useful for engineers who [are] doing some projects in this area, for government thinking about what they should expect, and also for any people who live in Alaska," Vladimir Romanovsky said. Listen now

After pushback, public comment period on Pebble Mine extended

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will take public comment on its initial scoping for an environmental permit through June. Listen now

Kodiak moves toward electric heat with planned hydro expansion

The Kodiak Electric Association is expanding hydropower capacity, and offering an incentive to the borough to make the shift to electric heat. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Snow melt around the state is right on schedule

An early melt-out date can make for an especially bad wildfire season, but this year, it’s right on schedule for much of the state. Listen now

Meet the Fairbanks teen who’s suing the U.S. government over climate change

“I saw the lawsuit as kind of a last-ditch effort to give my generation a seat at the table,” Nathan Baring said. Listen now

Walker asks legislature to divert funds from studying ANWR into public safety

Walker also wants to split $1.5 million between the Department of Revenue and the Department of Natural Resources to do legal and financial work on the Alaska LNG project. Listen now

Finding local seafood is getting easier at America’s top fishing port

Unalaska may be the top fishing port in the country, but finding fresh, local fish is a challenge. Fishermen occasionally sell their catch from the docks and now some restaurants are making a point to serve fresh seafood whenever it’s available. Listen now

As Sitkans wait for roe, news of sickness from herring eggs in Canada

Typically, cholera is associated with tropical destinations. But recently, the bacteria that can cause the disease was found in subsistence herring eggs in British Columbia. Listen now

Walker admin says Corps moving too fast on Pebble

The proposed gold and copper mine would sit upstream from Bristol Bay. Gov. Bill Walker has said he doesn’t support the mine and believes the priority should be on the region’s salmon.

The Cost of Cold: Staying warm in Nome

As the Bering Strait becomes more accessible, the mayor of Nome says there’s an upside to less sea ice. Listen now
A man poses for a photograph in a white button-up shirt.

Why a Papua New Guinea company is taking over one of Alaska’s biggest oil fields

An oil project in the Arctic may seem like an odd leap for a company from an island nation in the South Pacific. But in a recent interview, the newly-minted president of Oil Search Alaska, Keiran Wulff, said the company is serious about its new venture. Listen now

BOEM seeks input on Beaufort leasing; plan still pending

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is beginning work on a lease sale next year in Arctic waters, even though the larger plan for offshore leasing is still a draft proposal. Listen now

Newtok to Congress: thank you for saving our village

The $15 million in this year’s spending bill is just a fraction of what Newtok needs to fund its relocation. But village leaders say it’s crucial seed money that will make everything else possible. Listen now

Scientists record volcanic thunder for the first time

The recordings are just the beginning of a treasure trove of clues scientists are exploring in the wake of Bogoslof’s nine month eruption. Listen now

The Cost of Cold: Staying warm near Fairbanks

“It’s something that you kind of hand down… I did it with my parents and… my grandfather. And… I guess I’m passing the torch as you would say to them,” Jeremy Eberhardt said. Listen now

Juneau schools leave room for debate in climate change curriculum

New science standards being considered don’t shy away from attributing it to an increase of human activity. But how that’s taught in the classroom could be up to interpretation. Listen now

The Cost of Cold: Staying warm in Bethel

Jeff Sanders exclusively heats his 3,000 square foot home in Bethel with wood he scavenges around town. He says he hasn't used heating fuel since 1974. Listen now

Feds take key step toward approving another Conoco development in NPR-A

If it goes forward, the project would be ConocoPhillips's third oil development inside the boundaries of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

Congress poised to approve $15M for village relocation in Alaska

The spending bill would double the budget of the Denali Commission, which funds infrastructure in rural Alaska. The commission says virtually all the new money will go to relocating the eroding village of Newtok. Listen now

Cost of Cold: Staying warm in Homer

In Homer heating oil is an expensive alternative to natural gas. That forces some residents to consider less conventional options, like coal. Listen now