Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage

Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
Rachel Waldholz covers energy and the environment for Alaska's Energy Desk, a collaboration between Alaska Public Media, KTOO in Juneau and KUCB in Unalaska. Before coming to Anchorage, she spent two years reporting for Raven Radio in Sitka. Rachel studied documentary production at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and her short film, A Confused War won several awards. Her work has appeared on Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Marketplace, among other outlets.
rwaldholz (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8432 | About Rachel

Shell seeks to extend drilling rights off Alaska

The company filed an appeal on Tuesday, asking the federal government to reconsider extending its drilling rights in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, which are set to expire by 2020. Download Audio

For Alaskans in Paris, climate talks hit home

Alaskans were among the thousands of people who gathered in Paris over the last two weeks for international climate change talks. APRN spoke with several about why they made the trip. Download Audio

Gov calls for permanent fund overhaul, income tax, cuts to PFD

Gov. Bill Walker released his plan for dealing with the state's mammoth budget deficit. It includes Alaska's first income tax since 1980, and a complete overhaul of the permanent fund -- effectively cutting PFD checks in half next year. Download Audio

Gov’s budget plan adds income tax, reduces PFD

Gov. Bill Walker released his battle plan today for dealing with the state's behemoth budget deficit. It includes Alaska's first income tax since 1980, and a complete overhaul of how the state uses the permanent fund -- effectively cutting PFD checks in half next year.

Expensive state negotiator is out as gas line reshuffle continues

Rigdon Boykin, the South Carolina attorney who made up to $120,000 a month in his role as the lead negotiator on the Alaska LNG project, is no longer working for the state.

Lawmakers on prowl for cheaper digs in Anchorage

With a budget crisis prompting cuts across the state, the high rent at the Legislative Information Office has become an embarrassment for lawmakers. They are actively scouting for alternatives. Download Audio
This illustration shows what a liquefaction plant could look like. (Source: Alaska LNG)

State and oil companies OK another year of LNG pursuit

The state and its three oil company partners - ExxonMobil, BP and ConocoPhillips -- voted unanimously late Thursday afternoon to continue work on the project, which aims to bring natural gas from the North Slope to the Kenai Peninsula for export. Download Audio

Murkowski declares ANWR wilderness bill ‘dead on arrival’

A pair of Democratic senators have introduced a bill to designate parts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a permanent wilderness area, prompting outrage from Alaska Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski.

Report recommends limited changes to oil tax credits

The state paid out more than half a billion dollars in refundable tax credits this past year -- and gave up another half a billion in credits deducted from companies' tax liabilities. Download Audio

New rules may help small energy projects sell to the grid

New rules could make it possible to develop more alternative energy in Alaska, by making it easier for independent projects to sell their power to the grid. Download Audio

With replacements and resignation, Walker consolidates control of gas line project

You don't normally associate "state gas line corporation" and "drama" - but this weekend, the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corporation was the source of all kinds of drama. Download Audio:

Fauske resigns as president of state gas line corporation

Dan Fauske has resigned as president of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation. It follows other recent changes at the corporation, which is responsible for Alaska's share of the proposed $45 to $65 billion project to bring natural gas from the North Slope.

Walker replaces 2 on gas line board ahead of crucial vote

Gov. Bill Walker is once again shaking up the state's gas line team. On Friday, Walker replaced two of seven board members for the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, or AGDC. Download Audio

Conoco advances project in NPR-A; Independents snap up North Slope leases

ConocoPhillips announced today (Nov. 18) that it will move ahead with construction of a $900 million project in the North Slope's National Petroleum Reserve. And small independent companies collectively spent $9.5 million for the right to drill on state land on the North Slope.

Statoil will exit Alaska, following Shell

Norwegian oil company Statoil said Tuesday (Nov. 17) that it will end exploration efforts in the Chukchi Sea and close its Anchorage office. The decision comes just two months after Shell ended its quest to drill in the Arctic Ocean, citing disappointing results at its first well. Download Audio

Gas line team reshuffle puts scrutiny on high salaries

As the state prepares to take a larger role in the Alaska LNG gas line project, its leadership team is once again in flux. The changes are bringing new attention to the salaries involved -- including one negotiator who has been paid about $120,000 a month since June. Download Audio

Feds take public comment on Hilcorp’s offshore Liberty project

Shell may have given up on drilling off Alaska's coast, but federal regulators are now taking public comment on another -- though very different -- offshore drilling proposal. Download Audio

With Alaska LNG project, how secret is too secret?

The Alaska legislature officially gaveled out of its third special session this year. The House and Senate united behind Gov. Bill Walkers bid to buy out TransCanada. But the session was also marked by divides, especially over how much of the project should be kept secret. Download Audio

House approves TransCanada buyout

With a unanimous vote in the House on Wednesday, the Alaska legislature has approved Gov. Bill Walker’s request to end the state’s partnership with TransCanada -- and take a larger role in the project to build a natural gas line from the North Slope. Download Audio

Senate votes to buy out TransCanada, take larger stake in Alaska LNG

The State Senate voted 16 to 3 on Tuesday, Nov. 3, to buy out TransCanada and take a larger stake in the Alaska LNG gas pipeline project. Download Audio