State of Art: Anchorage garage band Outta Place is ready to rock your garage sale

This week on State of Art we're hearing from members of Anchorage band Outta Place. Father son duo Duke and Shane Russell have been playing music together forever, but with more musicians in the mix and gig opportunities returning, they’re champing at the bit to take audiences on a musical journey.
Image of a full back tattoo, called "Fire and Ice"

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, March 26, 2020

What the massive national stimulus package means for Alaskans. Plus: Stylists and tattoo artists aren't working right now, but most don't qualify for unemployment. And, a bartender in Sitka creates a virtual experience for his customers.

The future of Alaska’s megaprojects

The six so called megaprojects that Governor Walker put on hold soon after taking office have already received millions in state and federal funds but would take billions to actually complete. Where would the money come from? If the state stops them completely will the federal money have to be repaid? APRN: Tuesday, 8/4 at 10:00am Download Audio

ACES: How to reshuffle when the cards are stacked against children

KSKA: Wednesday, February 1 at 2 pm and 8 p.m. New research documents the impact of stress on children's developing brains, as well as the long-term social and economic impacts. Join us for hopeful findings on how to reshuffle the cards for better outcomes. LISTEN NOW

Stage Talk: Dueling Scrooges

See Dich Reichman in Eagle River and Wayne Mitchell in Anchorage, both playing Ebenezer Scrooge in two different productions of Charles Dicken's A Christmas...

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, January 25, 2024

Feds say traffickers targeted Alaska's cities and far-flung communities. Plus, a price tag on the impacts of climate change in rural Alaska.

Alaska News Nightly: November 12, 2007

The House raises the base rate on oil taxes; Former representative Tom Anderson now has a date set for beginning his prison sentence for...

Forensic Audit Finds No Legal Wrongdoing But Faults Process

The independent consultant conducting the forensic audit released last week revealed no evidence leading to legal action against former Mayor Mark Begich and his...

Talk of Alaska: Holiday Greetings

Long-time Alaskans know that in this state, even in the most remote places, you're likely to run into somebody you know. Our holiday program invites...

Algo Nuevo: April 13, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the April 13, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New.If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

Ambassador Henry MacDonald

Suriname Ambassador to the U.N., Henry MacDonald's talk on "Climate Change: Forest Conservation in the Republic of Suriname and the Way Forward" was recorded at the Alaska World Affairs Council on December 2, 2011.

Algo Nuevo: May 11, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the May 11, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New.If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

Iditapod: The 2017 Iditarod

In Episode 4, we take a look at the 2017 Iditarod, including: The race route from Fairbanks to Nome, big rule changes, mushers to watch, the ceremonial start, and we answer a few questions from our listeners.

Talk of Alaska: Creating Jobs for Rural Alaska

Alaskans have been telling the Agriculture Department what they think needs to be done to create jobs in rural areas. And now those...

AK: Hot Springs

For many residents of Tenakee Springs, in Southeast Alaska, life revolves around the community bath house, which is fed by the hot springs that give the town its name. Now, this old local institution is receiving a very 21st century renovation, as local people have raised money to convert the building to geothermal heat, putting a modern spin on the town’s ancient resource.

Chad Carpenter’s Sudsy Slim Rides Again

Chad Carpenter, creator of the world famous Tundra comic strip, is foraying into his second adventure into the world of film as writer and producer of Sudsy Slim Rides Again. (His first film was Moose the Movie.) Carpenter, who says of Sudsy, "it's a film about Alaskans made in Alaska by Alaskans" drops by Stage Talk this week to talk about the film, Tundra, and how he has manged to balance both worlds. Sudsy Slim Rides Again opens in the Valley Cinema in Wasilla April 20 with four shows a day until the cows come home. KSKA: Friday, April 20 at 2:45pm Thanks for listening!
A tent on a dirt trail next to a creek

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Members of the Alaska legislature praise an apparent four-billion dollar error in Governor Dunleavy's veto strategy. And, Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson’s homeless shelter plan draws mixed reactions. Plus, why bumblebees are doing so well in Alaska.

Alaska Radio Reader Rambler: Alaska State Council on the Arts

On this month's edition of Alaska Radio Reader Rambler, hosts Sandy Harper and Dick Reichman talk to Charlotte Fox about the role of the...

Anchorage Edition: March 18, 2011

Each week, KAKM gathers commentators for a review of the week’s news, politics and public affairs...

Line One: Brain Development

Dr. Douglas Fields is an internationally recognized authority on neuron-glia interactions, brain development, and the cellular mechanisms of memory. He joins Dr. Woodard on...