Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Barak Obama campaign establishes a beachhead in Alaska

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is opening campaign offices across the state. At an Anchorage event last night, organizers were pleased and a bit...

Alaska to host US Nordic Ski Championships for the next 2 years

Anchorage's Kincaid Park will host the U.S. Cross Country Ski Championships for the next two years, the highest level of nordic skiing for US...

2nd climber collapses and dies on Denali

The Denali climbing season is winding down with another mysterious death on the mountain. Last night, an Indonesian climber died after collapsing...

Ocean acidification sets off alarm bells

Increasingly acidic waters in the Pacific Ocean may be a factor in the steep decline of salmon runs in the lower 48 states and...

Legislators take close look at in-state pipeline plan

An in-state gas pipeline providing energy for Fairbanks and SouthCentral Alaska would not violate the terms of the license before the legislature during the...

Climber collapses, dies on Denali

A 51-year-old climber died on Denali Friday evening after collapsing at the summit. Eli Menaker, APRN - Anchorage

Cruise ship runs aground in Glacier Bay

Another cruise ship is in trouble today. The vessel "Spirit of Glacier Bay" operated by Cruise West, ran aground just before 8:00 a.m. this...

State of Alaska teams up with natural gas players for in-state delivery

ENSTAR, the Anchorage natural gas utility, has joined with the state of Alaska and the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority in an effort to...

Ocean turning acidic, threatening fisheries; possible mass extinction

This week, the U.S. House is set to consider a bill to beef up research on the growing acidity of the oceans -- an...

Hopes for a strong Yukon chum salmon season fade

The first commercial fishery of the year on the Yukon River took place Wednesday night near the mouth.  The fishery targeted summer chum salmon,...

NOAA begins process of updating Kachemak Bay nautical charts

The first phase of a project to update the nautical charts of Kachemak Bay is underway. The NOAA ship Fairweather is tied...

State Supreme Court gives thumbs up to the Clean Water Initiative

Voters will have the final word on an initiative that would set water standards for the mining industry in the state.  The State Supreme...

Board of Game to use means testing for Tier 2 subsistence permits

A Superior court decision has cleared the way for the state Board of Game to use income as part of the criteria used for...

Wildfire threatens Anchorage

Fire crews in Anchorage are battling a wild fire that broke out today in a wooded area south of Tudor road. The blaze...

Adak running dangerously low on fuel

The city of Adak is running out of fuel to run their electrical generators.  Adak City Manager Steven Hines says this morning they had...

Ted Stevens and Sarah Palin join forces on energy plan

Senator Ted Stevens had a joint news conference with Governor Sarah Palin today to promote the energy plan put forward by Republicans in Congress,...

Mark Begich trots out his own energy plan

Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich is hoping to be Steven's democratic opponent in the general election. And he has his own national energy plan. Much...

Fred Meyer pulls suspect beef off its shelves

Fred Meyer stores in Alaska have pulled certain packages of ground beef from their shelves as a precaution after cases of E Coli in...

Wind energy comes to Bethel

Bethel is getting wind energy. After half a decade of tests and feasibility studies, the city secured funding to build one wind turbine. The...

Near-fatal bear attack in Anchorage prompts outcry, discussion

An Anchorage teenager was scheduled for more surgery today to treat extensive wounds from a bear attack in the city's Bicentennial Park this weekend....