
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.


Alaska fishermen and processing plants are in limbo as a state-backed seafood company teeters

"We are all sort of on pins and needles," said a local official in King Cove waiting to learn the fate of Peter Pan Seafoods’ shuttered plant.

Assembly approves free WiFi for downtown Anchorage

Most of us know the warning, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." The Anchorage Assembly has. Before...

Mat-Su Teacher Enters Running For Lieutenant Governor

A Matanuska-Susitna Borough teacher has filed as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Bob Williams, a former teacher of the year, says he’ll support education funding. Download Audio

Sequester Would Cut NPS Budget By 5 Percent

Eighty-five billion dollars in federal budget cuts are set to begin Friday. The U.S. Senate will debate competing measures to replace the cuts tomorrow, but neither will become law. The National Park Service is slated to lose 5 percent of its budget, and that would trickle down to every park in Alaska.
Tongass National Forest

Alaska, source of carbon-emitting fossil fuels, aims to raise money by storing carbon

Gov. Mike Dunleavy sees hundreds of millions of dollars in carbon sequestration.

Palin to Get $1.2 Million for Book

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is reporting that she has received at least $1.25 million for her hugely anticipated upcoming book "Going Rogue."...

While FDA Mulls Genetically Modified Salmon, Supermarkets Back Away

The head of the Federal Drug Administration told a U.S. Senate committee today her agency is still working on its review of an application to produce a genetically modified salmon. Download Audio

Lieutenant Governor Candidates Debate Hot Topics

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks Four candidates running to be Alaska’s next Lieutenant Governor squared off in a Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce sponsored forum on Tuesday....

Y-K Delta Regional Committee to Develop Strategic Plan

The Y-K Delta Regional Committee has selected a small steering committee and charged them with drafting strategic plan for the YK-Delta. The 16-person panel is tasked with coming up with a strategic plan by the end of the year.

Rare military ceremony at JBER for Service Cross recipient

The recognition comes from Sgt. Justin Gallegos’s role in the 2009 Battle of Kamdesh in Afghanistan, when a small group of Army soldiers held off an ambush by around 300 Taliban fighters.

Allen Scheduled for Sentencing, Loses Plea for Delay

The man at the center of Alaska’s political corruption scheme will be sentenced next Wednesday. Today a federal judge denied...

300 Villages: Eyak

This week, we’re heading to the Native Village of Eyak. The village of Eyak is no longer populated. But the Native Village of Eyak, in Cordova, is a federally recognized tribe. Larue Barnes is the museum director for the Native Village of Eyak.

Valdez Star Founder Passes Away

Tony Gorman, KCHU – Valdez Lifelong journalist Pat Lynn has died. He was best known in Alaska as the former voice of the...

Federal lands for state and Natives remain in limbo

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne acknowledged today that his department can't meet the goal of completing land conveyances to the state, Native corporations and individual...

Alaska Supreme Court Affirms Tribal Court Jurisdiction

The Alaska Supreme Court issued a decision today in a long running tribal court jurisdiction case. The case stems from a Minto tribal court decision that terminated parental rights. Download Audio

Wild Salmon Prices Boom

Shane Iverson, KYUK, Bethel Commercial fishermen on the Kuskokwim River are getting prices not seen since farmed salmon took over the market. For the...

Delegates from Anchorage’s Japanese sister city celebrate park renamed in their honor

Anchorage’s Sand Lake Park has been renamed to honor the 55-year sister city relationship with Chitose, Japan.

Alaska’s employment outlook

For decades people came to Alaska for good paying jobs, but what's the outlook now for the future of our labor economy? With declining oil revenue, what will a great job in Alaska look like 10 years from now? How does this current downturn compare to past financial trouble? APRN: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Listen Now

Troopers Recover Body From Mountain Near Bird Creek

Associated Press Alaska State Troopers are recovering a body off a mountain near Bird Creek between Anchorage and Girdwood. A spokesman for the Alaska Mountain...
A burnt pile of metal with a milk crate and a bouquet of roses in front

Fire razes Triumvirate Theatre building on Kenai Peninsula

No one was hurt but the fire completely razed the space and investigators are still working out what caused it.