
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Plan to eliminate Power Cost Equalization Fund meets resistance

State senators are pushing back against Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s plan to eliminate a fund that’s intended to equalize the cost of supplying power to rural Alaska. Senators spoke about it in a Finance Committee meeting Monday.

1860s shipwreck explored under Cook Inlet

139 years ago a ship hauling soldiers to southcentral Alaska to build a fort sunk in Cook Inlet after it grounded on a reef...

Anchorage advances purchase plan for Conoco gas leases

As state officials ready for a special session, Anchorage is moving one step closer to expanding ownership over nearby gas fields in upper Cook Inlet. Download Audio

Tsunami Warning In Effect From Attu to Nikolski

A tsunami advisory is in effect for Unalaska. The advisory stretches from Unimak Pass to Nikolski. Public Safety says people do not need to evacuate to high ground at this time. They say residents should avoid shore areas, but don't need to take any other action.

49 Voices: Jane Standifer of Tyonek

This week we're going to Tyonek to hear from Jane Standifer. She remembers working at the teen center in town when she was a teen herself back in the early 1980s. Download Audio

House Passes Leaner Operating Budget

Every state agency saw its non-formula funding reduced compared to the previous budget. The Departments of Commerce, Education, and Military and Veterans Affairs took the greatest hits, with funding cut by roughly a third each.

Ft. Richardson Soldier Shown in Recently Released Taliban Video

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson spokesmen had no comment Thursday regarding the plight of Spc. Bowe Bergdahl, the Ft. Richardson...

Alaska Native language experts urge the state to declare a “linguistic emergency”

Native language experts are urging the state to declare a "linguistic emergency," and work with tribes to open a discussion about the endangerment of indigenous languages. Listen now

Commercial Salmon Fisheries Open in Southeast

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau Commercial salmon fisheries opened on Sunday in northern Southeast Alaska. State biologists are forecasting weak to average returns for the...

Writer Hitching to Point Barrow

In Talkeetna, a writer is looking to hitch a ride to Point Barrow. She doesn't want to go by ground, however.

Anchorage mayor wants to plug budget gap with better speeding tickets

The minor fiscal move fits within a more contentious conversation about public safety staffing.

New Equipment Means New Opportunities For Polar Bear Treatment

As companies look to expand oil and gas exploration in Alaska, many worry about the possibility of a spill and how wildlife – including polar bears – would be cared for. New equipment has given the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service the capability to treat polar bears on the scene, which, until now, hasn’t been a possibility. Download Audio

Warm Weather Trend Likely to Continue

An ocean temperature driven trend that affects the weather is showing signs of warming. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)
Dead seabirds lying on a beach near Nome

‘It’s starvation.’ Biologists in Alaska see a fifth year of significant seabird die-offs

According to the National Park Service, reports received by mid-August documented thousands of dead short-tailed shearwaters from Bristol Bay, and lower numbers of other types of birds, found deceased in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. This marks the fifth year in a row Alaska has seen mass seabird mortality events.

Proposal Would Establish Watchdog Group for Trans Alaska Pipeline

Trans Alaska Pipeline stakeholders are meeting this week to discuss citizen oversight. The Copper River Watershed Project, a Cordova based ...

Homer Residents Express Growing Frustration with Endeavor Oil Rig

A public meeting between representatives of Buccaneer Energy and concerned Homer citizens turned contentious Tuesday night, with many people wondering why the company’s ‘Endeavor’ jack-up rig is still parked at the Homer harbor nearly two months after its arrival. Company officials say the rig will soon be moving to drill in the Cosmopolitan Unit near Anchor Point but as KBBI’s Aaron Selbig reports, the State of Alaska says that’s not likely to happen.

Bill would halve Gov. Walker’s pension bond authority

Alaska is projected to owe public workers more than $6 billion more in pensions than it has in assets. So state officials are looking for ways to save money. Listen now

Report pinpoints concerns over new oil tanker escorts for Prince William Sound

A watchdog group is raising questions about whether new tugboats planned for Prince William Sound are up to the job of escorting oil tankers through the region. Listen now

Jack-Up Rig ‘Endeavor’ Lowers Legs Into Kachemak Bay

Buccaneer Energy’s jack-up rig “Endeavor” was originally supposed to be in Kachemak Bay for only six days before moving on to drill near Tyonek on the west side of Cook Inlet. Due to work being done to the massive rig, however, it has been in place outside the Homer harbor for almost a month. And now, the rig has done something that is normally not allowed in Kachemak Bay – it has lowered its 410-foot legs down to the sea floor.

Progess In Plugging Lone Star Leaks, No Sheen Seen Tuesday

Port side vents reported plugged; now divers are turning their attention to the Lone Star's starboard side, currently buried in the mud. There was no fuel sheen spotted around the Lone Star during Tuesday’s overflight by federal and state officials. Divers are working to seal fuel vents on the starboard side which is buried in the mud. Despite the progress, the fishery remains closed.