Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

With VA problems clear, Sullivan summons officials for solutions

Officials, politicians, and veterans themselves agree on what is causing massive problems accessing healthcare recently. Now, they are pivoting towards a search for solutions. Download Audio

Speaking at Assembly, officials say: ‘Thank you, Sitka’

At the first meeting of the Sitka Assembly since last week’s landslides, city officials spoke emotionally about the loss of three local men — and said they had been overwhelmed by the response of city staff, volunteers, and ordinary citizens. Download Audio

Farmers in Homer cultivate a north-hardy strain of garlic

A local farming couple is trying to change the way the state grows garlic by developing special strains resilient in the northern climate. Download Audio

For hungry bears, it’s open season on garbage

Local garbage bandits have been making their bi-yearly rounds in Ketchikan, leaving messes in their wake. There are grizzly bears. And brown bears. And black bears. And there are garbage bears. Download Audio

Cleaning Up to Be with His Kid — Stories from Brother Francis Shelter

The morning at Brother Francis Shelter starts with a sleepy bustle. Guests wake up at 5 am, start gathering their belongings, drink some coffee and help clean the shelter. One morning in late July, in the back dormitory shelter guest William Teal wiped down the plastic sleeping mats with cleaning solution.

Town Square gardeners pick up the burden of city homelessness

An unlikely group of city employees are on the front-line of handling worsening woes with homelessness in Anchorage. Download Audio

Obama to Talk Climate, Reveal New Alaska Policies

To a president calling for global action on climate change, Alaska is one big show-and-tell exhibit. Exit Glacier is on the presidential itinerary next week, and Obama is expected to announce new Alaska initiatives related to climate. Download Audio:

Alaskan Greens: Obama’s Words, Actions Conflict On Climate Change

President Barack Obama’s visit to Alaska this week, aimed at highlighting his push to fight climate change, comes just two weeks after his administration approved drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Some Alaskan environmentalists see a disconnect between the president's rhetoric and his actions on climate change.

In Anchorage, some eagerly wait to catch a glimpse of the chief

As the crowd waits outside of the Dena'ina Center for the president, just the excitement is enough.

Alaskans rally against drilling, climate change outside of GLACIER conference

About 200 people gathered on the Park Strip in downtown Anchorage on Monday afternoon to protest offshore drilling in the Arctic and to speak in favor of stronger measures to fight climate change.

GLACIER conference ends with a dire, if vague, keynote from Obama

As the President continues touring Alaska, the aims and outcomes of Monday's GLACIER Conference are still being sorted out.

Obama Lands in Alaska; Says Time is Now to Act on Climate

Air Force 1 landed in Anchorage yesterday, with President Obama and Gov. Walker on board. Obama's motorcade sped downtown, where the president struck a somber note in a speech about climate change.

Obama Announces Icebreaker Program in Seward

White House announces plans to speed up acquisition, push for enlarged Arctic fleet in Congress.

Kotzebue prepares for a presidential visit

As president Barack Obama plans to shift his focus to western Alaska by midweek, residents of Kotzebue — the northwest Arctic hub of about 4,000 people — are making final preparations for the president’s historic visit above the Arctic Circle. Download Audio

Obama on Exit Glacier: ‘We want to make sure our grandkids see this’

President Obama is in Seward today. He landed early this afternoon in his helicopter, called Marine One and then hiked to Exit Glacier to highlight how much the rivers of ice in the state are retreating because of global climate change. Download Audio

Obama Does Seward

President Obama is flying to Dillingham and Kotzebue today. The White House says he’ll announce a new role for the Denali Commission in helping Alaska communities respond to climate-change impacts. Yesterday, Mother Nature indulged him with stunning fall weather in Seward. Download Audio:

Obama learns to shake a tailfeather, Yup’ik style

At the Dillingham Middle School, President Obama was treated to a youth cultural dance performance. The gradeschool-aged children performed four Yup'ik dances.

In Dillingham, silver salmon earns spot in history as the fish that spawned on the president’s shoe

After about a 10-minute drive, the motorcade arrived at Kanakanak Beach. Rain was still falling on this very gray day, and Obama was in a black rain jacket, black pants and black hiking boots.The pool arrived to find Obama at the water's edge of the rocky beach, chatting with two local fisherwomen.

Chief gets snapshot of rural food prices at Dillingham Market

The president capped off his trip to Dillingham with a stop at the N&N Market, where he got a first-hand look at rural food prices in Alaska.

Juneau Library to launch Alaska Native stories project

The Juneau Public Library system embarks on an oral history project this spring collecting Alaska Native stories on educational experiences. The capital city’s library is one of ten picked from more than 300 national applicants to bring StoryCorps to the community. Download Audio