Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

a man in a black uniform with the yellow letters NTSB holds a propellor of a crashed airplane

New planes will bring regular service back to Unalaska, Ravn says, but not until next month

In a statement Thursday, RavnAir Alaska said the company will fly Dash 8 planes to Unalaska, starting "sometime during the week of November 4th."

New proposed LNG project would ship gas from North Slope to Asia on ice-breaking tankers

Qilak LNG plans on shipping gas on ice-breaking tankers from fields in Point Thomson.

Former PenAir owners say Unalaska crash raises questions about new operator’s standards

Through last week, U.S. commercial airlines -- distinct from the smaller bush planes that carry Alaskans to rural villages -- had gone a full...

Former state lawyer sues over being fired, saying she couldn’t sign Dunleavy “pledge of loyalty”

Former assistant public advocate Kelly Parker filed the lawsuit in Anchorage Superior Court on October 8th, against Dunleavy, his former chief of staff Tuckerman Babcock, and the state.

Environmental group wants SEC to investigate Pebble Mine developer for insider trading

An environmental group is warning federal regulators about a series of stock trades and communication centered around the company attempting to develop the Pebble Mine.

With flights expected to resume in Unalaska, shaken crash survivors contemplate getting back on a plane

Passenger flights, which have been mostly grounded, are expected to resume this week.
An adult man stands with a group of people speaking into a microphone in front of signs that say "Defend the Sacred"

Pushed by young people, AFN declares a climate emergency

The convention's final day saw a lot of attention on climate change, as well as shortcomings in public safety, and remarks by both U.S. senators.

After PenAir crash, air travel tentatively expected to resume, Unalaska port returns to normal

The airplane that ran off Unalaska's runway on Thursday, killing one passenger and injuring at least 11 more, has been moved from the crash site, allowing...

Recall moves to the fore the second day of the AFN convention in Fairbanks

Groups that do not usually wade into contentious state political battles are taking a stance on recall effort.

Passenger on Unalaska flight recounts crash landing: ‘He’s not going to stop — we’re going into the water’

Patrick Lee, 57, was on the plane returning home with his wife, daughter and granddaughter Thursday night. He said the approach was bumpy, though the pilot managed to get the plane on the ground.

PenAir Plane crashes in Unalaska; one person is dead, others critically injured

One passenger has died and another has been medevaced to Anchorage for further treatment after a PenAir airplane arriving from Anchorage went off the runway at Unalaska's airport on Thursday evening.
An Alaska Native man in a black sweatshirt stands and speaks

Protest, policy critiques mark first day of Fairbanks AFN

As the year’s Alaska Federation of Natives Convention began Thursday in Fairbanks, this year’s theme — “Good Government, Alaskan Driven” — loomed large.
A white woman sits at a desk speaking

“I’m going to come off my high horse.” Alaska’s Republican senators inch closer compromise on dividend

Why hasn’t Alaska solved the problem of what to do about the permanent fund dividend? A long-term solution faces major political obstacles.

As recall effort looms, can Gov. Dunleavy ease tensions with Alaska Native groups?

With a recall campaign in limbo, this week's convention could preview some of Dunleavy's next steps when it comes his tense relationship with a potent Alaska Native voting bloc.

Forest Service recommends lifting Roadless Rule for the Tongass

Alaska’s congressional delegation has long pushed for the full exemption in the state — saying there needs to be more access to timber and energy opportunities in the region.

Learning Yup’ik on the go: a new language app for Bristol Bay

People learning Yup’ik now have another way to practice — a new Yup’ik language app aiming to help them develop their skills outside the classroom. The goal is to revitalize the language in Bristol Bay.

When it comes to cruise ship passengers, how much is too much? Visitor industry insiders differ.

While some Alaska communities and tour operators look to expand their foothold in the cruise industry, others voice concern about the need for serious conversations about how much is too much.

APD officer charged with assault after video recorded incident

The confrontation was uploaded to YouTube by the victim, an online activist with a record of strong anti-police sentiment. It led to an internal investigation, and the officer is on administrative leave.

A new menace for Anchorage dogs: river otters

“If I hadn't intervened," the dog's owner said. "I'm certain that they would have killed her."
An aerial view of green farmland with a mountainous backdrop.

LISTEN: Who will answer Mat-Su police calls? A task force has a few ideas

A rise in crime and cuts to Alaska State Troopers have pushed the Matanuska-Susitna Borough to consider new ways to provide more law enforcement in the borough.