Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Wesley Early covers Anchorage life and city politics for Alaska Public Media. Reach him at wearly@alaskapublic.org and follow him on X at @wesley_early. Read more about Wesley here.
An open Parking lot with various cars in it and trees surrounding.

Anchorage Assembly delays vote on putting millions towards homeless navigation center

While the funding won't be in front of the body until May, members did amend the project to reduce the shelter's bed capacity from 200 to 150.
The Anchorage Assembly chambers at the Z. J. Loussac Public Library in Anchorage.

Filing period opens Tuesday for special election to fill 12th Anchorage Assembly seat

After years of being the only Anchorage district to have one seat, District 1, which represents Downtown, will have a second Assembly member to represent the area.
A tan building

Mobile crisis team and school resource officers among budget revisions passed by Anchorage Assembly

A little under $1 million of the added funding comes from unspent alcohol taxes from last year. Assembly member Forrest Dunbar says the increase in spending from general property taxes falls under the tax cap.
The Anchorage Assembly chambers at the Z. J. Loussac Public Library in Anchorage.

Mayor Bronson selects Robert Hudson as third pick to lead Anchorage library

Unlike Bronson’s first two picks, Hudson does have a master’s degree in library science.
An aerial view of a parking lot next to some woods.

Anchorage officials and private funders agree to put $13M toward addressing homelessness crisis

The money will go toward four new projects to serve the more than 700 people who have been using the Sullivan Arena for more than two years, along with local hotels.

Interior Department opens 27 million acres for Alaska Native Vietnam veteran land allotments

Veteran Nelson Angapak applauded Interior Secretary Deb Haaland for her outreach to the state’s Native Vietnam vets. "We’re grateful that through her efforts and the efforts of the Department of Interior and Bureau of Land Management, the land base for our veterans has expanded," said Angapak.

Interior Secretary Haaland still undecided on King Cove Road after village visit

During her trip, Haaland said, she heard from residents about the importance of the road due to various transportation and medical challenges. As of now, she said, she’s made no decision on the road project. 

Anchorage Assembly likely to maintain progressive supermajority as 3 incumbents hold off challengers

East Anchorage Assembly member Forrest Dunbar, West Anchorage member Kameron Perez-Verdia and Midtown Anchorage member Meg Zaletel faced a slate of well-funded conservative challengers this year, with Mayor Bronson throwing his support behind unseating the incumbents.

Anchorage lifts mask requirements for public transportation

The move comes a day after a federal judge in Florida struck down a directive from the Biden administration requiring masks on public transportation like buses and airplanes. 
Dave Bronson speaks with the media

Anchorage Mayor Bronson to start using Assembly-approved budget, after months of ignoring it

In December, the Assembly overrode vetoes from Mayor Dave Bronson to pass the budget. However, Bronson’s administration hasn’t been following that budget, and some programs aren’t getting the funding they expected.

South Anchorage’s Randy Sulte is the sole conservative to unseat an Assembly incumbent this year

This will be the first political office for Sulte, a conservative with a background in the oil and gas industry who was backed by Mayor Dave Bronson.

City officials plan listening sessions for proposed homeless shelter in East Anchorage

The new shelter would cost an estimated $9 million and house 200 people, though officials say an additional 130 beds could be added in case of an emergency surge. The navigation center would also connect people with job resources as well as substance abuse treatment. 
A white man in a suit and glasses speaks into a microphone on a podium in front of some flags

Anchorage mayor proposes adding $5M to police and fire budgets

The city says it's receiving more money than it predicted in room rental and alcohol taxes, something Assembly officials anticipated when putting together their budget in December.

Conservative Kevin Cross poised to replace Crystal Kennedy on Anchorage Assembly

A political newcomer, 48-year-old Cross has worked in construction and real estate, and served as president of the Anchorage Board of Realtors.
a person waves while holding a sign on a snowy day

Incumbent South Anchorage Assemblyman John Weddleton concedes to challenger Randy Sulte

“The seat I have served from for six years belongs to South Anchorage," Weddleton said. "I respect the decision of the voters to give that opportunity to Randy.”

Most Anchorage incumbents keep lead as more ballots counted, but Sulte widens lead over Weddleton

All incumbent Assembly and School Board candidates maintained their leads over their conservative challengers, except for South Anchorage Assemblyman John Weddleton.
a person smiles while holding a sign that say "Forrest" on a snowy day. Others behind him wave and hold signs that say "Forrest Dunbar - Assembly - dedicated leadership"

More results are in: Most Anchorage incumbents maintain lead, school bonds now narrowly failing

The gap also widened for the only incumbent losing his race so far. Assemblyman John Weddleton is now 347 votes behind Randy Sulte.
a person waves while holding a couple signs that say "Kameron" on a snowy day

Initial Anchorage election results show most incumbents holding off challengers

The first tally includes just over 41,300 ballots. There are still thousands of ballots yet to be counted.

Anchorage residents rally for police accountability, 3 years after APD killing of Bishar Hassan

“For me, it was receiving energy from the community," said Abdira Haman, a relative of Hassan's. "I see that motivation, courage and power, that I realize that the community, they are with us all the way.”