Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.

Alaska US senators split on diverting military spending to border wall

Alaska has four projects worth $102 million that would be delayed in favor of the wall. The projects include an upgrade to a weapons range and power plant repairs at Eielson Air Force Base, as well as an expansion of a missile field at Fort Greely.

Alaska senators circumspect after release of Trump’s Ukraine transcript

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On Wednesday, Alaska's senators weren't taking a firm stand for or against President Trump after the White House released a rough transcript of the phone conversation that triggered a push in...

LISTEN: Congressman Young responds to impeachment inquiry

Sen. Lisa Murkowski called the accusations that Trump may have pressed the Ukrainian leader to investigate a political rival “very concerning,” while Sen. Dan Sullivan said he can’t comment until he knows the facts.

‘Concerning,’ ‘No comment’: Alaska senators respond to impeachment controversy

The senators responded to allegations that President Trump, in a phone call this summer, may have pressured the leader of Ukraine to investigate one of Trump's political rivals, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Alaska remote diesel generators win exemption from pollution rule

The exemption would allow remote Alaska utilities to emit more particulate pollution than power plants elsewhere.

Seattle council votes to withhold business from oil companies that explore Arctic Refuge

The Seattle City Council voted Monday to avoid doing business with any company that that leases land in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to explore for oil. Council Member Mike O’Brien sponsored the resolution. “The attempt here...

US House votes to block drilling in Arctic Refuge; bill unlikely to become law

Two hundred and twenty-five members voted to block oil development in the refuge, while 193 voted against the bill.

Rural Alaska clinics depend on broadband. What happens when it goes out?

In rural Alaska, broadband is vital for health care delivery, but an outage sends clinics back in time.

Playing characters from Anchorage’s past gets complicated when relatives are in the audience

In Anchorage, barely a hundred years old, the dead aren't so long departed, and public performances of "Stories in the Cemetery" often draw relatives of portrayed Alaskans.

Lawsuit claims Cook Inlet exploration would diminish endangered belugas

Two environmental groups are suing the Trump administration for its decision allowing Hilcorp to disturb beluga whales as it explores Cook Inlet for offshore oil and gas.

Alaska AG joins Supreme Court brief saying transgender bias isn’t illegal

Alaska has joined more than a dozen other states asking the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the rights of a Michigan funeral home that fired an employee for coming out as transgender. It's one...

Dunleavy sends letter encouraging potential Pebble investor

Officially, Gov. Dunleavy is neutral on the Pebble mine. But a letter he wrote to a potential investor in the controversial project calls his neutrality into question.

Will EPA veto Pebble? Boss of agency says it’s not his call

During a recent trip to Alaska, the head of the EPA spoke on several topics, but he said nothing about the hottest topic involving the EPA and Alaska: the proposed Pebble Mine.

Pentagon scraps Fort Greely missile plan

The Pentagon is canceling a project to improve its ground-based missile interceptors, most of which are housed at Fort Greely in the Interior of Alaska.

Alaskan Joe Balash resigns as assistant secretary of Interior

Joe Balash is one of the highest placed Alaskans in the Trump administration.
smoke billows from a spruce forest, seen from above

This August is extremely abnormal, and fire likes it

Usually by August, peak fire season has passed. But fire and climate experts say conditions in Southcentral Alaska were nearly perfect for fire this weekend, from the sky to the dry forest floor.

Enviros say new rules weaken Endangered Species Act. Interior says they enhance it.

The Interior Department announced Monday that it has finalized new rules for carrying out the Endangered Species Act. Sec. David Bernhardt describes the changes as improvements. Environmental groups say the new regulations weaken the Endangered Species Act.

Russian nuclear power plant afloat in Arctic causes anxiety across Bering Strait

Russia has produced the world's first floating nuclear power plant. A barge mounted with nuclear reactors is expected to begin traversing the Arctic this month, bound for the Chukotka Peninsula. Across the Bering Strait, Alaskans are worried about radiation, though one Arctic security expert also sees room for optimism.

New Izembek land swap? New lawsuit, too.

The Wilderness Society and eight other environmental groups have filed a new lawsuit to block a road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. For nearby King Cove, it's the latest in a long series of legal and political hurdles, dating back decades.

Conduct of Denali Commission staffer draws scrutiny

The Denali Commission is awaiting results of an investigation into the conduct of one of its staff members.