Outdoor Explorer

On “Outdoor Explorer” we invite you to step outside into Alaska. Follow us to a new trail or fishing hole, learn what to pack, when to go and most importantly, how to stay safe. Learn about life-long fitness and get inspired to go outside in the back country or on the bike trails.

We’ll hear from the people who know the land best – outdoor guides, park rangers, coaches, authors, lodge owners, bush pilots, educators and you, the explorer. Listen Thursdays at 2:00 & 8:00 pm on KSKA FM, streaming live at alaskapublic.org.

We’re looking for your show ideas! Please send your thoughts for upcoming shows to: bork@alaskapublic.org

Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies

KSKA: Thursday, May 26, at 2:00 and Thursday, June 02, at 8:00 p.m. If you’re headed for Homer, learn about the tide pools, the forests or the critters living under the docks from an enthusiastic group of young educators. We recorded the next show at the Center for Alaska Coastal Studies, went to a remote field station, and got some ideas to enrich time outdoors with knowledge and insight. DOWNLOAD AUDIO


KSKA: Thursday, Jan. 11, at 2:00 p.m. Taxidermy turns out to be a complex subject with a lot going on. Who knew? There are even people getting animals mounted for display who don’t hunt. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’ll have Alaska’s most famous taxidermist, who also made his name in reality TV, Russell Knight. And then a woman from the next generation of taxidermy who is helping making this old art form bigger than ever. LISTEN HERE
Adventure Journal Art

Epic Alaskans: Dave Johnston, climber, ranger, and father

Dave Johnston has had many firsts: the first winter ascents of Denali and Mount Foraker, and the first Denali State Park Ranger being just a few. He also has climbed the 50 highest peaks in the U.S. with his family. Join your host Paul Twardock with Dave, his wife Cari and son Galen for the next Outdoor Explorer.
Carol Seppilu running outside of Nome, photo courtesy Carol Seppilu

Carol Seppilu: Strong resilient indigenous

On the next Outdoor Explorer, Carol Seppilu from Nome will describe her journey from suicide survivor to ultrarunner. September is Suicide Awareness Month and her shared message of Strong Resilient Indigenous is proving inspirational both state-wide and nationally.

Travel and Fly Fishing

KSKA: Thursday, June 29, at 2:00 p.m. Fly fishing is the art of catching fish with style. It’s about the journey, not the destination. But going to exotic destinations can be a big part of it. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’re talking about traveling for fly fishing with some very accomplished anglers. LISTEN HERE

Aviation Safety

KSKA: Thursday, April 07, at 2pm and Thursday, April 14 at 8pm In Alaska, we rely on air taxis and private pilots to go hunting, hiking, floating and to climb mountains. If you’ve been doing that long enough, you’ve been on some scary flights, as I certainly have. But for some reason we don’t talk about that much, or about the people who have died, as if we thought we couldn’t do anything about it. On the next show we are having that talk.

Volunteering in the outdoors

Volunteering in the outdoors is a great way to contribute to the quality of our outdoor experiences, and is rewarding in itself. More and more land managers rely on volunteers to maintain the quality of trails, pull invasive weeds, and monitor campsites. On this week’s show we’ll be talking about opportunities to volunteer in the outdoors.

Bringing Your Dog Along

Our biggest dog park in Anchorage seems to be Chugach State Park. On any sunny day on the trails into the mountains, you will encounter a lot of dogs and their people. Host Charles Wohlforth and guests will talk about enjoying the outdoors with your dog, fun stuff you can do, what to be careful of, and how to avoid being a jerk around non-dog people. KSKA: Thursday, June 12, 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:
Anna Garner

Women of the sea and sky

This week on Outdoor Explorer our guests are a sheep hunter who is becoming a commercial pilot and a boat captain. And they’re both women. We talk about not letting underrepresentation hold you back from doing what you love and of course there are some good adventure stories too!

Orienteering and Wilderness Navigation

Navigating and avoiding getting lost is a bottom-line requirement for spending time in the wilderness. It’s also a sport and a source of competition. We’ll learn about orienteering, and along the way get tips about how to know where you are when you’re traveling in the backcountry. Navigation can be an interesting puzzle, and it can also save your life. KSKA: Thursday, June 5, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:
A selfie of a woman sea kayaking in the ocean.

Veterans and outdoor therapy | Outdoor Explorer

The Cohen Clinic offers programs that address the wholistic needs of veterans, using the outdoors to heal from trauma.

Revisiting Paragliding

KSKA: Thursday, July 21, at 2:00 and Thursday, July 28, at 8:00 p.m. Probably everyone has imagined flying like a bird at one time or another. But these days, you can do more than dream. Paragliding makes soaring up in the sky into a regular weekend activity. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’re going to learn about what paragliding feels like, how you do it safely, and ways to gain entry into the sport. LISTEN NOW

Revisiting Community Skating

KSKA: Thursday Dec. 29 at 2:00pm & 8:00pm. Here’s an Alaska moment. It’s a weekend afternoon, you’ve been stuck indoors all day, you see that beautiful winter light in the sky, and you say, ‘let’s go skating.’ Half an hour later, you’re gliding over a frozen pond with your neighbors. We're talking about ice skating, the casual community kind, where everyone can participate and enjoy a winter day with friends.

Revisiting being alone in the wilderness

Whereas having somebody else along is often safer and more fun, solo trips into the wilderness can sometimes be the most memorable. Whether by choice or necessity, these experiences offer a chance to get to know oneself better. In this episode we'll  talk about what it’s like being truly alone in the great outdoors. This episode first aired in January of 2015. Thanks for listening!

History of Chugach State Park

KSKA: Thursday, April 14, at 2pm. When you fly into Anchorage, what do you really notice? It's not the buildings or the roads, it's the mountains that take your breath away. It’s a gift, but it didn’t have to be that way. 50 years ago, the land we now call Chugach State Park was open for development. The reason we have a park now is because citizens got together and were bold enough to demand one. We’ll be talking about the history of the park and how it came into existence. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Elder Athletes

They’re some of our most inspiring Alaskans, the outdoor athletes who remain active and even competitive in their 70's and 80's. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’ll be talking to elder athletes, finding out what keeps them going, and what advice they have to the rest of us to be where they are when we hit that age. It’s a community inspired show, with guests pulled from listener nominations. KSKA: Thursday, 11/14 at 2:00 and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Denali Climbing Season Begins

Summit Ridge_Brian Okonek

On the next Outdoor Explorer: Climbing North America's highest peak. The first climbers of the season are beginning their attempts on Denali.  And in a few weeks, base camp on the Kahiltna glacier will become an international village of mountaineers. Host Annie Feidt will be joined by Denali climbing guides and a National Park Service climbing ranger on the next Outdoor Explorer. KSKA: Thursday 4/25 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Caribou migration

One of the most spectacular biological events in the world is going on in Alaska right now, the migration of hundreds of thousands of caribou from their northern calving grounds to wintering areas to the south. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’ll learn how do they do it, and why, and what makes them change the routine sometimes, using new areas after many years on the same course. Thanks for listening!

Hiking in southcentral Alaska

With our long days and easy accessibility to the mountains, many residents of southcentral Alaska look forward to hiking as a main summer activity. Whether you want some great views, you are training for Mount Marathon, you are looking for a place to take visiting friends or you just want some solitude, there are guidebooks to help plan your hikes. In the first segment of our next show, we’ll be talking with Lisa Maloney, who has authored the most recent guidebook, “Day Hiking in Southcentral Alaska.” In the second segment we’ll hear from Corrie Smith and Greg Martin, a couple who decided on the challenge of completing all the hikes in one book, “50 Hikes in Alaska’s Chugach State Park.” Thanks for listening!

Ski trail preparation

KSKA: Thursday, October 05, at 2:00 p.m. On this Outdoor Explorer, we are eagerly getting ready for winter. Charles took a portable recorder to Kincaid Park to join a volunteer trail crew preparing cross country ski trails for the first snow, which we were all looking forward to so we can ski again. The trail work is designed to smooth the ground so we won’t need much snow to ski, and to be ready for the US National Championships and Olympic Trials in January. LISTEN HERE