
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Army Spouses Reality Show Coming to Alaska

A Los Angeles based production company is making a documentary television series about Army spouses in Alaska. 444 Blue Productions is developing the program for the Oprah Winfrey Network.

Some Communities Investigating Local Option To Ban Marijuana

Though the final count is still pending, unofficial results show Alaskans voting “yes” to legalizing marijuana in last week’s election. But the road to a legal and regulated marijuana market is months away, and communities who still want to keep the divisive drug out are looking at doing so the same way many currently ban alcohol: the local option. Download Audio

Alaska DOT has identified 18 rural airports it may close or spend less time maintaining

Last year, the state’s Department of Transportation and Public Facilities started to look for ways to cut costs at the more than 200 airports...

National chain forces native Hawaiian to drop “Aloha Poke” from Anchorage restaurant

Tasha Kahele is a native Hawaiian. In April, she opened Aloha Poke Stop. Then in May, she got a letter from a Chicago-based chain demanding she change her restaurant's name. Listen now
surplus milk in Haines

Haines milk mix-up benefits local food program

After a shipping error that left Olerud's Market Center with thousands of extra half-pint cartons of milk, thousands went to the Salvation Army.

Winter in Alaska: Perfect for Ice Fishing

Ice fishing is a time-honored winter sport on the Kenai Peninsula – a way to have some fun outdoors and put some fresh fish on the table.

Red Flag Training Gets Underway at Eielson

A series of Pacific Air Forces direct training exercises is happening in the air space over that stretches from Fairbanks to Delta.  Red Flag...

Environments, Alaska Native Groups Challenge Salazar’s Chukchi Lease Sale Conclusion

Alaska Native and environmental groups are back in court challenging Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s conclusion that a 2008 petroleum lease sale in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska’s northwest coast meets federal environmental law.

State Sen. Gary Stevens files to run for lieutenant governor

Longtime Kodiak resident Republican state Sen. Gary Stevens will run for lieutenant governor in 2018. Listen now
An aerial view of one of the exploration pads and wells that ConocoPhillips drilled during the 2018 exploration season at its Willow prospect.

Judges block work at ConocoPhillips’ huge Alaska project, casting cloud over ‘North Slope Renaissance’

Conoco executives have celebrated the Willow project as part of a "North Slope Renaissance" that could revitalize Alaska's oil industry. But a two-judge panel just put the project on ice — the latest recent setback for Alaska oil companies now contending with an uncooperative new federal administration.

Supreme Court Sides With Kensington Gold Mine

The Supreme Court has sided with a mining company, saying it can dump tailings from the Kensington Gold Mine into a lake near...

‘Vote no’: Left takes to TV and sky to reach Murkowski

Advocates are cranking up the pressure on Sen. Murkowski to vote against the latest health care repeal. A Palmer conservative urging a "yes" vote calls Murkowski "untouchable." Listen now
A train goes over a creek in a mountainous area

2021 Alaska Railroad train schedule ramps back up after pandemic cuts

The Alaska Railroad is planning to run more passenger trains this summer than in 2020, but not as many as in recent, pre-pandemic years.

Alaska governor creates oversight committee for BP sale

“The purpose is to make sure the State of Alaska and its people are represented as this transaction moves forward,” said the governor’s office.
A giant truck on snowy land.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Lawsuit seeks to eliminate Medicaid application backlog; Seeking hidden 'pockets of oil', BP takes on a massive project at Prudhoe Bay; Police: Man shot, killed after pointing BB gun at officers; UA President Johnsen recommends closing UAA College of Education, amid accreditation debacle; Pre-K schools in Southeast Alaska wait for better budget news; In response to high case backlog, Juneau judge begins term ; Ask A Climatologist: 2019 had warmest March on record in Alaska

Democrats made midterm gains in rural areas. Can they keep them?

Some Democratic candidates in key toss-up and open races in the midterms may have fared better among the rural population than previously believed.

Sen. Dunleavy won’t challenge Murkowski after all

It's an election year for U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, and so far no one has raised significant money to run against her. One Republican who suggested last spring he might challenge her now says he's no longer considering it. Download Audio

ASD suspends Dimond football program amid hazing allegations

The alleged misconduct happened over the weekend at a game in Fairbanks and is being investigated by the school district. Listen now

Pebble CEO Holds Panel Discussion

The CEO of the Pebble Partnership was joined by a handful of Pebble Mine supporters and opponents in discussing the controversial project during a...

Scientists Work to Save Yellow Cedar

Melati Kaye, KFSK – Petersburg Scientists in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest are trying to find ways to save an economically and ecologically valuable...