Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Liz here.
Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski speaking to the media

Murkowski and Sullivan diverge on Trump immunity ruling

Sen. Sullivan says the decision upholds constitutional principles. Sen. Murkowski notes that the cases against Trump are still proceeding.

Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat sues to overturn NPR-A rule

The lawsuit aims to void development restrictions in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. A new Supreme Court decision may give it a boost.
sign posted on green grass says "sign here" and says ranked choice voting "get rid of it"

Witnesses say petitions to repeal Alaska’s election system were mishandled

The trial opened Monday in a lawsuit seeking to block a ballot measure that would repeal ranked choice voting and restore partisan primaries.
The community of Ambler along the Kobuk river as seen from the air

Sullivan amendment to defense bill would revive Ambler Road

The Biden administration nixed a proposal to build a road to the Ambler mining district. Sen. Sullivan wants to override that decision.
A sign in a grassy field reads "Vote here today."

Justice Department says Alaska is discriminating against voters with disabilities

Muddy parking lots, ramps that don't meet the ground, inoperable voting machines — and that's in the cities, Justice Department says.
a woman talks into a microphone at a podium on stage

Coalition of labor and Alaska Native leaders throws its weight behind Peltola

Alaska Jobs Coalition announced a $500,000 ad campaign. It's an independent expenditure group and doesn't have to disclose its donors.
former President Donald Trump claps his hands as a crowd around him cheers and holds their cellphones up

Trump announces his pick in Alaska’s U.S. House race: Dahlstrom

The former president chose Alaska's lieutenant governor over fellow Republican Nick Begich. Trump claims Begich has "Democrat tendencies."
Night photo featuring domed capitol.

Murkowski votes with Democrats on IVF bill. Sullivan joins most GOP senators to block it.

Alaska's senators say they support the reproductive technology, but they split on a Democratic "show us who you are" vote.
the trans-Alaska pipeline

Environmental groups ask feds to reconsider the trans-Alaska pipeline and plan for its removal

Petitioners say the climate impact of oil merits another look at the pipeline that transformed Alaska. Gov. Dunleavy responded with derision.
ballot document

Sponsors of petition to repeal Alaska’s ranked choice voting score a partial win in court

A lawsuit claims repeal petition sponsors made serious mistakes when they gathered signatures. Part of the case is still pending.
a portrait of a woman

Murkowski votes to advance Democrats’ ‘messaging’ bill on contraception rights

Only two Republicans crossed the aisle. Sen. Dan Sullivan didn't vote on the birth control bill, which is now stalled.
a woman in the u.s. capitol

At Senate hearing, Murkowski reaffirms support for abortion rights

Alaska's senior senator doesn't always vote as abortion advocates would like. Democrats are raising the issue as an election strategy.
images of three people

Pro-Dahlstrom PAC announces $5M ad buy in Alaska’s U.S. House race

A PAC linked to House Speaker Johnson is planning to run ads in Alaska's three largest cities. A dozen candidates are in the race.
woman with long hair and glasses

Peltola sponsors a bill to limit salmon bycatch. The pollock industry calls it ‘unworkable.’

The bill would restrict bottom trawling. Another would boost grants for research. But Peltola acknowledges Congress is unlikely to pass them.
A man stands in front of a window.

Meet Scott Kendall, father of Alaska’s ranked choice voting and lightning rod for the right

Kendall also filed a lawsuit challenging the homeschool reimbursement program. He draws a lot of right-wing ire.

Peltola defies party with votes on border enforcement and arms for Israel

Alaska's congresswoman voted with Republicans on border bills and to prevent the Biden administration from halting aid to Israel.
A man in a suit speaks in a microphone.

Alaska U.S. House candidate Begich gets Freedom Fund endorsement

Nick Begich III gained the endorsement of the House Freedom Fund. He says he's not sure he'd join the hard-right caucus if elected.
ship in icy waters

The U.S. was supposed to get keys to a new heavy icebreaker this year. Instead, construction is years late as costs soar.

The cost to build three Coast Guard icebreakers is 250% higher than initially projected. The first cutter is delayed until at least 2029.
woman in striped jacket

Peltola reverts to pro-fish stance with a new anti-Pebble Mine bill and a surprise vote on Alaska drilling 

She voted “present” on a bill she co-sponsored, illustrating the difficult line she walks as a pro-subsistence, pro-energy Democrat.
woman on boat with video camera pointed at her.

Alaska Rep. Peltola stuns home region by defending Donlin gold mine, a project she used to oppose

Democrat Mary Peltola joined Alaska's U.S. senators on a legal brief defending the mine in a lawsuit brought by Kuskokwim tribes.