Alanna Elder, KFSK - Petersburg

Alanna Elder, KFSK - Petersburg

AK: One year after tragedy, stakes are high for Kake VPSOs

Like many communities in Alaska, the Village of Kake has an on-again, off-again history of local law enforcement. A year after the tragic death of a teenage girl – a case that still hasn’t been solved – the lights in the Village Public Safety Office are now back on. At least, they will be again in November, when the VPSOs return from training. Listen now

Kake to reuse historic cannery for tourism

The Organized Village of Kake is working to turn its historic cannery into a tourist destination. The tribal government has already worked to save the buildings in the complex, so the next step is to bring the buildings up to code so the community can use them. Listen now

AK: Safari Quest returns to Petersburg

A cruise ship that used to stop in Petersburg will be using the small town as its home port this summer. Its tour company is the latest of several to add the town to an itinerary peddling the authentic Alaskan experience. Listen now

Petersburg celebrates Memorial Day weekend derby-free

Memorial Day weekend was quieter than past years for several small towns in Southeast. Slumping king salmon numbers and a ban on sport fishing in inside waters drove Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan to cancel their annual king salmon derbies. Listen now