
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.


It’s not every scientist who decides to study a certain population of animals only to watch it go extinct. But for biologist and author Eval Saulitis, that’s what is apparently happening. A pod of Killer Whales in Prince William Sound it unlikely to be able to sustain itself after the Exxon Valdez oil spill of more than twenty years ago. She’ll tell her story next Tuesday, on Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, April 2 at 10:00am Download Audio

As public guardians in Alaska remain buried in cases, their director searches for solutions

A state program that serves some of the most vulnerable people in Alaska is overwhelmed. Its director is searching for solutions.

Eielson showcases F-35 as Alaskan command chief emphasizes its lethality, deployability

Eielson Air Force Base opened its doors Tuesday to local, state and federal officials to give them a chance to see an F-35 fighter up close and to learn about its capabilities. The Air Force sent the warplane there for a few weeks for testing in anticipation of the arrival of two squadrons beginning in 2020. Listen now

Kachemak Selo makes progress toward a new school but the project isn’t guaranteed

Kachemak Selo, a small Russian Old Believer village at the head of Kachemak Bay, is desperate for a new school building. Deteriorating infrastructure and limited space has plagued the community for years. However, progress toward a new school is happening. Listen now

Bug Attacking Alaska Willows

The lush green of summer in Fairbanks is being marred by dying willow leaves. The browned out willows are the victim of a bug...
man standing at a microphone

Sullivan attempts to break fellow senator’s blockade on military promotions

Sen. Sullivan says Sen. Tuberville is hurting the military with a misguided objection to an abortion-related policy.

Regional air carriers forced to make cuts, but hoping for federal relief

In the face of community travel restrictions and a drop in demand, some regional air carriers in Alaska say they’re being forced to cut service to communities - and to cut positions from their payroll.

Red Flag Training Gets Underway at Eielson

A series of Pacific Air Forces direct training exercises is happening in the air space over that stretches from Fairbanks to Delta.  Red Flag...

Deal gives Atlanta company control of Anchorage TV news

The Anchorage Daily News reported Saturday that GCI Inc. and Atlanta-based Gray Television Inc. announced the agreement for Gray to buy most assets of Anchorage CBS station KTVA.

Unique payment plan for companies who owe TAPS settlement money

A new state law allows those companies to pay that debt with tax credits, meaning the state might not see any of that money. At least, not in cash. Listen now

Beneath political firestorm on Arctic Ocean drilling, two projects make steady progress

Yes, Shell's multi-billion dollar effort to find oil in federal Arctic waters is a thing of the past. And yes, the Obama administration then took several steps to cut back on drilling in Arctic waters -- actions the Trump administration is now working to undo. But there is movement to get oil out of federally-owned parts of the Arctic Ocean. Listen now

Government Conducting Oil Spill Analysis in Chukchi

Photo and Story Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska The federal government will be conducting a new oil spill analysis before it completes a lease...

Murkowski is “Still in This Game”

Associated Press A week after conceding the GOP primary, Senator Lisa Murkowski says she’s not a quitter and is “still in this game.” Murkowski told...

Criminal Justice Reform – understanding SB 91

Last year the legislature passed a far-reaching omnibus criminal justice reform bill – SB 91. It was based on recommendations from the Criminal Justice Reform Commission and developed to both save money and reduce recidivism. It’s based on data from similar initiatives around the country. Opponents says it’s soft on crime and lets people off too easily. But political arguments aside – what does this 128-page tomb actually do? What’s already happening and what’s yet to come? That’s the topic on Talk of Alaska. Listen now

Newtok’s Relocation Effort Slowed By An Ongoing Tribal Dispute

The latest round of Bering Sea storms beat up the Southwest Alaska coastline, including Newtok. The community’s move to the Mertarvik site on Nelson Island may be more pressing than ever, but the long relocation process is in a holding pattern due to a tribal council dispute. Download Audio

Peonies and murals to brighten Homer’s Pioneer Avenue

Since May, murals have been popping up around Homer's main commercial street, Pioneer Avenue. This is thanks to the Peonies on Pioneer Mural Program. The six-week program was led by an out of state art consultant with help from Bunnell Street Arts Center, and a handful of local artists. Listen now
Iditarod musher Aliy Zirkle stands outside at a remote Iditarod checkpoint.

Iditapod: Taking 24-hour rests, as Aliy takes the lead

In this episode, we have a race update as mushers start to take their mandatory 24-hour rests at different checkpoints, part of the strategy...

Sitka Dock To Get First Regular Visits In 2013

A businessman who spent millions of his company’s money to build a cruise dock outside of Sitka two years ago will finally get his first regular customers. The Seven Seas Navigator and the Regatta have both announced plans to dock at Halibut Point Marine in 2013. For Chris McGraw, it means his wait for business is finally over, but the work of moving thousands of people is just beginning.

Book Sale Brings End to Stratton Library Story

Photo and Story by Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka In the three years since Sheldon Jackson College has closed, there’s been much attention directed on...

Legacy of Bar Break Violence Haunting Downtown Business Development

The Anchorage Assembly is casting an unusual amount of scrutiny on a pending liquor license transfer that's raising questions about how businesses that sell liquor should develop downtown. Download Audio