Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Stevens prosecutors replaced amidst ethics accusations

The Justice Department has replaced the lawyers who prosecuted former Senator Ted Stevens with a new team for the post-trial proceedings. They've been accused...

Murkowski delivers Republican message opposing Democrats’ stimulus bill

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski delivered the Republican response to President Obama's weekly radio address Saturday. She spoke against the nearly $790 billion economic stimulus...

Cruise lines cited for excessive air pollution

As state lawmakers look at a bill that would loosen waste water restrictions for cruise ships, State regulators have cited 8 cruise ships for...

Stimulus package appears on its way to passage

The US House passed the massive Economic Stimulus package this morning. The Senate is expected to follow tonight. Just how much money will come...

Judge in Stevens trial holds Justice Department lawyers in contempt

A federal judge has found a team of Justice Department lawyers in contempt for failing to turn over documents to attorneys for former Senator...

State says no evidence of price gouging in fuel markets

The Department of Law today  released the results of an investigation that found no indication of collusion or other illegal pricing activity in the...

Stimulus bill close to passage in DC; millions for Alaska projects

The massive economic stimulus package under debate in Washington is moving toward final passage in the U.S. Congress. Democratic leaders in the House and...

Palin takes questions on federal stimulus, more

Governor Sarah Palin addressed the federal stimulus package and a range of other issues in an hour-long press conference that was open to any...

Attorney General Talis Colberg resigns

Attorney General Talis Colberg has resigned his office in the wake of a state Senate action Friday that found nine state employees in Contempt....

Alaska Legislature may repeal 2005 retirement benefits changes

The state legislature this week will debate a proposal to repeal the new retirement system for the state's employees and teachers that passed in...

Legislature considers ‘Bullet Line’ for natural gas project

It took four resolutions in the State House today to assemble a comprehensive opinion on a so-called "Bullet Line" -- a natural gas pipeline...

Obama will appoint White House tribal issues advisor

President Barack Obama plans to appoint an advisor on tribal issues to his senior White House staff. First Lady Michelle Obama made the announcement...

State Senate holds Todd Palin and 8 others in contempt

The state Senate today found nine state employees and Governor Palin’s husband Todd  in Contempt for not conforming to legislative subpoenas last fall as...

Legislators grill Palin administration over supplemental budget cuts

The Palin administration today began explaining the effects of the proposed cuts to the current year’s budget. In her plan, more than $13 million...

U.S. House votes to delay DTV conversion deadline

The switch to digital television will be delayed. The U.S. House voted today to postpone the date on when TV broadcasters must switch off...

Stimulus package may mean thousands of Alaskan jobs

8,700 jobs -- that’s what the White House says the economic stimulus package could mean for Alaska. A study released this week shows Alaska...

Legislature challenges Governor Palin’s budget numbers

The Palin administration faced its first challenges today to the supplemental budget the governor introduced earlier this week. The Supplemental Budget makes changes to...

Alaska lawmakers grapple over stimulus package

As the US Senate forges into a large file of amendments to the economic stimulus bill this week,  the state legislature opened debate today...

Native leaders fight for their piece of the stimulus package pie

As the US Senate debates the economic stimulus bill this week, groups from all over the country are clamoring to see their priorities included. ...

Governor sends budget amendments to the legislature

The Palin administration is asking the legislature to make some changes to the budget that was approved last year. While much of the Supplemental...