Alaska News Nightly: January 29, 2008

Tonight in Alaska news... Governor Palin says she would not veto a bill to move legislative sessions to Anchorage.  Also, Former Governor Frank Murkowski...

Talk of Alaska: The Future of Islam

Alaska Pacific University and other sponsors have put together a public discussion project called Engaging Muslims and are bringing speakers on Islam to the...

Alaska News Nightly: January 28, 2008

Tonight in Alaska news... The Alaska Legislature considers whether to amend the state's Constitution -- to protect oil companies from fluctuating gas taxes. Plus,...

Tissue engineering for human organ use

Dr. Virna Sales of Children's Hospital, Boston joins Dr. Woodard to discuss efforts being made towards the development of tissue engineered heart structures. National Science...

Algo Nuevo: January 27, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the Jan 27, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New. If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

Traveling Music: January 27, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the Jan 27, 2008 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the...

Soul to Soul: January 26, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the Jan, 26 2008 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed below...

AK: Adoption

This week on AK we take a look at adopting children overseas and adopting culture right at home. We'll meet a grandmother who's parenting...

Alaska News Nightly: January 25, 2008

Today in Alaska news, Alaska's congressional delegation files a brief in support of Exxon Valdez plaintiffs, while Senator Ted Stevens weighs in on the...

AWAC Presents: Harold Heinze

Harold Heinze arrived in Prudhoe Bay six months after its discovery in Alaska. Former president of ARCO Alaska, today Heinze is the chief...

Stage Talk: Il Trovatore and Bridgman/Packer Dance

Image and reality collide in Bridgman/Packer Dance. This week General Manager of the Anchorage Opera, Torrie Allen returns to Stage Talk with actor/singer, Roland...

Night Music: January 24, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the Jan 24, 2007 edition of Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following...

Alaska News Nightly: January 24, 2008

Today in Alaska news...Congress takes up reform of 19th century mining law while The Board of Game gets set to discuss the denning of...

Alaska News Nightly: January 23, 2008

Today in Alaska news... Kodiak's Gabrielle LeDoux stops fundraising for her Congressional campaign under threat of Republican excommunication while Nome's House representative Richard Foster...

Alaska Radio Reader Rambler: The Big Read

The Anchorage library director, Karen Keller and The Big Read coordinator, Barbara Brown join hosts Sandy and Dick for discussion on The Big Read...

Alaska News Nightly: January 22, 2008

Today in Alaska news... Senator Murkowski brings Indian health care problems to the U.S. Senate floor and the Alaska legislature confronts a formal call...

Talk of Alaska: ConocoPhillips' gas line proposal

Alaska lawmakers have announced they want to take a look at ConocoPhillips' alternative plan for a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope. ...

Alaska News Nightly: January 21, 2008

The Legislature picks up the pace. Also, a fuel shipment to Nikolski is aborted under high winds, and the Priblilof Islands struggle economically ....

Line One: Stress

Christine Sam from Good Samaritan Counseling Center in Anchorage joins Dr. Woodard to discuss the effects of stress and what can be done to...

Algo Nuevo: January 20, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the Jan 20, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New. If you have questions, comments or music requests for...