zz Alaska's Energy Desk


A side view of a polar bear in snow

New data on Chukchi Sea polar bears leads to subsistence harvest level increase

Native hunters in Alaska are about to see an increase in the number of polar bears they can harvest from the Chukchi Sea bear population. Listen now

Comment period extended for draft Donlin reclamation plan

A state agency is extending the deadline for the proposed Donlin mine’s draft reclamation plans. The project would be one of the biggest gold mines in the world. Listen now

Interior official: ‘millions’ more acres in NPR-A to open for oil development

An Interior Department official says the Trump administration is moving to open "millions" more acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, or NPR-A, to oil development. Listen now

Hundreds of dying seabirds found in Bering and Chukchi seas

Since May, hundreds of dead and dying seabirds have been found across the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas. Listen now

Alaskans may soon be able to finance energy improvements through their utility bills

The utility loans could cover a range of upgrades including solar panels, higher efficiency appliances, and switches in heating fuel systems. Listen now

Biggest-ever earthquake recorded on North Slope

A large earthquake was recorded on the North Slope, 52 miles southwest of Kaktovik, at around 7 a.m. Sunday morning. Listen now

Decades-old federal policy placed Newtok in the path of climate change

Some advocates say it’s largely because of federal policy that some of these villages are so vulnerable to climate change in the first place. Listen now

What can Alaska learn from Connecticut’s green bank?

Establishing an Alaska green bank is one of the goals included in a draft policy, which is expected to be submitted to the governor next month. Listen now

The mysterious case of Alaska’s strange sockeye salmon returns this year

From exceptionally strong to exceptionally weak runs, sockeye salmon leave scientists scratching their heads this year in Alaska. Listen now

In Utqiaġvik, a growing erosion problem may soon outpace local efforts to slow it

"We know that the berm isn’t the long-term solution," Scott Evans with the North Slope Borough said. "But that’s what we have the ability to do right now. So that’s what we’re continuing to do because we know it’s slowing everything down." Listen now
A swampy tundra area as seen from above

Major oil development planned in NPR-A to get ‘streamlined’ environmental review

The Bureau of Land Management has kicked off the environmental review process for what could be one of Alaska's biggest future oil developments, in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. The Trump administration wants to make that process go faster. But environmental groups worry a faster review won't do enough to protect the Arctic wilderness. Listen now

Cash from Congress will boost Alaska-based system that protects planes from volcanic ash

A $12 million budget boost from Congress will help modernize the instruments that protect transcontinental jet planes from threats posed by volcanic ash. Listen now

Murkowski accepts climate change. What will she do about it?

Sen. Murkowski is a Republican who goes out of her way to talk about climate change and says we need to reduce emissions. But climate advocates say her deeds don’t match her words.

New study says global models sharply underestimate permafrost emissions

Some scientists said the study, published in the journal Nature Communications, underscores the limitations and uncertainties of climate modeling – and how policymakers might need to take more aggressive steps if they want to keep global temperatures under control. Listen now

Arctic explorer harasses eagle during stop in Unalaska

Nico Edwards joked it would be good publicity if one of his crewmembers was attacked by an eagle in Unalaska. Then he posted an Instagram video or himself trying to touch a raptor perched on a dumpster. That type of interaction with an eagle is illegal. Listen now

Voters may have ousted two of Alaska’s top legislators, as House remains up for grabs

Tuesday’s primary election didn’t answer one of the biggest questions about the future of the Alaska Legislature: whether the state House will stay under the control of a mostly-Democratic coalition next year. But it did yield several surprises, including three stunning upsets that could send two of the state’s most powerful legislators packing.

Company hints North Slope oil field could be larger than first estimated

Oil Search told investors this week that the Pikka development could hold 750 million barrels of oil, increasing its original estimate by 50 percent. Listen now

Shipping titan Maersk sends company’s first container ship to test trans-Arctic trade route

The world’s largest container shipping company is about to send its first cargo vessel across the Arctic. It’s a small step, but a significant one in the expansion of trade in Arctic waters as ice recedes due to climate change. Listen now