
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Poetry Is My Day Job

By day, Kima Hamilton is a poet, a mentor, a father, and a community leader. But he pays the bills by DJ-ing in nightclubs.

Panel Will Target Tongass Plan Rewrite, Timber Transition

The Forest Service is setting up an advisory board to help rewrite the Tongass National Forest’s management plan. It’s somewhat similar to another panel that shut down last year without completing its work.

Anchorage Starts Reading Early

Elizabeth Nicolai is the Youth Services Coordinator for the Loussac Library, and right now she’s reading a dinosaur book to a group of very small children. Recently the library expanded their second floor to include what they call the Play and Learn center. Inside of what looks like a massive fort of books there are toys, inspirational messages, and interactive art work on the walls. Read more.

Southeast Commercial Halibut Catch Increased For 2014

Southeast Alaska’s commercial halibut catch limit is going up. The International Pacific Halibut Commission concluded its annual meeting Friday in Seattle and approved catch limits for Alaska, British Columbia, and the West Coast of the U.S.

Project Aims to Turn Homer Into Tidal Energy Testing Site

Work is continuing on Homer’s Tidal Energy Incubator Project. Those involved, which includes scientists from around the state and University of Alaska engineering students, are trying to find out if they can turn tides into electricity sold on the market. They’ve been studying the tides near Homer’s Deep Water Dock.

Spending Bill Includes $75 Million For Fisheries Disaster Assistance

Alaska’s congressional delegation has been churning out press releases to trumpet Alaska-bound funds in the trillion-dollar spending bill President Obama is expected to sign Saturday. Download Audio

US, Russia Drafting Voluntary Bering Strait Passage Regulations

Vessel traffic is increasing through the Bering Strait, and no regulations exist to monitor that movement. The United States Coast Guard wants to change that. Download Audio

Early Bills Tackle Lawsuits, Medical Care

With the legislative session getting ever closer, lawmakers have released another batch of bills for consideration. Download Audio

Signatures Submitted for Minimum Wage Initiative

Sponsors of an initiative to raise Alaska's minimum wage have turned in their signatures. They submitted 43,000 names to the Division of Election's Anchorage office on Friday morning. Download Audio

Alaska Ranks 5th In Millionaires Per Capita

In a count of millionaires per capita, Alaska ranks fifth among states, according to a market research firm that tracks affluence. Download Audio

Alaska’s Population Grows By 3.7 Percent In Three Years

Alaska's population growth is increasing faster than that of the rest of the country. Figures released Friday by the state labor department indicate that the state's population increased 3.7 percent over the past three years, compared with a 2.4 growth rate in the US. Download Audio

Health Campus Proposed To Handle Anchorage’s Homeless

A recent editorial in the Anchorage Daily News proposes addressing chronic inebriation and the moribund area of east 4th avenue as the way forward for a more vibrant downtown. These ideas have been on the table before, but not from the person charged with championing the city as a great place to visit and do business. Andrew Halcro is a former state lawmaker and the current President of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. Rather than glossing over the city's ongoing problems, he proposes a health campus to deal head on with homeless people and chronic drunks. Download Audio

2014 Kuskokwim 300 Brings Past Champions And New Trail

Twenty-four mushers, including six past champions will be at the starting line for the 35th running of the Kuskokwim 300. The start is scheduled for 6:30 this evening, but an incoming winter storm could hold up the race. Download Audio

AK: Girls Wrestling

Your high school might have had a wrestling team, but how many wrestlers were girls? There are more than a dozen girls on Sitka’s Mt. Edgecumbe High School wrestling team, and they regularly beat boys in their weight class. Download Audio

300 Villages: Hooper Bay

This week we’re headed to Western Alaska to the village of Hooper Bay near the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta. Fred Joseph Jr. is the tribal administrator there. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: January 17, 2014

Spending Bill Includes $75 Million For Fisheries Disaster Assistance; US, Russia Drafting Voluntary Bering Strait Passage Regulations; Early Bills Tackle Lawsuits, Medical Care; Signatures Submitted for Minimum Wage Initiative; Alaska Ranks 5th In Millionaires Per Capita; Alaska’s Population Grows By 3.7 Percent In Three Years; Health Campus Proposed To Handle Anchorage’s Homeless; 2014 Kuskokwim 300 Brings Past Champions And New Trail; AK: Girls Wrestling; 300 Villages: Hooper Bay Download Audio

Oil Spill Dispersants

The response to the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico involved an unprecedented amount of chemical dispersants. If such a spill were to occur in Alaska, the use of dispersants is pre-authorized in certain areas. Should it be? APRN: Tuesday, 1/21 at 10:00am Download Audio

Is Alaska’s Economy Grounded?

Alaska’s economy slowed in 2013. On Thursday, two economists offered different takes on what that means for this year at the World Trade Center Alaska‘s annual statewide economic forecast talk in Juneau. Download Audio

Fishing Crew Member Accused of Identity Theft

A crew member aboard a factory processor has been arrested in Unalaska and accused of stealing another man’s identity to get his commercial fishing license.

EPA Releases Pebble Report; And Preschool Enrollment Declines

The Environmental Protection Agency reports on the proposed Pebble Mine. State judges have been sorting out if (and when) the Municipality of Anchorage can hold a referendum on the Sullivan Administration's labor laws. Mayor Sullivan refunds the city part of the money from municipal trips during which he raised campaign funds. KSKA: Friday, 1/17 at 2PM & Saturday, 1/18 at 6PM. KAKM: Friday 1/17 at 7:30PM & Saturday. 1/18 at 4:30PM Download Audio