zz Alaska's Energy Desk


A swampy tundra area as seen from above

Feds request public input on National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska oil leasing

The federal government is asking the public for input on this year's oil and gas lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), an Indiana-sized area of land on the North Slope. Listen now

How bold? Governor’s climate action team talks emissions reduction goals and education

Governor Bill Walker’s Climate Action Task Force met Wednesday to discuss a draft document that could influence the state’s climate change policy in the future. Listen now

Endangered Species Act overhaul could put Alaska’s polar bears in crosshairs

The Trump administration announced revisions to the Endangered Species Act to make it easier for developers to navigate the law. Environmental groups criticized the proposal. Listen now

AK: The journey of Alaska’s go-to man in China

It took a lot of work for Alaska to break into the Chinese market. One man has been at it for decades: Yingdi Wang, the Chinese-born, American citizen who is the state’s go-to guy in China. Listen now

Inuit Circumpolar Council signs guide for Arctic action for the next four years

The meeting concluded with the signing of the Utqiaġvik Declaration, which will guide the ICC’s work for the next four years. Listen now
A gravel road in a treed area

More Y-K Delta tribes protest Donlin Mine as permitting process progresses

Six tribes have passed resolutions against the proposed mine in the past two months; and eight have spoken out against it in the last two years. Listen now

Utqiaġvik barbecue connects people to scientific research next door

A science presentation may seem like a hard sell on a Saturday night… but less so if you turn it into a chance to eat and see friends. Listen now

The Big Thaw: Fishermen in Kodiak cope with record low cod numbers

The cod population in the Gulf of Alaska is at its lowest level on record. The culprit is a warm water mass called "the blob" that churned in the Pacific Ocean between 2013 and 2017. Listen now

As lands uplift, a wetland refuge in Juneau is losing ground

The land right outside Rue’s house is fairly new. And there’s a geologic explanation for why the view has changed so much since his kids were small. Listen now

Did ‘the blob’ heat the Bering Sea enough to threaten your fish sticks?

The blob is gone now, but warm water remains to the north in the Bering Sea. Scientists are pondering potential effects on fish like pollock, which are processed into things like fish sticks and McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches. Listen now

BLM projects ‘insignificant’ impact from seismic work in ANWR

Officials from the Bureau of Land Management expect "no significant impact" from a 3d seismic survey in the Arctic Refuge. They expect to approve the request in time for work to begin this winter. Enviros say the work could disturb denning polar bears. Listen now

Science program tries to make amends after sending mixed signals to native youth in Y-K Delta

Last year, Jasmine Gil, a young scientist from Bethel who participated in Polaris, said that the group marginalized her project because it relied on traditional knowledge. Now, the organization is trying to make amends. Listen now
An oil rig at Prudhoe Bay.

Using data as a carrot, Alaska hopes to entice interest in oil lease sale

The state of Alaska is offering oil companies a sneak preview on three North Slope areas it’s putting up for bid at this year’s oil and gas lease sale. Listen now

Experiments in Northern Alaska seek to improve projections for a changing Arctic

"What we’re trying to do is make better predictions so that we can basically provide policy-makers with more useful, actionable information." Listen now

Alaska’s draft climate action plan includes carbon tax on page 43

Governor Bill Walker’s Climate Action Leadership Team has been discussing a robust draft plan to tackle climate change. Listen now

Six Y-K Delta communities clean up household waste with help from Donlin Gold

This is the first time that the Green Star program has helped out in the Y-K Delta. Before then, villages stored household waste in a container and waited for the barges to come in the spring. Listen now

New roads in the Tongass? Forest service signs off on state’s ask

On Thursday, the U.S. Forest Service announced it signed an agreement with the state -- officially kicking off that process. Listen now

As Alaska’s climate team floats carbon pricing, not everyone jumps on board

Governor Bill Walker’s Climate Action Leadership Team met yesterday in Anchorage to discuss its draft climate action plan, which recommends Alaska consider a carbon tax. But the plan is not a consensus document, and not every member of the team thinks pricing carbon is a good idea. Listen now

Southeast Alaska residents react to Roadless Rule announcement

“You got to look at the impacts on wildlife as well as people who live here,” said Mike Douville. Listen now