Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Senate Finance Committee takes up $500,000,000 for TransCanada

In its first hearing on the bill that would provide $500 million dollars to TransCanada to help with the development of a natural gas...

Cowdery steps down as chariman of the Legislative Council

Anchorage Republican Senator John Cowdery – under federal indictment on conspiracy and corruption charges – today resigned his powerful position as chairman of the...

Chignik processing plant burns down

A processing plant in the Alaska Peninsula village of Chignik has been destroyed by fire.  Tony Gorman, KSDP - Sand Point Download audio

Gasline bill ready for House vote

The House tomorrow  will take up – and vote on -- the bill authorizing a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to North...

Dead whales turn up in Cook Inlet

At least three dead whales turned up in the Lower Cook Inlet area over the weekend.  Scientists with the North Gulf Oceanic Society, or...

Legislature back at work in Juneau

The legislature this weekend is finishing up a five-day break with members set to return to their special session dealing with a natural...

Court rules against Yup'ik as an historically written language

A Federal Judge has ruled that Yup'ik is not an historically written language. The ruling is part of a lawsuit brought on by Yup'ik...

Alaska babies at higher risk for congenital heart conditions

A new study shows babies born in Alaska are at much greater risk for congenital heart conditions, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and other major...

Governor Hickel hospitalized

Former Governor Wally Hickel was hospitalized early this morning  after complaining of chest pains.  His assistant Malcolm Roberts says Hickel was feeling better by...

NPR-A petroleum lease sale set for October

The Bush administration plans an oil and gas lease sale in the northeastern part of the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPR-A) this October. Steve...

ExxonMobil argues against paying interest on punitive damages

The Anchorage Daily News is reporting ExxonMobil corporation says it should not have to pay $488 million in interest on the punitive damages awarded...

Exxon Mobil says it intends to develop disputed Pt. Thompson field

Exxon Mobil has also said it intends to move ahead with work at the disputed gas field known as Point Thomson.    The company has...

Okmok volcano throws ash 60 miles from evacuated Umnak Island

Image of the eruption of Okmok, taken Sunday, July 13 by flight attendant Kelly Reeves during Alaska Airlines flights 160 and 161. An Aleutian...

Governor asks state public safety chief to step aside

State Department of Public Safety commissioner Walt Monegan was abruptly relieved of his position Friday. Monegan, a 30-year veteran of the Anchorage Police Department...

Special session considers special energy rebate for Alaskans

Legislators today  opened hearings on Governor Palin’s proposal that all Alaskans get a one-time $1200 rebate to help meet high energy costs. Dave Donaldson, APRN...

HHS conducts survey on health care for state seniors

As the percentage of Alaska's 65 and older population rises, the issue of providing long term health care also looms ever larger.  That's why...

Senator Cowdery indicted on Federal corruption charges

State Senator John Cowdery has been indicted for bribery and conspiracy.  The federal charges were made public today.  The Senator is in Juneau for...

Former Governor Hickel asks legislature to reject AGIA

Former Governor Walter Hickel today urged Alaskans to contact their legislators and tell them to vote against Governor Palin's proposed AGIA gas line project...

Stryker brigade at Fort Wainwright prepares for fall deployment to Iraq

Most of the roughly 4,000 men and women that make up the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Stryker Brigade Combat Team are now in Southern...

Second special session begins as legislator complete statewide road show

The legislature began its second special session today to consider whether to approve a license to TransCanada to build a gas pipeline from the...