
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

In A Social Media Fracas, Walker Withdraws Appointee

A Walker spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday that Jeff Landfield’s nomination to the judicial conduct commission was withdrawn because of “disrespectful” and “misogynistic” images posted to his social media account.”

Alaska Seeks Delay In Tribal Sovereignty Case

Governor Bill Walker’s administration is seeking a delay in a long-running tribal sovereignty case, saying it wants to form a working group to explore policy issues and potential alternatives to continued litigation. But the tribes’ attorney says the state’s request for a delay is just a ploy to get around its loss in court. Download Audio

Unalaska Police: Missing Hiker’s Body Found In Pyramid Valley

Unalaska police have confirmed that a person found dead in Pyramid Valley on Monday is 33-year-old Jessica Acker. She went missing while on a hike in the area on Sunday.

As Capital Budget Work Begins, A Call For Lower Expectations

The Legislature had already received more than $1 billion in capital requests from communities and organizations. Of those, only health and public safety projects will get priority consideration.

Alaska Lawmaker Introduces Right-To-Die Legislation

An Anchorage lawmaker has introduced legislation that would allow terminally ill patients the right to decide to end their lives with the help of a physician. Download Audio

North Pacific Halibut Bycatch Limit Could See 50 Percent Cut

Halibut harvests have been on the decline in the Bering Sea for years, but the amount that trawlers and catcher-processors are allowed to take has stayed the same. Now, federal regulators have agreed to consider stiffer limits on halibut bycatch. Download Audio

Police Investigate Dillingham Woman’s Death

As of noon Sunday, Dillingham Police had not labeled the death of Ella S. George, 55, a homicide. She was found deceased by a family friend around 5 p.m. Saturday evening at her daughter April Olson's home on Cessna Drive, across from the Dillingham Bible Fellowship church.

Health Department Says Medicaid Expansion Can Save State Money

Health Commissioner Valerie Davidson unveiled two new reports today (Friday) at a press conference in Anchorage she hopes will help make the case for Medicaid expansion. They show Alaska can actually save money by expanding the program, even as the federal match drops below 100 percent. Download Audio

Alaska Court of Appeals Denies Rachelle Waterman Appeal

More than a decade after the original crime took place, the Alaska Supreme Court denied Rachelle Waterman’s appeal of her conviction in the death of her mother. Download Audio

Governor’s New Budget Cuts 300 State Employees

The latest iteration of the governor’s budget cuts $136 million from the previous version. Download Audio

Training Nears For First Wave Of Armed Alaska VPSOs

Village Public Safety Officers in Western Alaska will be participating in a pilot program that could make them the first VPSOs in the state to carry weapons in their job. Seven experienced officers are in the middle of psychological evaluations right now and are advancing towards training. Download Audio

U.S. Senators Try Again to Kill Vessel Discharge Regs

Alaska fishermen have three years before the EPA is supposed to begin regulating deck wash, bilge water and other liquids discharged from small vessels. U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski this week introduced a bill to permanently block the regulation for commercial vessels under 79 feet. Senate co-sponsors include Alaska’s Dan Sullivan, and California Democrat Barbara Boxer. Download Audio

Before Releasing Budget Details, Walker Warns Of Layoffs

The new proposal is expected to include another $100 million in reductions to the operating budget, with cuts to 300 jobs.

Priceless Yupik Art Stolen From YKHC

The Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation is offering a reward for information that helps find thirteen pieces of Yup’ik artwork that were stolen from display cases. Download Audio

As House Leadership Calls For End To Point Thomson Litigation, Attorneys Request Extension

Attorneys challenging the Point Thomson settlement have requested more time to prepare a new brief on the case. The potential delay has rankled legislative leaders, who think it’s inappropriate for Gov. Bill Walker to remain a plaintiff in an ongoing lawsuit against the state.

Walker Files $50 Million Budget Supplement

Gov. Bill Walker has filed his supplemental budget, which covers spending for this fiscal year that was not originally appropriated.

Homeless Assistance Program Scrambling For Funding

A program that distributes millions of dollars a year to keep homeless and emergency shelters open across the state is nowhere to be seen in Governor Bill Walker’s budget—leaving dozens of organizations scrambling for the money they’ll need to keep their doors open. Download Audio

Legislature Plans For Gasline Special Session

Senate Rules Chair Charlie Huggins, a Wasilla Republican, says the Legislature needs to take up tax legislation in order to keep up with scheduled development of a North Slope gasline. Download Audio

Arctic Standards Won’t Be Ready For Shell’s Return

After Shell’s troubled 2012 drilling season in the far north, the Interior Department began working on Arctic-specific standards for offshore drilling. But those new standards aren’t done yet. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says they won’t be in place to guide Shell’s planned return to the Chukchi Sea this year. "We’ll be holding them to the standards that we’ve held them to before, with upgrades and proof that they can do what they say they do before they’re allowed to go up there," Jewell told reporters in a press call today, primarily talking about the president’s budget for her department. Download Audio

Alaska Regional Hospital To Open Mountain View Clinic

Alaska Regional Hospital is planning to open a healthcare clinic in Mountain View by the end of year. There aren't any primary care services in the Anchorage neighborhood currently.