
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Eyak Salvaged, Back In Sitka

The Eyak is back in Sitka. Ten days after the 80-foot tender and mail boat ran aground and sank just north of the Goddard hot springs, it’s back afloat — after a virtual alphabet soup of state and federal agencies and local companies worked together to salvage it.

Petersburg Man Arrested For Meth Importing

Petersburg police and the Southeast Alaska Cities Against Drugs task force arrested a Petersburg man this week in an investigation into two packages of methamphetamine mailed to town.

Commission Recommends Boost In Coast-Wide Halibut Catch

The International Pacific Halibut Commission Friday voted to recommend a 1.7-million pound increase in the coast-wide catch of halibut. The joint U.S. and Canadian body oversees management of the highly prized bottom fish from California to Alaska. The commission held its annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia this week.

Col. Laurie Hummel Named New Adjutant General for the Alaska National Guard

Retired Colonel Laurie Hummel is the first woman to lead the Guard and serve as Commissioner for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Bob Doehl will join as her deputy .

Lawmakers Skeptical Of State’s Plan To Buy Fairbanks Natural Gas Utility

Governor Bill Walker’s latest move to advance the state backed Interior Energy Project with the purchase of a private natural gas utility is expected to expand availability and lower the price of gas in Fairbanks. Download Audio

Lack of Customers Puts CIRI Wind Farm Plans On Hold

Cook Inlet Region Incorporated has put the second phase of its Fire Island wind farm on hold because of a lack of customers. Download Audio

In Response To Obama Actions, Senator Goes Seuss

On Friday, Fairbanks Republican Click Bishop gave a Seussian speech on the federal government’s attitude toward Alaska, and read from a modified version of Green Eggs and Ham, titled “Click on Uncle Sam." Download Audio

Shell Says It Plans Offshore Arctic Drilling This Year

The CEO of Royal Dutch Shell says the company intends to return to the Chukchi Sea this summer to drill exploratory wells. But CEO Ben van Beurden says Shell still needs permits, among other challenges. "So, will we go ahead? Yes, if we can," he said at a press conference in London. Download Audio

National Guard Problems Highlight Outdated Military Code

The way the military code is currently written, a member of the Alaska National Guard can be passed over for promotions or discharged from the service, but they can’t be court-martialed in the way Army troops or Air Force members can.

Coast Guard Maps Out Marine Traffic Lanes To The Arctic

Anticipating increased traffic through the Bering Strait as retreating sea ice opens up the Arctic Ocean to more vessels, the U.S. Coast Guard is accepting public comments on proposed vessel routes off northwestern Alaska.

Shell To Restart Chukchi Drilling This Summer

Shell plans to restart its drilling work in the Chukchi Sea this summer. The company still needs federal permits and to resolve legal challenges.

State Makes Offer On Interior Utility

The State of Alaska plans to purchase Fairbanks Natural Gas, a utility that serves the Interior, for $52.5 million.

Legislators Agree to Overhaul Marijuana Bill With Controversial “Defense” Provision

The provision offered a legal defense for anyone brought to court for possessing an ounce after decriminalization, which critics testified was confusing, cumbersome, and went against the will of voters.

State To Appeal Education Funding Lawsuit Ruling

The State of Alaska announced Wednesday that it will appeal a final ruling by Superior Court Judge William Carey in favor of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough’s long-held argument that the state’s required local contribution for public education violates Alaska’s Constitution. Download Audio

Murkowski Swings at Obama’s Arctic Wilderness Plan But Misses

Sen. Lisa Murkowski today failed to land her first counterpunch at the Obama administration’s new Arctic conservation policies. The Senate rejected an amendment that would’ve put a time limit on wilderness study areas. Download Audio

With Greater Numbers, Democrats Hope For More Leverage Over Medicaid Expansion

With the last election, the House Minority caucus grew from ten to 13, making support from at least some of their members necessary if the Legislature wants to tap the state's budget reserves. Download Audio

Invoices, Invitations, Litigation, and Even Secession: Walker Says All Responses Possible To Arctic Drilling Decision

The decision to block drilling in a good chunk of the Arctic angered Gov. Bill Walker so much that he did not even rule out secession when asked about it at a press conference. Download Audio

Obama Withdraws 9.8m Acres of Arctic Ocean

President Obama is withdrawing 9.8 million acres of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas from future oil and gas lease sales. Sen. Lisa Murkowski describes it as a gut punch to Alaska’s economy. Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell says the withdrawals are limited to small areas of the Beaufort, a 25-mile buffer along the Chukchi Coast and the area around the Hanna Shoal. Download Audio

Cook Inlet Gas Considered To Relieve Interior Alaska’s Energy Costs

State and local leaders are trying to determine if natural gas from Cook Inlet gas is viable option for Interior’s need for a lower cost, cleaner energy source. At issue are some of the same costs that derailed an earlier focus to bring in North Slope gas. Download Audio

Sullivan: Alaskans Dream Big, Breathe Air ‘Bathed in Promise’

In his first Senate speech, U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan today spoke in support of the Keystone Pipeline. His sweeping address went on to discuss the American dream, and what he describes as the Obama Administration’s threat to it. Sullivan says the dream is still alive in Alaska. "In Alaska, the very air you breathe is bathed in promise," Sullivan said. "The people still speak the language of bold ideas, and rugged adventure." Download Audio