Alaska News Nightly: May 19, 2014

Report Says U.S. Participation In Arctic Council Lacks Coordination, Follow-Through; Former Executive Editor Pat Dougherty Speaks On ADN Sale; Crews Work To Contain Wildfire Near Tyonek; Assemblywoman Proposes Anchorage Labor Law Changes; Democrats Leave Nome With Updated Platform, Candidate Endorsements; State Finds No Health Impacts From Aurora Energy Plant; Bethel Novelist Wins Rasmuson Grant; Remembering Harvey B. Marvin Download Audio

Spring Absence and Renewal with Art

Gardner Museum Courtyard. This spring husband Dave and I flew to Boston College for the christening of our newest grandchildren, Spencer and Finn. Sinking in to our seats on the red eye to Seattle, we realized we’d forgotten all the wiring to the computer, phones and camera. Read more.

I Am A Street Artist

Duke Russell captures neighborhood Alaskan life from a unique perspective with his paintings. His artistic journey has taken him from selling sketches to tourists as a teen, to becoming on of the most unique and renowned painters Alaska has ever seen.

Alaska News Nightly: May 16, 2014

State Files Fairbanks 4 Response; Ravn Outlines Safety Improvements As NTSB Pushes For Investigation; Trial Program Aims To Increase Number Of Insured Alaska Natives; Special Exhibit Offers Hands-On Glimpse Of University’s New Research Vessel; AK: Rusty Blackbirds; 300 Villages: Point Lay Download Audio

AK: 2014 Rusty Blackbird Blitz

Rusty Blackbirds are beginning to show up in Alaska for their annual migration to breeding grounds in our boreal wetlands. But researchers are worried that the once abundant bird is disappearing, and they don't know why. Download Audio

Bug Season Arrives

You’ve seen the t-shirts. The ones with a picture of a mosquito with the caption “Alaska state bird.” Mosquito season is upon us. Join host Annie Feidt and two entomologists to talk about what's biting us. We'll also learn about the ecological role the buzzers and biters play in Alaska's ecosystem. KSKA: Thursday, May 22, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

The Future of the Alaska Railroad

The Alaska Railroad is facing new challenges. The closure of the Flint Hills refinery in North Pole will reduce freight business that has already been impacted by the price of coal. The bill creating the Alaska Railroad passed Congress a century ago this year. But what does its future hold? Join host Charles Wohlforth and guests to learn more. KSKA: Wednesday, May 21, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

A Salmon Cannery in Cook Inlet

Anchorage Museum history curator Katie Ringsmuth talks about the Snug Harbor salmon cannery. A mix of cultures and gender dynamics shaped Cook Inlet life while the cannery was in operation for sixty years. Join us for a rich journey into cannery life in early Alaska during this lecture, hosted by the Cook Inlet Historical Society and recorded at the Anchorage Museum. KSKA: Tuesday, May 20, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Earthquake Awareness: State of the Art

The earth is restless in Alaska, with more earthquakes than all the other states combined - plus volcanoes and tidal waves. The Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964 was critically important scientifically, and that science has made remarkable advances in recent years. APRN: Tuesday, 5/20 at 10:00am Download Audio

Breast Cancer and Environmental Exposure

Are there significant environmental exposures causing breast cancer? If so, what are they? Join Line One host Dr. Thad Woodard and his guests as they address these questions and discuss what is known about factors linked to breast cancer. KSKA: Monday, May 19, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

The Last Frontier Theatre Conference

It's a homecoming for some and a new adventure for many. Dawson Moore, Conference Coordinator for the 22nd annual Last Frontier Theatre Conference, joins Stage Talk this week to talk about this internationally known playwriting conference held in Valdez. There's more than just playwriting going on and Dawson lets us in on all the activities as the conference runs June 8th though the 14th. KSKA: Friday, May 16, at 2:45 p.m. Listen now:

Alaska Edition: May 16, 2014

Two state troopers die during an arrest in Tanana - a memorial service draws 4,000. The battle over SB 21, the oil tax bill, continues through intense advertising and campaigning. The State Assessment Review Board meets in Anchorage. Economist Scott Goldsmith weighs in on SB21, the oil tax bill. Advocates of same-sex marriage are in court. The state's annual Cook Inlet lease sale is held. Voting-rights advocates charge the state's translations of the election ballots into Native languages are faulty. Fairbanks four granted new hearing by judge. KSKA: Friday, May 16 at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 17 at 4:30 p.m. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: May 15, 2014

Earmarks: Congress Mulls Return of Practice that Enriched Alaska; Sealaska Reports $35 Million Net Loss Last Year; Oil Tax Referendum Groups Ramp Up Campaigns; How Much Is The Pipeline Worth?; TSA Offering Travelers A Chance To Streamline Security Experience; Clearwater Lodge Burns Down; Working Group Discusses Caribou Decline, Ambler Road; Olympic Aspirations: Training At The Alaska Boxing Academy Download Audio

East High grads reflect on diversity

Seniors from most of Anchorage’s high schools are graduating this week and next. The district's high schools rank among the most diverse in the nation. East high tops that list with more than 2000 kids from every corner of the world. Grads spoke about how all that diversity affected their education. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: May 14, 2014

Couples’ Decision To Fight Alaska’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban A Personal One; Diesel Fuel Spilled Into Nushagak River; East High School Most Diverse In Nation; APICDA Tries to Draw Graduate Students Back Home; Unalaska Tallies Cost of Blasting Issues at Wastewater Plant, Landfill; Copper River Salmon Fishing Kicks Off Thursday; Old And Bold Pilots: Chuck Sassara Download Audio

Traveling Music 5-18-14

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 5-18-14   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Spanish Dancer Emmy Lou Harris, Rodney Crowell / Patti Scialfa Old Yellow Moon Nonesuch 3:46   Like A Stone Cahalen Morrison and Eli West...

Alaska News Nightly: May 13, 2014

State Supreme Court Hears Same-Sex Survivor Benefits Case; Rubenstein Reforming Face Of Carlyle Group; Shishaldin Volcano Rumbling To Life; Bethel City Council Fires City Manager Lee Foley; Fish and Game Expects Low Yukon Chinook Run; Old And Bold Pilots: Warren Polski; Kuskokwim Elders React To This Year’s Breakup; The Dauenhauers Teach Tour Guides How To Teach Tourists Download Audio

State Supreme Court Hears Same-Sex Survivor Benefits Case

The Alaska Supreme Court listened to oral arguments Tuesday in a case that challenges whether or not same-sex couples should receive survivor benefits. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: May 12, 2014

Group Challenging Alaska’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban; Pacific Walruses Removed From Unusual Mortality Event In North Pacific; Panel Discussion Addresses Effects Of British Columbia Mines; Concerns Raised Over Alaska’s Lack Of Standing To Address Canadian Mining; Study Finds No Discernable Impact From Tulsequah Chief Mine Discharge On Fish; Banking Error Delays State Payroll; Juneau Birders Photograph Rare Long-Billed Curlew; Mt. View Community Spruces Up For Spring; Motorcycle Collisions Claim 5 Lives This Year In Southcentral; Blind Climber To Attempt Denali Ascent Download Audio

Mt. View community spruces up for spring

Things look a little different in Mountain View these days. The community in north Anchorage just finished their 25th annual community-wide clean-up. This year they were joined by other city residents to improve their green space as well.