Winter: Are we catching up?

January started with ice-skating in the streets, after a mostly snowless Christmas. What's up with that? Can we recover? KSKA: Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016 @ 2 pm and 8 pm LISTEN NOW
APD Chief Chris Tolley

APD Chief Chris Tolley takes your questions

APD Chief Chris Tolley joins Hometown Alaska to share experiences from his first months on the job and what's ahead. KSKA: Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 2 pm and 8 pm LISTEN NOW

We’re “all ears” on Hometown Alaska this week

We are back with both hosts sharing the mic this week, getting program ideas and feedback from Hometown Alaska listeners. Join us! LISTEN NOW

Schools: What’s working

This week Hometown Alaska visits with Anchorage School District personnel: a principal, a teacher and a counselor/coordinator, (and if we are lucky, a few students) to hear about programs that work, how and why. KSKA: Wednesday, Feb. 17 @ 2:00 pm and 8 pm. LISTEN NOW

Wisdom and voices

Delivering babies in the Aleutians? A successful entrepreneur with enviable work/life balance? A city planner with more than one next chapter? A songstress and cultural activist? Meet these Hall of Famers, soak up their stories. KSKA: Wednesday, March 2 @ 2:00 pm and 8:pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Preparing for extreme spring fire danger

The strange winter we've had has already spawned wild fires, as early as February. We could be facing a dangerous spring and, depending on the weather, a smoky summer. On this edition of Hometown Alaska, we hear from experts on the wildfire situation in Alaska, fire weather, and the practical steps you can take to protect your property from fire. KSKA: Wednesday, March 9, at 2 and 8 p.m. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Choosing Alaska’s judges

Alaska is now selecting a new state Supreme Court justice. Will Alaska's process look and sound anything like the current national debate on replacing Antonin Scalia for the U.S. Supreme Court? Tune in to find out. KSKA-FM: Wednesday, March 16 @ 2:00 pm and 8 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Get gardening!

Time to get dirt under your fingernails. Tune in for a splash of summer gardening inspiration and information from local experts. KSKA: Wednesday, March 30 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Crack of the bat!

Ready for summer baseball? Hear the rich story of the game in Alaska when public historian Katie Ringsmuth shares history and surprising cultural trends that came north with the game. KSKA: Wednesday April 6 @ 2:00 and 8:00 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Loussac Library, library, Anchorage

Z.J. Loussac Library and it’s Future

KSKA: Wednesday April 13 @ 2:00 and 8:00 pm The Loussac Library is getting a major remodel, fixing those problematic stairs, and much more. What is the purpose of a library in an age where you can find out almost anything with your phone? We'll find out what's in store for the library, and find out how the library is fitting into the new ways we get information. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Finding a lawyer: What are the options?

KSKA: Wednesday, April 20 at 2 pm and 8 pm. Finding a good lawyer when you need one is the topic for Justice Alaska, a once-a-month special edition of Hometown Alaska. Justice Alaska aims to give citizens a clearer understanding of how our courts, our laws and our system of justice works. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Loon love and lore

KSKA: Wednesday, April 27 at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. Have you heard the tremelo, the wail, the yodel or the hoot of a Common Loon? Join us to hear them, and for updates on the Conner's Bog Loon Cam, and more. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Urban Native Life

KSKA: Wednesday, May 04 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm Many Alaska Natives live in urban areas far from the places at the core of Native cultures-- the rural communities with open lands, fish and wildlife. On the next Hometown Alaska we'll talk about the Alaska Native identity here in Anchorage-- corporate, tribal, traditional and modern. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

VA Health Care

KSKA: Wednesday May 11 @ 2:00 and 8:00 We'll have a top VA official visiting from Washington to talk about how VA care is supposed to work for Alaskans, and what the agency is doing about fixing the problems. This will be an opportunity for listeners to contact the VA near the highest level. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Anatomy of a criminal case

On today's third segment of Justice Alaska on Hometown Alaska, we'll hear Judge Elaine Andrews, prosecutor Clinton Campion and public defender Dunnington Babb explain a criminal case. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Heather Kelly

After oil: Looking for Alaska 2.0

KSKA: Wednesday May 25, 2016 at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. Launch : Alaska is a start-up business accelerator mentoring five fledgling companies for 90-days this summer. Alaskan Heather Kelly's "food for adventurers" business is one of them. Meet the rest. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Child Care in Alaska

KSKA: Wednesday, June 01 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00p.m. For the price of child care for an infant in Anchorage you could pay a mortgage on a house or buy a luxury car. On the next Hometown Alaska, we'll talk about the difficulties of finding quality affordable child care, and the challenges of providing that care. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

New Catholic Priests

KSKA: Wednesday June 8 @ 2:00 and 8:00 America and our young people have changed, but the calling of the priesthood remains strong with some. On the next Hometown Alaska, we'll learn about young seminarians from Anchorage on the increasingly popular path to becoming Catholic priests, how and why they made the decision, and what it takes to become a priest today. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

The legal fallout from divorce

Divorce means decisions. Property, finances, children—all must be discussed and divided. Have you been in this position? Do you face this situation? Join Senior Judge Elaine Andrews as we walk through the complicated territory of family law. KSKA: Wednesday, June 15 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Phantom 3 Standard, courtesy Engadget

Drones in Alaska

What do drones bring to mind? Privacy and safety issues. We'll talk about both of those important topics, and will extend the conversation to the work drones can do for us. DOWNLOAD AUDIO