Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Legislature busy churning out bills for the session

This year’s legislative session is starting to ramp up in Juneau. Lawmakers today  released the first batch of bills available for consideration...

U.S. Supreme Court will hear case on Kensington Mine tailings

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Monday on a case that decide if the Kensington Gold Mine can discharge tailings in a...

PFD not a sure thing this year

While all of us are applying for our Permanent Fund dividends and wondering how large the checks will be in October, legislators and analysts...

Weyrauch to appeal his case to the US Supreme Court

Former State Representative Bruce Weyhrauch plans to appeal his corruption case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Weyhrauch was originally scheduled to go to trial...

Cold weather eases enough for US Cross Country Ski Championships to resume

The final day of racing at the US Cross Country Ski Championships in Anchorage went ahead today. Half of the races had to be...

Cold spell winding down across the state

The National Weather Service is predicting an end to the cold snap. Meteorologist Bob Fischer in Fairbanks says warmer temperatures and clouds from...

New Congress, new debate over ANWR

The new session of Congress is only in its first week, and already it faces two competing bills dealing with the Arctic National Wildlife...

Bob Poe declares intention to run for governor

Former Commissioner of Administration Bob Poe says he is ready to become the first candidate in the 2-thousand 10 race for governor. Before his...

Begich sworn in as U.S. Senator

Former Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich was sworn in today in the Senate chambers.  He’s the first Democrat to represent Alaska in nearly 30 years....

Crab fisherman overboard and missing northwest of Cold Bay

A crab fisherman aboard the Kodiak-based Seabrooke fell overboard this morning when his foot got tangled in a line while he was setting pots...

Continued deep freeze postpones U.S. Cross Country Ski Championships

Subzero temperatures have canceled a third day of competition of the U.S. Cross Country Ski Championships in Anchorage. Races took place on Monday, but...

National ski races underway in Anchorage after cold delays

Cross country skiers in Anchorage for the National Championships finally got the chance to race this afternoon. Temperatures far below zero postponed the competition...

Extended cold snap puts interior Alaska to the test

National Weather Service Meteorologist Cory Bogel in Fairbanks says a high pressure ridge continues to pump frigid air from the Yukon Territory into the...

Claman replaces Begich as Anchorage mayor

In Anchorage, this was an historic weekend. Like other communities, residents celebrated the 50th anniversary of the signing of the proclamation for Alaska statehood....

Legislators want to know why Alaska gasoline is so expensive

Alaska gas prices remain the highest in the nation, and some legislators say they want to do something about it. A legislative research report...

Pipeline reopens after overnight shutdown

The trans-Alaska oil pipeline has reopened after an overnightshutdown and tankers began taking on oil at the Valdez tanker dock after the weather calmed...

State gets Federal funds to stave off foreclosure crisis

Alaska has almost twenty million dollars in federal funds to help neighborhoods wh buy kamagra online ere foreclosures and declining home values are a problem....

Deadline arrives for seniors Medicare drug benefits program

Tomorrow  is the deadline for seniors to sign up for prescription drug benefits from Medicare.  Under the system set up by Congress, if you're...

Anchorage preps for big 50th Anniversary of statehood celebration

On January 3rd, 1959 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Alaska's statehood proclamation. The ceremony was the culmination of Alaska's struggle to become the 49th...

Fire shuts down refinery in Valdez

A large fire has shut down the Petro Star refinery in Valdez. The fire was extinguished early this morning. 32 firefighters responded from the...