zz Alaska's Energy Desk


State wants public input on how to spend Volkswagen settlement money

The $8 million could go towards investments in electric vehicle infrastructure or upgrades to diesel-powered transportation. Listen now

Wolves are eating sea otters near Gustavus. What does that mean for the deer?

On a recent camping trip, a Gustavus man realized that wolves weren’t just eating deer at a beloved hunting spot. One notorious marine predator appears to be becoming the prey. Listen now

Can courts force action on climate change? Sixteen young Alaskans hope so.

An Anchorage judge heard arguments today in a lawsuit brought by 16 young Alaskans who are suing the state over climate change. Listen now

U.N. committee moves toward banning heavy fuel oil in the Arctic

"It is a big deal that the IMO has been looking at a ban," Kevin Harun of Pacific Environment, a conservation organization, said. "It’s a very cautious body and it normally does not act without strong support from countries." Listen now

Former state senator appointed interim Denali Commission head

Former state senator John Torgerson has been appointed to run the Denali Commission while a search is underway for the organization's next leader. Listen now
A pipeline stretching toward a sunset

Oil prices are up, but how long will it last?

The current price of oil is several dollars higher than state economists predicted, but it doesn't quite fill the hole in the state's budget -- and, it doesn't mean oil prices are going to stay up. Listen now

Alaska Supreme Court weighs legality of Yes for Salmon ballot initiative

Yes for Salmon’s backers want Alaska to toughen the permitting process for mines, dams and other projects in salmon habitat. But during oral arguments, the state argued it goes against the state constitution because it forces the legislature to prioritize salmon habitat over other uses. Listen now

Offshore lease schedule for Beaufort draws flak

Democrats in Congress are sounding the alarm about the Interior Department's efforts to hold an offshore oil lease sale in the Beaufort Sea next year. Listen now

Alaska State Legislature urges Congress to address state ivory bans

The resolution takes aim at state laws like those in New York, California, Hawaii and Washington. Those states have passed broad anti-ivory laws in an attempt to combat the poaching of African elephants. Listen now

Trump administration kicks off process for oil development in ANWR

The Department of Interior released a notice saying it will hold “no fewer than two” oil lease sales in a 1.6-million acre portion of the refuge, known as the 1002 area or the Coastal Plain. Listen now

Renewable energy competition wants Alaskans to ‘fail fast’ to eventually find ‘gold’

In late March, Volt49's organizers assigned a unique challenge related to renewable energy in Alaska to four teams across the state, and they have had five weeks to solve it. Listen now

At crucial moment, Denali Commission faces leadership gap

The top job at the federal agency tasked with coordinating help for Alaska villages threatened by climate change will soon be vacant. Listen now

ConocoPhillips announces three new oil discoveries on the North Slope

Conoco didn’t release many details about the discoveries, including how much oil was found. But in a press release, the company called the results of this winter’s drilling season “promising.” Listen now

How do you keep developing rural energy projects in a fiscal drought? More loans.

Cady Lister, chief economist for the Alaska Energy Authority, says that communities and rural utilities need to rely less on grants and look more to loans. Listen now

Army Corps addresses criticism of environmental review process for Pebble

Sheila Newman, with the Army Corps’ Alaska District, said the agency recognizes that Pebble is not an average project proposal — it has a long history in Alaska, so the agency is trying to make adjustments for that. Listen now

Draft Walker climate policy urges Alaska to transition away from fossil fuels

The first recommendations from Gov. Bill Walker’s climate task force run the gamut — from putting a price on carbon to supporting a more diversified economy and improving how climate change is taught in schools. Listen now

Opponents of salmon ballot initiative raise over $2 million

The opposition group, called Stand for Alaska, reported major contributions from some of Alaska’s biggest industry players. Listen now

Former climate official says details surrounding his reassignment look “damning” for Trump admin

Joel Clement resigned in October after being ousted from his position working on issues like coastal resilience and village relocation in Alaska. Listen now

Walker’s bills to swap oil tax credit debt for bond debt making progress

A bill that would have the state issue bonds to pay oil and gas companies is on the move in the legislature. Listen now

Sealaska Corporation announces multimillion dollar deal to keep trees in the ground

Southeast’s regional Native corporation is using some of its lands for carbon sequestration. It’s the first carbon bank in the state to be approved for the California cap-and-trade market. Listen now