Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Young’s idea: ‘Wall bonds’

Rep. Don Young is no fan of President Trump’s plan to build a border wall. But if you like it, Young says he knows a way you could pay for it. Listen now

3 things to know about the GOP health care bill in Congress

A Republican bill to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act is advancing in the U.S. House. Its effects across the country are uneven. Here are three things an Alaskan should know about the proposed American Health Care Act. Listen now

Trump takes in ‘all things Alaska’

Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan brought their case for developing Alaska’s resources to the Oval Office. Murkowski said they met with President Trump Wednesday for nearly an hour. Listen now

Senators make budget plea for Coast Guard

Both of Alaska’s U.S. senators wrote the White House budget director Wednesday asking him to spare the Coast Guard from the budget ax. Listen now

Amid buzz on health bill, Murkowski keeps quiet

Two U.S. House committees are about to take up a Republican replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Lisa Murkowski could turn out to be a swing vote, willing to break with her party to keep Medicaid expansion and funding for Planned Parenthood. What does she make of the House bill? She's not saying. Listen now

ACA replacement bill has skimpier tax credits for Alaskans

U.S. House Republicans have released their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. Their plan would defund Planned Parenthood and phase out Medicaid expansion. It offers tax credits to help people buy insurance, but the credits are far less generous to Alaskans than the subsidies in existing law. Listen now

Murkowski, Sullivan diverge on Sessions

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday he will not involve himself in any investigation of foreign interference in last year’s election. Sen. Lisa Murkowski was among several Republicans who called on him to recuse himself. Listen now

With new Interior secretary, renewed hopes for King Cove road

Former Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke rode a horse to his first day of work in Washington, D.C. today. He’s the new secretary of the Interior. The position is an important one for Alaska, where more than 60 percent of the land is owned by the federal government. Listen now

EPA funds for Native water projects could disappear under Trump administration

The White House wants to eliminate Environmental Protection Agency funds for water projects in Alaska Native villages. That’s according to a story in the Washington Post Wednesday (March. 1). It said the Trump administration’s plans for the EPA budget also include trimming grants to states by 30 percent and eliminating climate-change initiatives. Listen now

Alaska delegation gives Trump speech good reviews

President Trump gave a restrained speech to Congress Tuesday night. He said little about energy or the environment. But Alaska's congressman and U.S. senators liked a lot of what they heard. Listen now

EPA budget cut could slow permits, slash grants

President Trump reportedly wants the EPA budget cut 25 percent. There’s no word yet on where exactly the budget ax will fall, but Alaska has a lot at stake: The state received $78 million last year from the EPA in grants and contracts. Listen now

Light on Trump, Sullivan aims for optimism

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, in his annual address to the Alaska Legislature, barely mentioned President Trump, and he did not bring up the issues that drove demonstrators to the steps of the state Capitol today: Trump’s policies on immigration and refugees, and the Affordable Care Act. Sullivan did, though, directly quote a different president - Teddy Roosevelt. Listen now

Spicer says feds likely to boost enforcement of anti-marijuana laws

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said today he expects the Department of Justice will step up enforcement of federal marijuana laws. No details yet on how this will affect states that have set up recreational marijuana industries. Listen now

Murkowski looks at Trump, sees resource development

Sen. Murkowski is skeptical of some of President Trump's actions, but in a speech to the Alaska Legislature, Murkowski portrayed the Trump administration as an opportunity for resource development. She also says she won't vote to defund Planned Parenthood or repeal Medicaid expansion. Listen now

Veteran of Alaska campaigns said to be in line for White House job

Multiple news outlets report Mike Dubke is about to be named as President Trump’s new communications director. The Washington-based political strategist has worked on several Alaska campaigns, including those of Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan. Listen now

U.S. House lifts restrictions on predator hunting in Alaska refuges

On Thursday (Feb. 16) the U.S. House approved a bill to lift Obama administration restrictions on hunting and trapping of bears, wolves and other predators on federal wildlife refuges in Alaska. Listen now

Rep. Young joins motley cannabis caucus

Alaska Congressman Don Young says he’s never smoked marijuana. But Young says he wants to change federal law to help marijuana entrepreneurs do business. The issue has Young joining forces with congressmen of different stripes. Listen now

Predator reg debate veers from ‘puppy killing’ to ‘bull poop’

Republicans in the U.S. House, trying to roll back environmental rules of the Obama Administration, have turned to a rule that prohibits several methods of hunting predators in Alaska's National Wildlife Refuges. Amid talk of “puppy killing,” Alaska Congressman Don Young argued it’s up to the state to manage wildlife populations. Listen now

Rep. Young named ‘chairman emeritus,’ loses power of the gavel

For most of the past 20 years, Alaska Congressman Don Young has been either a committee or subcommittee chairman. But now he wields no gavel. Listen now

Alaska senators ultimately split as DeVos becomes Education secretary

The U.S. Senate today (Feb. 7) voted to confirm Betsy DeVos as Education secretary. DeVos is the only one President Trump’s cabinet nominees so far to face serious trouble on the Senate floor. Senators were evenly divided, 50 to 50, and Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaker in favor of confirmation. Alaska’s two senators were split. Listen now