Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage

Rachel Waldholz, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage
Rachel Waldholz covers energy and the environment for Alaska's Energy Desk, a collaboration between Alaska Public Media, KTOO in Juneau and KUCB in Unalaska. Before coming to Anchorage, she spent two years reporting for Raven Radio in Sitka. Rachel studied documentary production at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and her short film, A Confused War won several awards. Her work has appeared on Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Marketplace, among other outlets.
rwaldholz (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8432 | About Rachel

Lawmakers ask, who’s in charge of gas line? Walker says, I am

As the legislature closes out the first week of its special session on the Alaska LNG gas line project, there’s one question in the air -- what’s the hold up? But Republican leaders in the House say they’re not yet ready to take a vote -- and they won’t be until they’re convinced the state has a plan to take over TransCanada’s role in the project. Download Audio

Lawmakers: TransCanada buyout likely, but is state ready?

Lawmakers say it’s all but inevitable they'll approve the governor’s request to buy out TransCanada and take a larger stake in the Alaska LNG project. But they are raising concerns about the state’s ability to take the company’s place. Download Audio

Walker proposes Permanent Fund overhaul to cover deficit

Gov. Walker wants to overhaul the way Alaska uses the Permanent Fund. His plan would turn the state’s various savings accounts into a kind of endowment, using their earnings to fund state operations. Download Audio

Lawmakers scrutinize risks, rewards of TransCanada buyout

Buying out TransCanada puts the state on the hook for $7 billion more in construction costs if the Alaska LNG project ends up going forward. But the governor and his team argue it’s worth it to get more control -- and perhaps more revenue down the line. Download Audio

Lawmakers scrutinize risks, rewards of TransCanada buyout

Buying out TransCanada puts the state on the hook for $7 billion more in construction costs if the Alaska LNG project ends up going forward. But the governor and his team argue it’s worth it to get more control -- and perhaps more revenue down the line. Download Audio

The North Slope puzzle: more gas means less oil

A presentation from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission reminded lawmakers that taking natural gas from Prudhoe Bay will mean producing less oil.

To buyout, or not to buyout? The Legislature debates

The Legislature is meeting in Juneau this week for a special session on the Alaska LNG project -- that’s the proposal to build a giant natural gas pipeline from the North Slope. The big question before lawmakers this session is whether the state should take a larger stake in the project, by buying out one of its partners. Download Audio

Lawmakers relieved as Gov. Walker removes contentious gas reserves tax from agenda

Lawmakers are in Juneau this week for a special session on the state’s massive gas line project. The session may be a little less contentious - and a little shorter - than expected, after the Governor pulled one item on the agenda, at the last minute.

What is Alaska LNG? Part 2: Meet the liquifaction plant

If it goes forward, the Alaska LNG project is expected to cost a whopping $45-$65 billion -- and roughly half of that cost would be a giant liquefaction plant. APRN's Rachel Waldholz visited an LNG plant, to find out what all the fuss is about.
Gov. Bill Walker at a press conference in the Capitol, Oct. 23, 2015. He announced that he was dropping a proposed natural gas reserves tax from the special session agenda. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

Gov pulls reserves tax from special session

Gov. Bill Walker has pulled a controversial reserves tax from consideration during the legislature’s special session, after receiving assurances from the state’s partners in the Alaska LNG project that should any one company pull out, it would not withhold its gas from the project.

What is the Alaska LNG project? We break it down: Part 1

Lawmakers are heading to Juneau to discuss the Alaska LNG project - a so-called "gigaproject" with a price tag of $45-$65 billion. But if you're like a lot of Alaskans, you might be a little fuzzy on the details. So we break it down. Download Audio

Walker: I’ll pull reserves tax if AKLNG partners cement withdrawal agreement

With two days to go until the session opens, it’s already off to a testy start. Download Audio
The sun sets on the Polar Pioneer in Unalaska's Broad Bay in 2015. (Photo by John Ryan, KUCB - Unalaska)

Obama Administration cancels offshore lease sales, citing lack of interest

The Interior Department won't auction off drilling rights in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in the next two years. The auctions would have been the first in the Arctic Ocean since 2008, and the first under President Obama. Download Audio

Hearing ends 26 years of litigation over Exxon Valdez oil spill

The state and federal governments have decided not to pursue a final $100-million from ExxonMobil over its 1989 oil spill in Prince William Sound. Download Audio

State, feds won’t pursue $92M more in ’89 Exxon Valdez spill

The state and federal governments have decided not to pursue $92 million in additional damages from Exxon Mobil Corp., citing the recovery of ducks and sea otters in Alaska's Prince William Sound following a devastating oil spill more than two decades ago. Download Audio

With $3B budget deficit, lawmakers eye oil tax credits

With the state facing a deficit next year of more than $3 billion, lawmakers face the always vexing question of what can be cut. One option on the table is reducing tax credits for oil and gas companies. Download Audio

Why did Shell walk away from Alaska?

Shell’s announcement left the state wondering what to blame -- low oil prices? Tough regulations? Better prospects elsewhere? In other words, is it us -- or is it Shell? Download Audio

Walker, Chenault spar over AK LNG session agenda

Later this month, state lawmakers will convene for their third special session of the year -- this time to discuss the Alaska LNG project. But with just two weeks to go, they have yet to see the legislation they'll be discussing - Gov. Bill Walker hasn't released it. Download Audio

Arctic Energy Summit focuses on both fossil fuels and renewables

Representatives from across the circumpolar North are meeting this week in Fairbanks for the Arctic Energy Summit. Download Audio