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BlueCrest progressing on big plans for Cosmo

A relative newcomer to Cook Inlet’s oil and gas scene is charging ahead with big development plans, which could equate to oil production at 17,000 barrels a day, and the creation of more than 400 jobs.

As Legislature Passes Gasline Bill, Feud With Governor Continues

The Alaska Legislature has passed a bill meant to keep Gov. Bill Walker from spending money on an alternate gasline proposal. The action is part of an ongoing power struggle between Republican leadership and the governor over the state’s most high-profile megaproject. Download Audio

School Board Seat E candidates have similar passions, different backgrounds

Incumbent Kathleen Plunkett and challenger Derrick Slaughter, who are vying for Anchorage School Board Seat E, have a surprising amount in common.

Alaska News Nightly: March 6, 2015

Plenty Of Work Left Before An Alaska LNG Pipeline Becomes A Reality; Bethel Prosecutor Chris Carpeneti Resigns; Unusual Weather Prompts Concerns Over Early Fire Season Possibilities; Walker Administration Renews Medicaid Push; Radio Stations Weigh Rural Impact of Proposed Public Media Cut; Traditional Chief Paul John Passes Away; AK: Women Who Mush; 49 Voices: Wilma Distor Download Audio

Plenty Of Work Left Before An Alaska LNG Pipeline Becomes A Reality

Next year, Alaska is supposed to move forward on the engineering and design work of a natural gas pipeline. The project would cost at least $45 billion, with that amount split between the state, Exxon, BP, ConocoPhillips, and TransCanada. If the project gets built, it would allow Alaska to sell North Slope gas to Asia, and and use the revenue to help pay for state government. But there are a lot of things that must happen before the state gets to that point. Download Audio

Gov. Walker, Republican Leadership Tangle Over Proposed LNG Line

Since Gov. Bill Walker was inaugurated, he and the Legislature’s Republican leadership have traded reams of angry letters and testy press releases. Now, their paper battle has transformed into outright hostility in dueling press conferences. APRN’s Alexandra Gutierrez is on the line to talk about the disagreements over a proposed natural gas line. Download Audio

Sec. Jewell on the Hot Seat in Murkowski’s Committee

Sen. Lisa Murkowski confronted Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today at a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The subject was the president’s proposed budget for the Interior Department. But Murkowski used the occasion to bash Jewell for recent department decisions blocking oil development on the North Slope.

Walker Seeks To Scale Up State Gasline Project

When Gov. Bill Walker was elected, there were questions about the fate of the Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline project. The proposed $10 billion state-owned gasline was viewed as a backup plan to the large line currently being pursued alongside the North Slope producers, but Walker had criticized the project as being redundant. Now, Walker plans to keep the ASAP project alive -- and make it bigger.

Conoco Dials Back Investment in NPR-A

ConocoPhillips Alaska says it is “slowing the pace of investment” in its Greater Moose’s Tooth 1 project, in the northeast corner of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Company president Trond-Erik Johansen says they are “deferring the final investment decision.” Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: January 29, 2015

National Guard Problems Highlight Outdated Code; Shell Says It Plans Offshore Arctic Drilling This Year; Conoco Dials Back Investment in NPR-A; Western Aleutian Steller Sea Lions Potentially Falling Prey To Sleeper Sharks; Anchorage Police Address Rise In Gun Violence; Common Core Stirs Mat-Su Debate; Earthquake Forecasting At Kayhi; Alaska History Gallery To Get Complete Rebuild Download Audio

Murkowski Says Obama Plans 3 Gut Punches to Alaska Economy This Week

Alaska’s governor and congressional delegation are furious over President Obama’s announcement this weekend that he’s seeking wilderness status for the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. That would put the area off-limits to oil and gas development. Permanent wilderness designation would require congressional approval, and this Republican-led Congress is unlikely to grant it. But that's just the start of what Obama has in store for the state in the coming days. Download Audio

Walker Names Transportation Commissioner

There’s a new boss at the state agency overseeing, roads, airports and ferries. Gov. Bill Walker on Friday named Marc Luiken as his commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Download Audio

Walker: With State In Red, Tax Credit Payouts “Unsustainable”

Once companies apply a combination of credits meant to promote development on the North Slope, stimulate production in Cook Inlet, and encourage competition from new players in Alaska’s oil fields are applied, the state expects to pay out $100 million under the production tax formula this fiscal year.

As Walker Forges Own Way On Gasline, Republicans Wary

It was a not-quite-midnight purge. At 9pm on Tuesday, Gov. Bill Walker announced via press release that half the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation board of directors was being dismissed. And in the process, he put the oil and gas industry on notice that he would be doing things differently from his predecessor. Download Audio

Walker Purges Gasline Board, Rejects Confidentiality Agreement

In a statement issued late Tuesday night, Walker announced that he was removing three members of a board tasked with representing Alaska's interests as the state pursues a natural gas megaproject in collaboration with the energy industry.
The green squares are Shell leases.

New Environmental Review Could Move Offshore Chukchi Drilling Forward

A new draft environmental review of leases off Alaska’s northwest coast could bring oil companies one step closer to resuming offshore oil exploration in the Chukchi Sea.

Quake Shakes Anchorage-ites and Visitors Alike

No major damage or injuries were reported in Anchorage after this morning's quake, but community members said they were still shaken. Items fell of shelves and people ducked under desks. Listen now:

BP Alaska Plans Layoffs Following Hilcorp Sale

BP Alaska, a major player in the state's oil industry, is planning to lay off 275 employees and contractors early next year.

Gasline Partners Take Steps Toward Permitting, Marketing Of Project

The partners described the pre-filing as a "major milestone" in the development of a liquefied natural gas export project that could cost upward of $45 billion. Download Audio

Dems’ Gubernatorial Nominee Makes Juneau Campaign Stop

About 60 people attended a rainy campaign rally on the steps of the Capitol building for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Byron Mallott on Sunday. Download Audio: