zz Alaska's Energy Desk


This old growth timber didn’t sell last time. Can it attract a buyer now?

The U.S. Forest Service removed some of the more sensitive watershed areas included in the original Kuiu Island sale, which received zero bids back in 2016. Listen now

Photos: China Trade Mission

Alaska's Energy Desk's Rashah McChesney is in China covering Governor Walker's Opportunity Alaska: China Trade & Investment Mission 2018.

Alaska mission to China kicks off with ceremony, trade talks…and speed dating

The short meetings were a chance for Alaska businesses to introduce themselves directly to what they hope will be a giant market of new customers. Listen now

This man and his yellow truck signal the arrival of spring in Fairbanks

Back in 1992, Glenn Hackney actually got hit by a car while picking up trash. It broke both his legs. That might give the average person pause about continuing. Not Hackney. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Anchorage, this gloomy spring is all in your head

Since April, the weather in Anchorage has been a few degrees warmer than normal and also drier than normal. Listen now

A lot of people get this pretty basic question about oil wrong

"I have had to correct school teachers in the past who have been teaching their kids that oil comes from dinosaurs." Listen now

After ending trade talks in DC with an agreement to buy, China finds Alaska looking to sell

China’s top economic adviser returned from a week of trade talks in Washington, D.C. to find Alaska on his doorstep in Beijing.

Trump admin sets crosshairs on Park Service predator rule

The Trump administration is trying to erase another part of President Obama's environmental legacy in Alaska: It wants to roll back a National Park Service ban on several controversial methods of killing bears and wolves. Listen now

The U.S. Forest Service sued over Kuiu Island timber sale

The forest service received zero bids on the timber sale in 2016. Earlier this month, it went out for bid again. Listen now

Walker’s trade mission highlights links to China, opportunities for Alaskans

Representatives from more than 20 business, along with state officials and politicians will leave for China this weekend. There, they’ll peddle everything from baby food to seafood to tourism to Chinese consumers. Listen now

How can the U.S. Forest Service keep up with Alaska’s tourism boom?

As tourism increases and federal budgets shrink, a permitting backlog at the U.S. Forest Service has been growing. Listen now

Alaska LNG project president says he’s done ‘preaching to the non-believers’

The president of the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corporation says he's no longer bothering to convince skeptics that the project is real, and it's moving forward. Listen now

‘How much, how fast?’ Alaska researchers ask of melting Antarctic glacier

"The report that triggered this proposal call originally had a title that I think was quite catching. It asked 'how much, how fast?' " researcher Martin Truffer said. "And that’s really the question here." Listen now
On a cloudy, twilight winter day, an oil platform an be seen rising in the water.

Cook Inlet oil and gas lease sale attracts just one company

The state offered 2.6 million acres, but just one company -- Hilcorp -- bid on 16,636 acres. Listen now

Senators urge Sweeney to be tough at Interior

Alaskan Tara MacLean Sweeney faced no resistance at a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing today on her nomination to be assistant Interior secretary for Indian Affairs. Listen now

What should Alaska do about climate change? Now’s your chance to weigh in.

The Walker Administration is asking for public input as it develops a sweeping new climate policy for the state. The public has until June 4 to weigh in online. Listen now
A walrus with big tusks rests on sea ice.

Ask a Climatologist: Traditional knowledge is critical to climate research

More and more, scientists rely on traditional ecological knowledge to study climate change. Listen now

Walker’s oil & gas advisor leaves for job at NANA

John Hendrix will head NANA Regional Corporation’s commercial group. Listen now

State corporation announces tentative deal with BP to buy gas for Alaska LNG project

The agreement is one of many the state corporation is negotiating to get the project online by 2025. Listen now

As the U.S. moves to open ANWR to drilling, Canada says ‘not so fast’

As part of their strategy going forward, opponents to drilling in ANWR are looking beyond Washington, D.C. and across U.S.-Canada border for support. Listen now