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Lawmakers ask, who’s in charge of gas line? Walker says, I am

As the legislature closes out the first week of its special session on the Alaska LNG gas line project, there’s one question in the air -- what’s the hold up? But Republican leaders in the House say they’re not yet ready to take a vote -- and they won’t be until they’re convinced the state has a plan to take over TransCanada’s role in the project. Download Audio

Lawmakers scrutinize risks, rewards of TransCanada buyout

Buying out TransCanada puts the state on the hook for $7 billion more in construction costs if the Alaska LNG project ends up going forward. But the governor and his team argue it’s worth it to get more control -- and perhaps more revenue down the line. Download Audio

Lawmakers scrutinize risks, rewards of TransCanada buyout

Buying out TransCanada puts the state on the hook for $7 billion more in construction costs if the Alaska LNG project ends up going forward. But the governor and his team argue it’s worth it to get more control -- and perhaps more revenue down the line. Download Audio

To buyout, or not to buyout? The Legislature debates

The Legislature is meeting in Juneau this week for a special session on the Alaska LNG project -- that’s the proposal to build a giant natural gas pipeline from the North Slope. The big question before lawmakers this session is whether the state should take a larger stake in the project, by buying out one of its partners. Download Audio

Lawmakers relieved as Gov. Walker removes contentious gas reserves tax from agenda

Lawmakers are in Juneau this week for a special session on the state’s massive gas line project. The session may be a little less contentious - and a little shorter - than expected, after the Governor pulled one item on the agenda, at the last minute.

What is Alaska LNG? Part 2: Meet the liquifaction plant

If it goes forward, the Alaska LNG project is expected to cost a whopping $45-$65 billion -- and roughly half of that cost would be a giant liquefaction plant. APRN's Rachel Waldholz visited an LNG plant, to find out what all the fuss is about.
Gov. Bill Walker at a press conference in the Capitol, Oct. 23, 2015. He announced that he was dropping a proposed natural gas reserves tax from the special session agenda. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

Gov pulls reserves tax from special session

Gov. Bill Walker has pulled a controversial reserves tax from consideration during the legislature’s special session, after receiving assurances from the state’s partners in the Alaska LNG project that should any one company pull out, it would not withhold its gas from the project.

BLM approves drilling permit in Alaska petroleum reserve

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has approved a drilling permit that it says will open the way for the first oil and gas production from federal land in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Download Audio

What is the Alaska LNG project? We break it down: Part 1

Lawmakers are heading to Juneau to discuss the Alaska LNG project - a so-called "gigaproject" with a price tag of $45-$65 billion. But if you're like a lot of Alaskans, you might be a little fuzzy on the details. So we break it down. Download Audio

Walker: I’ll pull reserves tax if AKLNG partners cement withdrawal agreement

With two days to go until the session opens, it’s already off to a testy start. Download Audio

Walker, Chenault spar over AK LNG session agenda

Later this month, state lawmakers will convene for their third special session of the year -- this time to discuss the Alaska LNG project. But with just two weeks to go, they have yet to see the legislation they'll be discussing - Gov. Bill Walker hasn't released it. Download Audio

Walker’s special session comes with a surprise

Lawmakers have been expecting a special session on the state's proposed $55-billion gas pipeline project. But when Gov. Bill Walker called the session, it came with a surprise - a proposed tax on natural gas reserves held by the very companies the state is trying to partner with.

Gov. Walker calls special session on new gas tax, pipeline buyout

Gov. Bill Walker on Thursday formally called the Alaska Legislature back to Juneau for a third special session this year. His proclamation calls for considering two topics: A tax targeting undeveloped natural gas still in the ground, and buying out Canadian pipeline builder TransCanada’s ownership stake in a proposed natural gas pipeline. In a press release, Walker likened the state’s unproduced natural gas reserves as milk with no expiration date. He says taxing it serves as an insurance policy against the "significant risk of never monetizing” the gas.

Walker to call special session on Alaska LNG

Governor Bill Walker said Monday night that he plans to call a special session of the legislature to discuss the state's massive natural gas pipeline project, dubbed Alaska LNG.

From Spanish flu to the ’64 quake, AK Child & Family celebrates 125 years

Well over a century ago, United Methodist church members started the Jesse Lee Home in Unalaska for children who had been orphaned by disease or needed care while their parents recovered from illness. When the Spanish influenza pandemic wiped out villages along coastal Alaska, the home moved to Seward, and after the 1964 earthquake, it moved again to Anchorage. A hundred and twenty-five years later, Alaska Child and Family, the contemporary to the Jesse Lee facility is celebrating their anniversary this week. Download Audio

Walker to court LNG buyers in Japan

Governor Bill Walker will travel to Japan on Saturday for a week-long trip to promote Alaska’s natural gas to potential buyers in Asia. But back at home, it’s clear there are still major disagreements between the state and its partners in the Alaska LNG project. Download Audio

Liquid natural gas pipeline project could see more delays

There could be more costly delays for the Alaska liquid natural gas project as backers consider using different equipment.

State economist: ConocoPhillips layoffs have broad reach

In wake of the announcement by energy company ConocoPhillips that it may cut about 120 jobs in Alaska, a state economist says the damage will be big.

Q2 Earnings Reports Show It’s a Tough Time for Oil

As Shell’s Fennica icebreaker endured a standoff with Greenpeace protesters in Oregon last week, the company was also contending with the release of a dismal second quarter earnings report.

Blue Crest energy expands operations in Cook Inlet

A relative newcomer to Cook Inlet’s oil and gas scene is charging ahead with big development plans, which could equate to oil production at 17,000 barrels a day, and the creation of more than 400 jobs.