Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Bill Walker, fifth from left. As a Valdez City Council member, Walker traveled with a delegation from the Organization for the Management of Alaska Resources (later the Resource Development Council) to meet with California Gov. Jerry Brown to advocate for a gas line, 1977. (Photo courtesy of Bill and Donna Walker)

Man on a mission: Gov. Walker and the gas line

The announcement this summer that Alaska will pursue a state-owned natural gas pipeline is a major U-turn after more than a decade of negotiations with the big three North Slope oil companies.

Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral brace for high winds, flooding

High wind warnings go into effect Tuesday night throughout the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage.

Murkowski says Navy has explaining to do

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says the Navy is again snubbing the concerns of Alaskans as it prepares for the next Northern Edge training exercise in the Gulf of Alaska.

Alaska emergency crews study up for nation’s first LNG by rail

Starting tomorrow, the Alaska Railroad will be the first in the nation to carry liquefied natural gas by rail. With the Federal Rail Administration’s blessing, LNG will travel the tracks from Anchorage to Fairbanks.

In Kotzebue, revenue doubts loom as alcohol returns to the ballot

Since October 2011, the city-owned Kotzebue Package Store has been selling alcohol. Come October 4th, local voters will decide the fate of the store, when they’re asked if the city should ban alcohol sales all over again.

Pipeline Promises: Alaska’s quest for a natural gas line

For more than forty years, the state has tried, and failed, to bring natural gas from Alaska’s North Slope to market. In all, there have been at least ten different versions of the pipeline mega project. And not one has come close to breaking ground. This week, Alaska's Energy Desk is examining some of the reasons why the state has struck out in its efforts to bring it's substantial natural gas reserves to market. LISTEN NOW

Walker ‘disappointed’ in Permanent Fund suit filed by Wielechowski today

A lawsuit seeking to maintain full Permanent Fund dividends this year was filed Friday – and Governor Bill Walker blasted the arguments in the lawsuit. Listen now

Unalaska cleans up fish oil spill

A forklift punctured a connex filled with fish oil in Unalaska Thursday, spilling it across a shipyard. Fish oil is considered an environmental hazard, but far less damaging than crude oil. Some of the bright orange oil flowed into a storm drain and into the ocean. Resolve Marine stopped it from spreading more by plugging the drain with gravel and dirt. Listen now

A hydro license brings district heating one step closer in Juneau

After years of waiting, Juneau Hydropower Inc. was recently awarded a federal license for Sweetheart Lake Dam. It gives the company the go-ahead to start serious planning for a new multi-million dollar hydro facility. It could power a gold mine and supply heat to the downtown core of the capital city with an innovative system. Listen now

AK: High tunnel greenhouses on the Kenai Peninsula

Alaska, a farming capitol? It seems far-fetched, but it’s fast becoming a reality. In the last six years, a federal cost chare program through the USDA means giant greenhouses are popping up all over the state. Most of them can be spotted on the Kenai Peninsula. Listen now

Wielechowski to file suit against Permanent Fund Corp. on Friday

Senator Bill Wielechowski plans to file a lawsuit Friday seeking to force the Permanent Fund Corporation to transfer the full amount for Permanent Fund dividends this year. Listen now
People stand in line, inside, where a sign reads: Permanent Fund Dividend.

State seeks to stop people from wrongfully claiming PFDs

To stop people from wrongfully claiming Permanent Fund dividends, the Alaska Department Revenue has launched a new program to audit applications this month.

Flint water help could spill into rural Alaska

The Senate is likely to pass a Water Resources bill this week that would send $100 million to Flint, Michigan to resolve that community’s drinking water crisis. But the bill could be a plum for rural Alaska, too.

Suspect admits to guilt over Facebook Live after Anchorage homicide

Suspect appears to have posted a video to social media just after the homicide at a busy intersection near downtown Anchorage.

Fairbanks representative calls for an investigation into the Office of Children’s Services

State Representative Tammie Wilson has requested a grand jury investigation of the state Office of Children’s Services. The North Pole Republican sent letters to regional district attorney offices last week seeking the inquiry.

Alaska prepares for vessel disasters

Thousands of vessels every year move through Alaska's waters. If something goes awry, their cargo and fuel could end up in the ocean. Cleanup efforts for past groundings near Unalaska have proven difficult and costly.

Westlake extends lead over Nageak in Northern Alaska recount

Barrow Representative Benjamin Nageak says he isn’t conceding the Democratic primary to Dean Westlake. “No, no, no, I haven’t conceded anything,” said Nageak.

Police offer $10K for info on suspect in homicide case

Police in Anchorage have hit a wall in an active murder investigation. But with help from the FBI, they’re hoping to find a person who may have been involved. Based on a single sketch.

Alaska Natives protesting Dakota Access pipeline share mixed views on oil

About 60 demonstrators, including many Alaska Natives, gathered in downtown Anchorage Saturday afternoon to sing, dance and carry signs. They were there to support North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access oil pipeline.
Rep. Benjamin Nageak, D-Bethel, during debate on the creation of Indigenous Peoples Day, April 1, 2016. (Photo by Skip Gray/360 North)

Northern Alaska House seat to be decided in recount

There will be a recount on Monday of the Democratic primary results for the House district covering the North Slope and Northwest Arctic boroughs. Representative Benjamin Nageak requested the recount. Nageak trails Dean Westlake by four votes in the certified count. Division of Elections Director Josie Bahnke says the recount will take place in Juneau.