Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

DeVos opponents press Sullivan

Parents and activists who don’t want to see Betsy DeVos confirmed as U.S. Education secretary are hitting the streets and the phone lines, around the country and in Alaska. Listen now

Senators stick by Trump, but how close?

WASHINGTON - Alaska’s U.S. senators helped President Trump fill out his cabinet this week, but in different degrees. With a new, colorful president in the White House, each of them has to decide how close to stand to the standard-bearer of their party. Listen now

Murkowski says she’ll vote ‘no’ on DeVos; Sullivan to vote ‘yes’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced Wednesday she will vote “no” on the confirmation of Betsy DeVos to be Education secretary, after intense pressure from her constituents. But Alaska’s two U.S. senators are split over DeVos. Listen now

Murkowski votes to advance DeVos, angering Alaska school advocates

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski Tuesday morning voted in the Education Committee to send President Trump's choice for education secretary to the full Senate for a vote. But Murkowski says she hasn't yet decided how she'll ultimately vote on the confirmation of Betsy DeVos. Listen now
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Wrangell business owner held up at LAX due to Trump travel order

Wrangell fisherman and business owner Syliva Ettefagh said she, her husband and friends were returning from a vacation in Costa Rica this weekend when she got held up at Los Angeles International Airport. Ettefagh has been an American citizen since birth. She was born in Iran, to an American mom and an Iranian dad, before that country’s Islamic Revolution. Listen now

Alaska congressional delegation avoids criticizing refugee ban

Sen. Lisa Murkowski issued a statement on President Trump’s controversial refugee ban that avoids both endorsement and criticism. Meanwhile, Sen. Dan Sullivan supports the president's order, and Rep. Don Young's office put out a supportive statement. Listen now

Alaskans show the flag at Washington March for Life

It was another day of massive demonstration in Washington, D.C. today, this time for the annual March for Life. We caught up with a contingent from Eagle River, and a Catholic chaplain from Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson. Listen now

Planned Parenthood applauds Sen. Murkowski for going against ‘global gag rule’

Planned Parenthood is praising U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski for signing onto a bill that would permanently repeal what’s known as the “global gag rule" or the "Mexico City Policy." Listen now

Murkowski praises Trump pipeline initiatives

On Jan. 24, President Donald Trump signed memos aimed at advancing two controversial pipelines and speeding environmental reviews of other energy projects. Listen now

Activism as endurance test: Alaskans march on DC

Hundreds of Alaskans flew across the country to participate in the massive Women’s March on Washington. Here's how one Juneau protestor coped with the pink-hatted hordes. Listen now

In throng on Capitol grounds, hundreds of Alaskans celebrate Trump

Hundreds of Alaskans are in Washington, D.C. today to celebrate Donald Trump’s inauguration as president. For some, Trump's election was the fulfillment of their grandest wishes. Others, not so much. Listen now

For US senators, it’s all in the question

U.S. senators take a variety of postures as they question cabinet nominees at confirmation hearings. Some interrogate. Some toss softballs. Many grandstand. Alaska’s two senators stuck to a few time-honored tactics as the engaged with nominees. Listen now

Young to have front-row seat as Trump takes oath

If you plan to watch Donald Trump get sworn in, look for Alaska Congressman Don Young on your screen. The Congressman said he’ll likely have a high-profile seat. Listen now

Interior pick firmly against fed land transfer, with wiggle room for Alaska

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Interior Department sat for a confirmation hearing today. Sen. Lisa Murkowski used the opportunity to condemn the Obama administration, which she says has treated Alaska like a park and tried to safeguard it from Alaskans. She pressed Rep. Ryan Zinke to review Obama's environmental decisions in Alaska. Listen now

‘What’s the plan?’ Senators say ACA replacement in the works

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly promised to “repeal Obamacare and replace it with something great.” Early this morning the U.S. Senate took an initial step toward repeal. As for the replacement, Alaska’s two senators describe something still in the formative stages. Listen now

Arizona senator on a pork hunt targets Kodiak

Alaska’s congressional delegation cheered last year when the Missile Defense Agency awarded an $80 million contract to the Kodiak missile launch facility. But in the U.S. Senate this week, the contract was at the top of one Republican senator’s pork list. Listen now

Murkowski says repeal, replace should coincide

President-elect Donald Trump today leaned on Congress to quickly get rid of President Obama’s signature heath care law. But Lisa Murkowski is among five Republicans in the U.S. Senate sponsoring an amendment to slow the repeal. Listen now

How Alaska had this Trump nominee shaking

Wilbur Ross, the nominee for Commerce secretary, is a billionaire investor, a specialist in distressed industries. But does this New Jersey–born Floridian know anything about Alaska? Sen. Dan Sullivan says he's learned Ross was in the state on one fateful afternoon in 1964. Listen now

Miners dislike BLM’s ‘balanced’ plan for Eastern Interior

You could consider it a zoning decision of landscape proportions: The U.S. Bureau of Land Management completed a planning document for Alaska’s Eastern Interior. The most contentious part of the plan is the Forty Mile Mining District, which includes the towns of Eagle and Chicken. Listen now

At hacking hearing, Sullivan steers clear of Russia

Sen. Dan Sullivan often warns colleagues about Russia's military threat. But at a hearing on Russia's pre-election hacking, Sullivan didn’t discuss Russia at all. Listen now