Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A square building with red bottom

Anchorage emergency rooms can’t handle number of patients needing psychiatric care

Emergency rooms in Anchorage hospitals cannot keep up with the numbers of patients needing psychiatric care. It's a problem that's pushing people experiencing acute mental crises into more traditional ER's, overburdening staff, delaying care to other patients, and straining an already thin system. Listen now
A wooden dilapidated building

Alaska spent millions. So why is this historic building still a wreck?

The Jesse Lee Home is a nearly century-old former children's home and the birthplace of the Alaska state flag. The nonprofit Friends of the Jesse Lee Home had millions in grants and more than a decade to fix it up, but they now say time is running out. The problem, according to state officials, is that the group mismanaged state funds. Now the Jesse Lee Home is closer than ever to being demolished. Listen now

In murder of ‘all-American’ Palmer teen, first alleged accomplice goes on trial

Prosecutors say Erick Almandinger, 18, was part of a small group of teenage accomplices in David Grunwald's beating, kidnapping and execution. Almandinger's attorney says it's true his client failed to stop the others, but that he isn't guilty of murder. Listen now

Firefighters mop up 250-acre wildfire in Delta

Firefighters mopped up the remains of a 250-acre wildfire Sunday that busted out two days earlier in a largely residential area near Delta Junction. Listen now

Legislature passes state budget before adjourning

There would be $5.4 billion spent on the part of the operating budget the Legislature focuses on. It’s $433 million higher than the current budget. Listen now

Firefighters battle residential blaze in Delta Junction

Firefighters from around the Interior are battling a 30-acre wildfire by a residential area in Delta Junction this afternoon. Listen now

Emergency Alert System sends test warning

An emergency tsunami warning alert that went out over the air was just a test. Listen now

Senate votes to end mandatory release of low- and moderate-risk defendants

Under the Senate’s amendment, judges would be able to order bail for all defendants. The change isn’t final; it’s up to the House to accept or reject, possibly sending it to conference committee. Listen now

Alaska LNG project president says he’s done ‘preaching to the non-believers’

The president of the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corporation says he's no longer bothering to convince skeptics that the project is real, and it's moving forward. Listen now

Senate seeks to revive Juneau Access and Knik Arm projects through capital budget

The Senate’s capital budget also doesn’t include Medicaid funding that state officials say is needed by next week to pay health care providers. Listen now

Senators urge Sweeney to be tough at Interior

Alaskan Tara MacLean Sweeney faced no resistance at a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing today on her nomination to be assistant Interior secretary for Indian Affairs. Listen now

Lawmakers pass permanent fund draw, spar over PFD effect

For the first time in the Alaska Permanent Fund’s 40-year history, the Legislature has adopted a plan to draw money from the fund to pay for state government. Gov. Bill Walker says he’ll sign it. Listen now
Methamphetamine. (Photo via

Is meth back in Alaska? Or did it never leave?

Methamphetamine is appearing in the state at greater volumes than ever before, and being used in riskier ways. Listen now

Sample sales present snag for overhaul of state alcohol laws

Until last week, alcohol sellers and others were in agreement over the need to make legal changes. Listen now

State corporation announces tentative deal with BP to buy gas for Alaska LNG project

The agreement is one of many the state corporation is negotiating to get the project online by 2025. Listen now

Why are so many fighter pilots leaving the Air Force?

A global demand for pilots is sapping the Air Force of some of its most costly personnel, causing billions of dollars in losses that are expected to get worse. Listen now

As the U.S. moves to open ANWR to drilling, Canada says ‘not so fast’

As part of their strategy going forward, opponents to drilling in ANWR are looking beyond Washington, D.C. and across U.S.-Canada border for support. Listen now

Energy Secretary Rick Perry visits the Kodiak Archipelago

While on a recent day trip to Kodiak to tour the community’s electrical grid that’s almost entirely powered by renewable energy, Senator Lisa Murkowski and the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, hopped on a plane and took a quick detour to the small community of Old Harbor. Listen now

Legislature’s plan to draw from permanent fund is silent on PFDs

Under this compromise bill, the Legislature would have to set PFD amounts each year, or it would have to set a formula through a different bill.